2006-02-08 -- method AsteriskVariable#init_caller_variable updated to have correct callerid -- method ReturnStatus#timeout? updated 2006-01-16 (revision 23) -- ruby-agi-1.1.0 released -- method calleridnumber added and is generated from callerid -- method calleridname gets name from callerid method, currently I found asterisk returns nothing because of missing agi_calleridname -- method jump_to added 2006-01-10 (revision 22) -- following files added to svn repository ruby-agi-1.0.1.gem ruby-agi-1.0.2.gem Release-Notes ruby-agi-1.0.2.tgz 2006-01-09 (revision 21) -- gemspec file updated to work properly with ruby-1.8.3 2006-01-08 (revision 20) -- ruby-agi-1.0.1 released 2006-01-08 (revision 19) -- examples/call_log.rb added 2006-01-08 (revision 18) -- ruby-agi-0.0.2.gem removed from subversion repository 2006-01-08 (revision 17) -- Started to maintain ChangeLog !!