require 'json' module Origen module Registers # The register class can be used to represent not only h/ware resgisters, # but really any entity which has an address and data component, such as a specific RAM location.
# Any registers instantiated through Origen::Registers#add_reg are instances of this class. # # All methods in BitCollection can also be called on a Reg object. class Reg include Origen::SubBlocks::Path include Origen::SubBlocks::Domains # These attributes can be defined on a register at definition time and will get applied # to all of its contained bits unless a specific bit has its own definition of the same # attribute REG_LEVEL_ATTRIBUTES = { feature: {}, reset: { aliases: [:res] }, memory: {}, path: { aliases: [:hdl_path] }, abs_path: { aliases: [:absolute_path] }, access: {} } # Returns the object that own the register. # ==== Example # $soc.reg(:blah).owner # Returns the $soc object attr_reader :owner alias_method :parent, :owner # The base address of the register, this will be set dynamically # by Origen based on the parent's base address attr_accessor :base_address attr_writer :address # :nodoc: # Returns an integer representing the number of bits in the register attr_reader :size # The register name attr_accessor :name # Any feature associated with the register attr_accessor :feature attr_accessor :grows_backwards # :nodoc: attr_accessor :lookup # :nodoc: # Returns a full path to the file in which the register was defined attr_reader :define_file # Returns any application-specific meta-data attatched to the given register attr_accessor :meta alias_method :meta_data, :meta alias_method :metadata, :meta # If the given register's reset data is backed by memory, the memory address can # be recorded in this attribute attr_accessor :memory # Normally shouldn't be called directly, instantiate through add_reg # Upon initialization bits are stored as follows: # @bits - # An array of bit objects in position order, @bits[5] corresponds # to the bit as position r # @lookup - # A Hash lookup table for quickly accessing bit objects by name # @lookup = { :bit_or_bus_name => {:pos => 3, :bits => 4} } def initialize(owner, address, size, name, options = {}) # :nodoc: @owner = owner @address = address @size = size @bits = [] @lookup = {} @name = name @init_as_writable = options.delete(:init_as_writable) @define_file = options.delete(:define_file) REG_LEVEL_ATTRIBUTES.each do |attribute, _meta| instance_variable_set("@#{attribute}", options.delete(attribute)) end @description_from_api = {} description = options.delete(:description) if description @description_from_api[:_reg] = description.split(/\r?\n/) end @meta = default_reg_metadata.merge(options.delete(:meta) || {}) # Initialize with unwritable bits that read back as zero, can override this # to make all writable by default by setting the :init_writable option to true @size.times do |n| @bits <<, n, writable: @init_as_writable, undefined: true) end add_bits_from_options(options) end def freeze bits.each(&:freeze) # Call any methods which cache results to generate the instance variables # before they are frozen address super end def bind(bitname, live_parameter) unless live_parameter.respond_to?(:is_a_live_parameter?) && live_parameter.is_a_live_parameter? fail 'Only live updating parameters should be bound, make sure you have not missed .live in the path to the parameter!' end @parameter_bound_bits ||= {} @parameter_bound_bits[bitname] = live_parameter end def has_parameter_bound_bits? @parameter_bound_bits && !@parameter_bound_bits.empty? end def update_bound_bits @updating_bound_bits = true @parameter_bound_bits.each do |name, val| bits(name).write(val) end @updating_bound_bits = false end def updating_bound_bits? @updating_bound_bits end def inspect bit_width = 13 desc = ["\n0x%X - :#{name}" % address] r = size % 8 if r == 0 desc << (' ' + ('=' * (bit_width + 1) * 8)).chop else desc << (' ' + (' ' * (bit_width + 1) * (8 - r)) + ('=' * (bit_width + 1) * r)).chop end # "<#{self.class}: #{}>" num_bytes = (size / 8.0).ceil num_bytes.times do |byte_index| # Need to add support for little endian regs here? byte_number = num_bytes - byte_index max_bit = (byte_number * 8) - 1 min_bit = max_bit - 8 + 1 # BIT INDEX ROW line = ' ' 8.times do |i| bit_num = (byte_number * 8) - i - 1 if bit_num > size - 1 line << ' ' + ''.center(bit_width) else line << '|' + "#{bit_num}".center(bit_width) end end line += '|' desc << line # BIT NAME ROW line = ' ' named_bits include_spacers: true do |name, bit, bitcounter| if _bit_in_range?(bit, max_bit, min_bit) if max_bit > (size - 1) (max_bit - (size - 1)).times do line << ' ' * (bit_width + 1) end end if bit.size > 1 if name if bitcounter.nil? bit_name = "#{name}[#{_max_bit_in_range(bit, max_bit, min_bit)}:#{_min_bit_in_range(bit, max_bit, min_bit)}]" bit_span = _num_bits_in_range(bit, max_bit, min_bit) else upper = _max_bit_in_range(bit, max_bit, min_bit) + bitcounter - bit.size lower = _min_bit_in_range(bit, max_bit, min_bit) + bitcounter - bit.size bit_name = "#{name}[#{upper}:#{lower}]" bit_span = upper - lower + 1 end width = bit_width * bit_span line << '|' + "#{bit_name[0..width - 2]}".center(width + bit_span - 1) else bit.shift_out_left do |bit| if _index_in_range?(bit.position, max_bit, min_bit) line << '|' + ''.center(bit_width) end end end else if name bit_name = "#{name}" txt = "#{bit_name[0..bit_width - 2]}" else txt = '' end line << '|' + end end end line += '|' desc << line # BIT STATE ROW line = ' ' named_bits include_spacers: true do |name, bit, _bitcounter| if _bit_in_range?(bit, max_bit, min_bit) if max_bit > (size - 1) (max_bit - (size - 1)).times do line << ' ' * (bit_width + 1) end end if bit.size > 1 if name if bit.has_known_value? value = '0x%X' % bit.val[_max_bit_in_range(bit, max_bit, min_bit).._min_bit_in_range(bit, max_bit, min_bit)] else if bit.reset_val == :undefined value = 'X' else value = 'M' end end value += _state_desc(bit) bit_span = _num_bits_in_range(bit, max_bit, min_bit) width = bit_width * bit_span line << '|' + + bit_span - 1) else bit.shift_out_left do |bit| if _index_in_range?(bit.position, max_bit, min_bit) line << '|' + ''.center(bit_width) end end end else if name if bit.has_known_value? val = bit.val else if bit.reset_val == :undefined val = 'X' else val = 'M' end end value = "#{val}" + _state_desc(bit) line << '|' + else line << '|' + ''.center(bit_width) end end end end line += '|' desc << line if size >= 8 r = size % 8 if byte_index == 0 && r != 0 desc << (' ' + ('=' * (bit_width + 1) * (8 - r)).chop + ' ' + ('-' * (bit_width + 1) * r)).chop else desc << (' ' + ('-' * (bit_width + 1) * 8)).chop end else desc << (' ' + (' ' * (bit_width + 1) * (8 - size)) + ('-' * (bit_width + 1) * size)).chop end end desc.join("\n") end # Returns a hash containing all register descriptions that have been parsed so far. # # @api private def description_lookup @@description_lookup ||= {} end # Returns any application specific metadata that has been inherited by the # given register. # This does not account for any overridding that may have been applied to # this register specifically however, use the meta method to get that. def default_reg_metadata Origen::Registers.default_reg_metadata.merge( Origen::Registers.reg_metadata[owner.class] || {}) end def bit_value_descriptions(bitname, options = {}) options = { format: :binary }.merge(options) base = case options[:format] when :bin, :binary 2 when :hex, :hexadecimal 16 when :dec, :decimal 10 else fail "Unknown integer format: #{options[:format]}" end desc = {} description(bitname).each do |line| if line =~ /^\s*(\d+)\s+\|\s+(.+)/ desc[Regexp.last_match[1].to_i(base)] = Regexp.last_match[2] end end desc end # Returns the full name of the register when this has been specified in the register # description like this: # # # ** This is the Register Full Name ** # # This register blah blah # # This method will also be called by bit collections to look up the name when # defined in a similar manner in the bit description. # # If no name has been specified this will return nil. def full_name(bitname = :_reg, _options = {}) bitname, options = :_reg, bitname if bitname.is_a?(Hash) desc = description(bitname).first # Capture something like this: # ** This is the full name ** - This bit blah blah if desc && desc =~ /\s*\*\*\s*([^\*.]*)\s*\*\*/ Regexp.last_match[1].strip end end # Escapes brackets and parenthesis. Helper for description method. def escape_special_char(str) str.gsub('[', '\[').gsub(']', '\]').gsub('(', '\(').gsub(')', '\)') if str end # Returns the description of this register if any, if none then an empty array # will be returned # # **Note** Adding a description field will override any comment-driven documentation # of a register (ie markdown style comments) def description(bitname = :_reg, options = {}) bitname, options = :_reg, bitname if bitname.is_a?(Hash) options = { include_name: true, include_bit_values: true }.merge(options) if @description_from_api[bitname] desc = @description_from_api[bitname] else parse_descriptions unless description_lookup[define_file] begin desc = description_lookup[define_file][name][bitname] || [] rescue desc = [] end end desc = desc.reject do |line| if bitname != :_reg unless options[:include_bit_values] !!(line =~ /^\s*(\d+)\s+\|\s+(.+)/) end else false end end if desc.first unless options[:include_name] desc[0] = desc.first.sub(/\s*\*\*\s*#{escape_special_char(full_name(bitname))}\s*\*\*\s*-?\s*/, '') end end desc.shift while desc.first && desc.first.strip.empty? desc.pop while desc.last && desc.last.strip.empty? desc end alias_method :descriptions, :description # @api private def parse_descriptions desc = [] File.readlines(define_file).each do |line| if line =~ /^\s*#(.*)/ desc << Regexp.last_match[1].strip # elsif line =~ /^\s*reg\(?\s*[:"'](\w+)["']?\s*,.*\sdo/ || line =~ /^\s*add_reg\(?\s*[:"'](\w+)["']?\s*,.*/ @current_reg_name = Regexp.last_match[1].to_sym description_lookup[define_file] ||= {} description_lookup[define_file][@current_reg_name] ||= {} description_lookup[define_file][@current_reg_name][:_reg] = desc.dup desc = [] # elsif @current_reg_name && line =~ /^\s*(add_bit|bit|reg\.bit)s?\(?\s*\d+\.?\.?\d*\s*,\s*:(\w+)/ description_lookup[define_file][@current_reg_name][Regexp.last_match[2].to_sym] = desc.dup desc = [] else desc = [] end end end def contains_bits? true end # @api private def add_bits_from_options(options = {}) # :nodoc: # edit Traynor # options is now an array for split bit groups or a hash if single bit/range bits # Now add the requested bits to the register, removing the unwritable bits as required options.each do |bit_id, bit_params| if bit_params.is_a? Hash description = bit_params.delete(:description) if description @description_from_api[bit_id] = description.split(/\r?\n/) end bind(bit_id, bit_params.delete(:bind)) if bit_params[:bind] position = bit_params[:pos] || 0 num_bits = bit_params[:bits] || 1 if @reset if @reset.is_a?(Symbol) bit_params[:res] = @reset else bit_params[:res] = @reset[(num_bits + position - 1), position] end end bit_params[:access] = @access if bit_params[:access].nil? bit_params[:res] = bit_params[:data] if bit_params[:data] bit_params[:res] = bit_params[:reset] if bit_params[:reset] if num_bits == 1 add_bit(bit_id, position, bit_params) # and add the new one else add_bus(bit_id, position, num_bits, bit_params) end elsif bit_params.is_a? Array description = { |h| h.delete(:description) }.compact.join("\n") unless description.empty? @description_from_api[bit_id] = description.split(/\r?\n/) end add_bus_scramble(bit_id, bit_params) end end self end # This method is called whenever reg.clone is called to make a copy of a given register. # Ruby will correctly copy all instance variables but it will not drill down to copy nested # attributes, like the bits contained in @bits. # This function will therefore correctly clone all bits contained in the register also. def initialize_copy(orig) # :nodoc: @bits = [] orig.bits.each do |bit| @bits << bit.clone end @lookup = orig.lookup.clone self end # Returns a dummy register object that can be used on the fly, this can sometimes # be useful to configure an intricate read operation. # ==== Example # # Read bit 5 of RAM address 0xFFFF1280 # dummy = Reg.dummy # Create a dummy reg to configure the read operation # dummy.address = 0xFFFF1280 # Set the address # dummy.bit(5).read!(1) # Read bit 5 expecting a 1 def self.dummy(size = 16), 0, size, :dummy, init_as_writable: true) end # Returns each named bit collection contained in the register, def named_bits(options = {}) options = { include_spacers: false }.merge(options) result = [] # test if @lookup has any values stored as an array # if so it means there is a split group of bits # process that differently to a single bit or continuous range of bits # which are typically stored in a hash split_bits = false @lookup.each { |_k, v| split_bits = true if v.is_a? Array } if split_bits == false current_pos = size # Sort by position descending @lookup.sort_by { |_name, details| -details[:pos] }.each do |name, details| pos = details[:bits] + details[:pos] if options[:include_spacers] && (pos != current_pos) collection = BitCollection.dummy(self, nil, size: current_pos - pos, pos: pos) unless collection.size == 0 if block_given? yield nil, collection else result << [nil, collection] end end end collection =, name) details[:bits].times do |i| collection << @bits[details[:pos] + i] end unless collection.size == 0 if block_given? yield name, collection else result << [name, collection] end end current_pos = details[:pos] end if options[:include_spacers] && current_pos != 0 collection = BitCollection.dummy(self, nil, size: current_pos, pos: 0) unless collection.size == 0 if block_given? yield nil, collection else result << [nil, collection] end end end elsif split_bits == true # if there are split bits, need to convert all register bit values to array elements to allow sorting # if the register has bits split up across it, then store the bits in order of decreasing reg position # but first, stuff all the bits in a simple array, as single bits, or ranges of bits @lookup_splits = [] @lookup.each do |k, v| tempbit = {} bitcounter = {} if v.is_a? Hash # then this is already a single bit or a continuous range so just stuff it into the array tempbit[k] = v @lookup_splits << tempbit.clone elsif v.is_a? Array # if the bitgroup is split, then decompose into single bits and continuous ranges v.each_with_index do |bitdetail, _i| if bitcounter.key?(k) bitcounter[k] = bitcounter[k] + bitdetail[:bits] else bitcounter[k] = bitdetail[:bits] end tempbit[k] = bitdetail @lookup_splits << tempbit.clone end end if v.is_a? Array @lookup_splits.each_with_index do |_e, q| groupname = @lookup_splits[q].to_a[0][0] if groupname == k @lookup_splits[q][groupname][:bitgrouppos] = bitcounter[groupname] if groupname == k bitcounter[groupname] = bitcounter[groupname] - @lookup_splits[q][groupname][:bits] end end end end # Now sort the array in descending order # Does adding the bitgrouppos need to happen after the sort ? @lookup_splits = @lookup_splits.sort do |a, b| b.to_a[0][1][:pos] <=> a.to_a[0][1][:pos] end current_pos = size countbits = {} # if countbits.method == nil @master = {} bitgroup = {} bitinfo = {} info = {} @lookup_splits.each_with_index do |hash, _i| name = hash.to_a[0][0] details = hash.to_a[0][1] bitcounter = hash.to_a[0][1][:bitgrouppos] pos = details[:bits] + details[:pos] if options[:include_spacers] && (pos != current_pos) collection = BitCollection.dummy(self, nil, size: current_pos - pos, pos: pos) unless collection.size == 0 if block_given? yield nil, collection, bitcounter else result << [nil, collection, bitcounter] end end end collection =, name) details[:bits].times do |i| collection << @bits[details[:pos] + i] end unless collection.size == 0 if block_given? yield name, collection, bitcounter else result << [name, collection, bitcounter] end end current_pos = details[:pos] end if options[:include_spacers] && current_pos != 0 collection = BitCollection.dummy(self, nil, size: current_pos, pos: 0) unless collection.size == 0 if block_given? yield nil, collection, bitcounter else result << [nil, collection, bitcounter] end end end end unless block_given? result end end # Returns each named bit collection contained in self def reverse_named_bits(_options = {}) bits = [] named_bits { |name, bit| bits << [name, bit] } bits.each do |bit| yield bit[0], bit[1] end end # Returns an array of occupied bit positions # ==== Example # reg :fstat, @base + 0x0000, :size => 8 do # bit 7, :ccif # bit 6, :rdcolerr # bit 5, :accerr # bit 4, :pviol # bit 0, :mgstat0 # end # regs(:fstat).used_bits # => [0, 4, 5, 6, 7] # # ==== Example # reg :aguahb2, @base + 0x2A, :size => 8 do # bit 5..2, :m0b_hbstrb, :reset => 0x0 # bit 1..0, :m0b_htrans, :reset => 0x2 # end # regs(:aguahb2).used_bits # => [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5] def used_bits(_options = {}) used_bits = [] named_bits do |_name, bit| used_bits << bit.position if bit.size == 1 if bit.size > 1 used_bits << ((bit.position)..(bit.position + bit.size - 1)).to_a end end used_bits.flatten! used_bits.sort! used_bits end # Returns true if any named_bits exist, false if used_bits is an empty array def used_bits?(_options = {}) used_bits.size > 0 end # Returns an array of unoccupied bit positions # ==== Example # reg :fstat, @base + 0x0000, :size => 8 do # bit 7, :ccif # bit 6, :rdcolerr # bit 5, :accerr # bit 4, :pviol # bit 0, :mgstat0 # end # regs(:fstat).empty_bits # => [1, 2, 3] # # ==== Example # reg :aguahb2, @base + 0x2A, :size => 8 do # bit 5..2, :m0b_hbstrb, :reset => 0x0 # bit 1..0, :m0b_htrans, :reset => 0x2 # end # regs(:aguahb2).empty_bits # => [6, 7] def empty_bits(_options = {}) array_span = (0..(size - 1)).to_a empty_bits = array_span - used_bits empty_bits end # Returns true if any named_bits exist, false if used_bits is an empty array def empty_bits?(_options = {}) empty_bits.size > 0 end # Proxies requests from bit collections to the register owner def request(operation, options = {}) # :nodoc: if operation == :read_register object = reader (Origen.top_level || owner).read_register_missing!(self) unless object else object = writer (Origen.top_level || owner).write_register_missing!(self) unless object end object.send(operation, self, options) self end # Returns the object that will be responsible for writing the given register def writer @writer ||= lookup_operation_handler(:write_register) end # Returns the object that will be responsible for reading the given register def reader @reader ||= lookup_operation_handler(:read_register) end # @api private def lookup_operation_handler(operation) # Could have made the controller be the owner when assigned above, but may have run # into problems with the reg meta data stuff reg_owner = owner.respond_to?(:controller) && owner.controller ? owner.controller : owner if reg_owner.respond_to?(operation) reg_owner elsif reg_owner.respond_to?(:owner) && reg_owner.owner.respond_to?(operation) reg_owner.owner elsif Origen.top_level && Origen.top_level.respond_to?(operation) Origen.top_level end end # Returns the relative address of the given register, equivalent to calling # reg.address(:relative => true) def offset address(relative: true) end # Returns the register address added to its current base_address value (if any). # # @param [Hash] options # @option options [Boolean] :relative (false) Return the address without adding the base address (if present) def address(options = {}) options = { relative: false }.merge(options) address = @address domain_option = options[:domains] || options[:domain] @domain_option ||= domain_option unless frozen? # Blow the cache when the domain option changes @base_address_applied = nil unless @domain_option == domain_option unless @base_address_applied # Give highest priority to the original API which allowed the object # doing register read/write to define a base_address method if (writer && writer.methods.include?(:base_address) && writer.method(:base_address).arity != 0) || (reader && reader.methods.include?(:base_address) && reader.method(:base_address).arity != 0) # This currently assumes that the base address is always the same # for reading and writing if writer && writer.respond_to?(:base_address) && writer.method(:base_address).arity != 0 self.base_address = writer.base_address(self) elsif reader && reader.respond_to?(:base_address) && reader.method(:base_address).arity != 0 self.base_address = reader.base_address(self) end else o = owner.is_a?(Container) ? owner.owner : owner d = domain_option || domains if o && o.reg_base_address(domain: d) self.base_address = o.reg_base_address(domain: d) end end @base_address_applied = true end unless options[:relative] address += base_address if base_address end if options[:address_type] Origen.deprecate 'Specifying the address_type of a register address will be removed from Origen 3' case options[:address_type] when :byte address = address * 2 when :word address = address when :longword address = address / 2 else fail 'Unknown address type requested!' end end address end alias_method :addr, :address # Returns true if the register owner matches the given name. A match will be detected # if the class names of the register's owner contains the given name. # # Alternatively if the register owner implements a method called reg_owner_alias # then the value that this returns instead will also be considered when checking if the given # name matches. This method can return an array of names if multiple aliases are required. # # Aliases can be useful for de-coupling the commonly used name, e.g. "NVM" from the actual # class name. # # @example # class C90NVM # include Origen::Registers # # def initialize # add_reg :clkdiv, 0x3, 16, :div => {:bits => 8} # end # # end # # reg = # reg.owned_by?(:ram) # => false # reg.owned_by?(:nvm) # => true # reg.owned_by?(:c90nvm) # => true # reg.owned_by?(:c40nvm) # => false # reg.owned_by?(:flash) # => false # # @example Using an alias # class C90NVM # include Origen::Registers # # def initialize # add_reg :clkdiv, 0x3, 16, :div => {:bits => 8} # end # # def reg_owner_alias # "flash" # end # # end # # reg = # reg.owned_by?(:ram) # => false # reg.owned_by?(:nvm) # => true # reg.owned_by?(:c90nvm) # => true # reg.owned_by?(:c40nvm) # => false # reg.owned_by?(:flash) # => true def owned_by?(name) !!(owner.class.to_s =~ /#{name}/i) || begin if owner.respond_to?(:reg_owner_alias) [owner.reg_owner_alias].flatten.any? do |al| al.to_s =~ /#{name}/i end else false end end end # Returns true if the register contains a bit(s) matching the given name # ==== Example # add_reg :control, 0x55, :status => {:pos => 1} # # reg(:control).has_bit?(:result) # => false # reg(:control).has_bit?(:status) # => true def has_bit?(name) @lookup.include?(name) end alias_method :has_bits?, :has_bit? alias_method :has_bit, :has_bit? alias_method :has_bits, :has_bit? # Add a bit to the register, should only be called internally def add_bit(id, position, options = {}) # :nodoc: options = { data: @bits[position].data, # If undefined preserve any data/reset value that has res: @bits[position].data, # already been applied at reg level }.merge(options) @lookup[id] = { pos: position, bits: 1, feature: options[:feature] } @bits.delete_at(position) # Remove the initial bit from this position @bits.insert(position,, position, options)) self end # Add a bus to the register, should only be called internally def add_bus(id, position, size, options = {}) # :nodoc: default_data = 0 size.times do |n| default_data |= @bits[position + n].data << n end options = { data: default_data, # If undefined preserve any data/reset value that has res: default_data, # already been applied at reg level }.merge(options) @lookup[id] = { pos: position, bits: size } size.times do |n| bit_options = options.dup bit_options[:data] = options[:data][n] if options[:res].is_a?(Symbol) bit_options[:res] = options[:res] else bit_options[:res] = options[:res][n] end @bits.delete_at(position + n) @bits.insert(position + n,, position + n, bit_options)) end self end def add_bus_scramble(id, array_of_hashes = []) array_of_hashes.each do |options| bind(id, options.delete(:bind)) if options[:bind] position = options[:pos] || 0 num_bits = options[:bits] || 1 size = options[:bits] options[:data] = options[:data] if options[:data] options[:res] = options[:reset] if options[:reset] default_data = 0 size.times do |n| default_data |= @bits[position + n].data << n end options = { data: default_data, # If undefined preserve any data/reset value that has res: default_data, # already been applied at reg level }.merge(options) @lookup[id] = [] if @lookup[id].nil? @lookup[id] = @lookup[id].push(pos: position, bits: size) size.times do |n| bit_options = options.dup bit_options[:data] = options[:data][n] bit_options[:res] = options[:res][n] @bits.delete_at(position + n) @bits.insert(position + n,, position + n, bit_options)) end self end end # Delete the bits in the collection from the register def delete_bit(collection) [].flatten.each do |name| @lookup.delete(name) end collection.each do |bit| @bits.delete_at(bit.position) # Remove the bit @bits.insert(bit.position,, bit.position, writable: @init_as_writable)) end self end alias_method :delete_bits, :delete_bit # @api private def expand_range(range) if range.first > range.last range =, range.first) end range.each do |i| yield i end end # Returns the bit object(s) responding to the given name, wrapped in a BitCollection. # This method also accepts multiple name possibilities, if neither bit exists in # the register it will raise an error, otherwise it will return the first match. # If no args passed in, it will return a BitCollection containing all bits. # If a number is passed in then the bits from those positions are returned. # ==== Example # add_reg :control, 0x55, :status => {:pos => 1, :bits => 2}, # :fail => {:pos => 0} # # reg(:control).bit(:fail) # => Returns a BitCollection containing the fail bit # reg(:control).bits(:status) # => Returns a BifCollection containing the status bits # reg(:control).bit(:bist_fail, :fail) # => Returns a BitCollection containing the fail bit # reg(:control).bit(0) # => Returns a BitCollection containing the fail bit # reg(:control).bit(1) # => Returns a BitCollection containing status bit # reg(:control).bit(1,2) # => Returns a BitCollection containing both status bits def bit(*args) # return get_bits_with_constraint(nil,:default) if args.size == 0 constraint = extract_feature_params(args) if constraint.nil? constraint = :default end collection =, :unknown) if args.size == 0 collection.add_name(name) @bits.each do |bit| collection << get_bits_with_constraint(bit.position, constraint) end else args.flatten! args.sort! args.each do |arg_item| if arg_item.is_a?(Fixnum) b = get_bits_with_constraint(arg_item, constraint) collection << b if b elsif arg_item.is_a?(Range) expand_range(arg_item) do |bit_number| collection << get_bits_with_constraint(bit_number, constraint) end else # Reaches here if bit name is specified if @lookup.include?(arg_item) split_bits = false @lookup.each { |_k, v| split_bits = true if v.is_a? Array } coll = get_lookup_feature_bits(arg_item, constraint, split_bits) if coll coll.each do |b| collection.add_name(arg_item) collection << b end end end end end end if collection.size == 0 # Originally Origen returned nil when asking for a bit via an index which does not # exist, e.g. reg[1000] => nil # The args numeric clause here is to maintain that behavior if Origen.config.strict_errors && !args.all? { |arg| arg.is_a?(Numeric) } puts "Register #{@name} does not have a bits(s) named :#{args.join(', :')} or it might not be enabled." puts 'This could also be a typo, these are the valid bit names:' puts @lookup.keys fail 'Missing bits error!' end nil else collection end end alias_method :bits, :bit alias_method :[], :bit def get_bits_with_constraint(number, params) return nil unless @bits[number] if (params == :default || !params) && @bits[number].enabled? @bits[number] elsif params == :none && !@bits[number].has_feature_constraint? @bits[number] elsif params == :all @bits[number] elsif params.class == Array params.each do |param| unless @bits[number].enabled_by_feature?(param) return nil end @bits[number] end elsif @bits[number].enabled_by_feature?(params) @bits[number] else return, number, writable: false) end end def get_lookup_feature_bits(bit_name, params, split_group_reg) ## if split_group_reg == false # if this register has single bits and continuous ranges if @lookup.include?(bit_name) collection =, bit_name) (@lookup[bit_name][:bits]).times do |i| collection << @bits[@lookup[bit_name][:pos] + i] end if !params || params == :default if collection.enabled? return collection end elsif params == :none unless collection.has_feature_constraint? return collection end elsif params == :all return collection elsif params.class == Array if params.all? { |param| collection.enabled_by_feature?(param) } return collection end else if collection.enabled_by_feature?(params) return collection end end return BitCollection.dummy(self, bit_name, size: collection.size, pos: @lookup[bit_name][:pos]) else return [] end elsif split_group_reg == true # if this registers has split bits in its range if @lookup.is_a?(Hash) # && @lookup.include?(bit_name) collection = false @lookup.each do |k, v| # k is the bitname, v is the hash of bit data if k == bit_name collection ||=, k) if v.is_a?(Array) v.reverse_each do |pb| # loop each piece of bit group data (pb[:bits]).times do |i| collection << @bits[pb[:pos] + i] end end else (v[:bits]).times do |i| collection << @bits[v[:pos] + i] end end end end if !params || params == :default if collection.enabled? return collection end elsif params == :none unless collection.has_feature_constraint? return collection end elsif params == :all return collection elsif params.class == Array if params.all? { |param| collection.enabled_by_feature?(param) } return collection end else if collection.enabled_by_feature?(params) return collection end end if @lookup.is_a?(Hash) && @lookup[bit_name].is_a?(Array) return BitCollection.dummy(self, bit_name, size: collection.size, pos: @lookup[bit_name][0][:pos]) else return BitCollection.dummy(self, bit_name, size: collection.size, pos: @lookup[bit_name[:pos]]) end else return [] end end end def extract_feature_params(args) index = args.find_index { |arg| arg.class == Hash } if index params = args.delete_at(index) else params = nil end if params return params[:enabled_features] || params[:enabled_feature] else return nil end end # All other Reg methods are delegated to BitCollection def method_missing(method, *args, &block) # :nodoc: if method.to_sym == :to_ary || method.to_sym == :to_hash nil elsif meta_data_method?(method) extract_meta_data(method, *args) else if BitCollection.instance_methods.include?(method), name, @bits).send(method, *args, &block) elsif has_bits?(method) bits(method) else super end end end # Recognize that Reg responds to all BitCollection methods methods based on # application-specific meta data properties def respond_to?(*args) # :nodoc: sym = args.first.to_sym meta_data_method?(sym) || has_bits?(sym) || super(sym) || BitCollection.instance_methods.include?(sym) end # Copy overlays from one reg object to another # ==== Example # reg(:data_copy).has_overlay? # => false # reg(:data).overlay("data_val") # reg(:data_copy).copy_overlays_from(reg(:data)) # reg(:data_copy).has_overlay? # => true def copy_overlays_from(reg, options = {}) size.times do |i| source_bit = reg.bit[i] if source_bit.has_overlay? ov = source_bit.overlay_str # If an id has been supplied make sure any trailing ID in the source is # changed to supplied identifier ov.gsub!(/_\d$/, "_#{options[:update_id]}") if options[:update_id] @bits[i].overlay(ov) end end self end # Copies data from one reg object to another # ==== Example # reg(:data_copy).data # => 0 # reg(:data).write(0x1234) # reg(:data_copy).copy_data_from(reg(:data)) # reg(:data_copy).data # => 0x1234 def copy_data_from(reg) size.times do |i| @bits[i].write(reg.bit[i].data) end self end # Copies data and overlays from one reg object to another, it does not copy # read or store flags def copy(reg) size.times do |i| source_bit = reg.bit[i] @bits[i].overlay(source_bit.overlay_str) if source_bit.has_overlay? @bits[i].write( end self end # Returns the BITWISE AND of reg with another reg or a number, the state of # both registers remains unchanged # ==== Example # reg(:data).write(0x5555) # reg(:data2).write(0xFFFF) # reg(:data) & 0xFF00 # => 0x5500 # reg(:data) & reg(:data2) # => 0x5555 def &(val) data & Reg.clean_value(val) end # Returns the BITWISE OR of reg with another reg or a number, the state of # both registers remains unchanged def |(val) data | Reg.clean_value(val) end # Returns the SUM of reg with another reg or a number, the state of # both registers remains unchanged def +(val) data + Reg.clean_value(val) end # Returns the SUBTRACTION of reg with another reg or a number, the state of # both registers remains unchanged def -(val) data - Reg.clean_value(val) end # Returns the DIVISION of reg with another reg or a number, the state of # both registers remains unchanged def /(val) data / Reg.clean_value(val) end # Returns the PRODUCT of reg with another reg or a number, the state of # both registers remains unchanged def *(val) data * Reg.clean_value(val) end # Cleans an input value, in some cases it could be a register object, or an explicit value. # This will return an explicit value in either case. def self.clean_value(value) # :nodoc: value = value.val if value.respond_to?('val') # Pull out the data value if a reg object has been passed in value end # @api private def meta_data_method?(method) attr_name = method.to_s.gsub(/\??=?/, '').to_sym if default_reg_metadata.key?(attr_name) if method.to_s =~ /\?/ [true, false].include?(default_reg_metadata[attr_name]) else true end else false end end def extract_meta_data(method, *args) method = method.to_s.sub('?', '') if method =~ /=/ instance_variable_set("@#{method.sub('=', '')}", args.first) else instance_variable_get("@#{method}") || meta[method.to_sym] end end # Returns true if the register is constrained by the given/any feature def enabled_by_feature?(name = nil) if !name !!feature else if feature.class == Array feature.each do |f| if f == name return true end end return false else return feature == name end end end alias_method :has_feature_constraint?, :enabled_by_feature? # Query the owner heirarchy to see if this register is enabled def enabled? if feature value = false current_owner = self if feature.class == Array feature.each do |f| current_owner = self loop do if current_owner.respond_to?(:owner) current_owner = current_owner.owner if current_owner.respond_to?(:has_feature?) if current_owner.has_feature?(f) value = true break end end else # if current owner does not have a owner value = false break end end # loop end unless value if Origen.top_level && \ Origen.top_level.respond_to?(:has_feature?) && \ Origen.top_level.has_feature?(f) value = true unless value break end end end unless value break # break if feature not found and return false end end # iterated through all features in array return value else # if feature.class != Array loop do if current_owner.respond_to?(:owner) current_owner = current_owner.owner if current_owner.respond_to?(:has_feature?) if current_owner.has_feature?(feature) value = true break end end else # if current owner does not have a owner value = false break end end # loop end unless value if Origen.top_level && \ Origen.top_level.respond_to?(:has_feature?) && \ Origen.top_level.has_feature?(feature) value = true end end return value end else return true end end # Returns true if any of the bits within this register has feature # associated with it. def has_bits_enabled_by_feature?(name = nil) if !name bits.any?(&:has_feature_constraint?) else bits.any? { |bit| bit.enabled_by_feature?(name) } end end def to_json(*args) JSON.pretty_generate({ name: name, full_name: full_name, address: address, offset: offset, size: size, path: path, reset_value: reset_value, description: description(include_name: false, include_bit_values: false), bits: do |name, bit| { name: name, full_name: bit.full_name, position: bit.position, size: bit.size, reset_value: bit.reset_value, access: bit.access, description: bit.description(include_name: false, include_bit_values: false), bit_values: do |val, desc| { value: val, description: desc } end } end }, *args) end private def _state_desc(bits) state = [] unless bits.readable? && bits.writable? if bits.readable? state << 'RO' else state << 'WO' end end state << 'Rd' if bits.is_to_be_read? state << 'Str' if bits.is_to_be_stored? state << 'Ov' if bits.has_overlay? if state.empty? '' else "(#{state.join('|')})" end end def _max_bit_in_range(bits, max, _min) upper = bits.position + bits.size - 1 [upper, max].min - bits.position end def _min_bit_in_range(bits, _max, min) lower = bits.position [lower, min].max - bits.position end # Returns true if some portion of the given bits falls # within the given range def _bit_in_range?(bits, max, min) upper = bits.position + bits.size - 1 lower = bits.position !((lower > max) || (upper < min)) end # Returns the number of bits from the given bits that # fall within the given range def _num_bits_in_range(bits, max, min) upper = bits.position + bits.size - 1 lower = bits.position [upper, max].min - [lower, min].max + 1 end # Returns true if the given number is is the # given range def _index_in_range?(i, max, min) !((i > max) || (i < min)) end def _bit_rw(bits) if bits.readable? && bits.writable? 'RW' elsif bits.readable? 'RO' elsif bits.writable? 'WO' else 'X' end end end end end