# 0.2.0: February 12, 2013 ## Changes and new features * Post-install hook to remind people about removing old gems (#152) * Support Chef 11 (#183) * Rename Cook command's `--skip-chef-check` option to `--no-chef-check (#162) * Rename `--ssh-identity` option to `--identity-file` (#178) * Add `--ssh-user option` (#179) * Add `--no-librarian` option to bootstrap and cook commands (#180) * Generate Cheffile and .gitignore on `knife solo init --librarian` (#182) * Windows client compatibility (#156, #91) * Support Amazon Linux (#181) * Support unknown/unreleased Debian versions by using the gem installer (#172) * Drop support for Debian 5.0 Lenny (#172) * Integration tests for Debian 6 and 7 (74c6ed1 - f299a6) * Travis tests for both Chef 10 and 11 (#183) ## Fixes * Fix Debian 7.0 Wheezy support by using gem installer (#172) * Fix compatibility with Ruby 1.8.7 on work station (#170) * Fix Chef version checking if sudo promts password (#190) * Fix compatibility (net-ssh dependency) with Chef 10.20.0 and 11.2.0 (#188) * Fail CI if manifest isn't updated (#195) * Better unit tests around solo cook * Other fixes: #166, #168, #173, #194 ## Thanks to our contributors! * [Russell Cardullo][russellcardullo] * [tknerr][tknerr] * [Shaun Dern][smdern] * [Mike Bain][TheAlphaTester] # 0.1.0: January 12, 2013 ## Changes and new features * Move all commands under "knife solo" namespace (#118) - Rename `knife kitchen` to `knife solo init` - Rename `knife wash_up` to `knife solo clean` * Add `knife solo bootstrap` command (#120) * OmniOS support (#144) * Detect Fedora 17 (#141) * Update chef-solo-search and add support of encrypted data bags (#127) * Support Librarian (#36) * Always install rsync from yum on RPM-based Linuxes (#157) * Debian wheezy (7) support (#165) ## Fixes * Improve help/error messages and validation (#142) * Fix exit status of "cook" if chef-solo fails (#97) * Fix option passing to the Omnibus installer (#163) * Other fixes: SuSE omnibus #146, #155, #158, #160, #164 ## Documentation * Include documentation and tests in the gem (e01c23) * [Home page](http://matschaffer.github.com/knife-solo/) that reflects always the current release (#151) ## Thanks to our contributors! * [Marek Hulan][ares] * [Anton Orel][skyeagle] * [Adam Carlile][Frozenproduce] * [Chris Lundquist][ChrisLundquist] * [Hiten Parmar][hrp] * [Patrick Connolly][patcon] # 0.0.15: November 29th, 2012 * Support for non-x86 omnibus (#137) * Validate hostname in wash\_up (7a9115) * Scientific Linux support (#131) * Default to SSL omnibus URL (#130) * Fixes for base debian installations (#129) * Whyrun flag support (#123) * Node-name flag support (#107) * No More Syntax Check!! (#122) * Various fixes: #138, #119, #113, d38bfd1 ## Thanks to our contributors! * [David Schneider][davidsch] * [Andrew Vit][avit] * [Nick Shortway][DrGonzo65] * [Guido Serra aka Zeph][zeph] * [Patrick Connolly][patcon] * [Greg Fitzgerald][gregf] * [Bryan McLellan][btm] * [Aaron Jensen][aaronjensen] And a special thanks to [Teemu Matilainen][tmatilai] who is now on the list of direct colaborators! # 0.0.14: September 21st, 2012 * Fix argument checks (#101) * Allow custom omnibus URLs (#99) * Verbose logging options (#96) ## Thanks to our contributors! * [Vaughan Rouesnel][vjpr] * [Ryan Walker][ryandub] * [Aaron Cruz][pferdefleisch] # 0.0.13: August 16th, 2012 * Less agressive in-kitchen check (36a14161a1c) * New curl/wget selection during omnibus install (#84) * FreeBSD 9.0 support (#78) * Syntax-check-only switch (#74) * Validate CLI user/host args (#73) ## Thanks to our contributors! * [Deepak Kannan][deepak] * [Florian Unglaub][funglaub] # 0.0.12: June 25th, 2012 * Better validation on CLI args (#68, #70) * Switch from wget to curl (#66) * Initial fedora support (not under integration) (#67) * Support new omnibus path (/opt/chef) ## Thanks to our contributors! * [Bryan Helmkamp][brynary] * [Greg Fitzgerald][gregf] * [Deepak Kannan][deepak] # 0.0.11: June 16th, 2012 * Encrypted data bag support (#22) * Updated dependency version (#63, #64) * Joyent Ubuntu detection (#62) * Omnibus version selection (#61) ## Thanks to our contributors! * [Hector Castro][hectcastro] * [Sean Porter][portertech] # 0.0.10: May 30th, 2012 * Include apache recipe during integration testing (#17) * Use omnibus installer on Ubuntu and RedHat (#40, #45, #58) * `knife wash_up` command for removing uploaded resources (#48) * Cleaner sudo pre-processing (#59) * Support `knife kitchen .` to init an existing kitchen (#54) ## Thanks to our contributors! * [Hector Castro][hectcastro] * [Nix-wie-weg][Nix-wie-weg] * [Justin Grevich][jgrevich] * [Ross Timson][rosstimson] # 0.0.9: May 13th, 2012 * Chef 0.10.10 compatibility (b0fa50e9) * Finished support and integration testing for remaining key OSes (Issues #2 and #15) * Added support for 'chefignore' (e4bcbd1..4b578cf9) * Use `lsb_release` to detect OSes where possible (c976cc119..a31d8234b) * Ignore `tmp` and `deploy_revision` to rsync exclusion (7d252ff2b) ## Thanks to our contributors! * [Hector Castro][hectcastro] * [Amos Lanka][amoslanka] * [Roland Moriz][rmoriz] * [Tyler Rick][TylerRick] * [Motiejus Jakštys][Motiejus] # 0.0.8: February 10, 2012 * Add --startup-script which gets sourced before any command to setup env vars (e.g., ~/.bashrc) (d1489f94) * Use curl + rpm rather than rpm against direct URL for better proxy support (51ad9c51) * Integration harness improvements (1ac5cce..4be36c2) * BUG #10: Create .gitkeep's to avoid errors on sparse kitchens (074b4e0a) * Add --skip-chef-check knife option (a1a66ae) ## Thanks to our contributors! * [Cyril Ledru][patatepartie] * [Fletcher Nichol][fnichol] * [Jason Garber][jgarber] * [Greg Sterndale][gsterndale] # 0.0.7: Dec 9, 2011 * BUG #9: Fix intelligent sudo handling for OSes that don't have it * Move integration tests into proper test cases * CentOS 5.6 integration test # 0.0.6: Dec 8, 2011 * Support for Mac OS 10.5 and 10.6 (00921ebd1b93) * Parallel integration testing and SLES (167360d447..167360d447) * Dynamic sudo detection for yum-based systems (5282fc36ac3..256f27658a06cb) ## Thanks to our contributors! * [Sergio Rubio][rubiojr] * [Nat Lownes][natlownes] # 0.0.5: Oct 31, 2011 * Started on integration testing via EC2 * Add openSuSE support. Installation via zypper. (64ff2edf42) * Upgraded Rubygems to 1.8.10 (8ac1f4d43a) # 0.0.4: Oct 7, 2011 * Chef 0.10.4 based databag and search method (a800880e6d) * Proper path for roles (b143ae290a) * Test fixes for CI compatibility (ccf4247125..62b8bd498d) ## Thanks to our contributors! * [John Dewey][retr0h] # 0.0.3: July 31, 2011 * Kitchen directory generation * Prepare tested on ubuntu * Generate node config on prepare * Cook via rsync [ChrisLundquist]:https://github.com/ChrisLundquist [DrGonzo65]: https://github.com/DrGonzo65 [Frozenproduce]: https://github.com/Frozenproduce [Motiejus]: https://github.com/Motiejus [Nix-wie-weg]: https://github.com/Nix-wie-weg [TheAlphaTester]:https://github.com/TheAlphaTester [TylerRick]: https://github.com/TylerRick [aaronjensen]: https://github.com/aaronjensen [amoslanka]: https://github.com/amoslanka [ares]: https://github.com/ares [avit]: https://github.com/avit [brynary]: https://github.com/brynary [btm]: https://github.com/btm [davidsch]: https://github.com/davidsch [deepak]: https://github.com/deepak [fnichol]: https://github.com/fnichol [funglaub]: https://github.com/funglaub [gregf]: https://github.com/gregf [gsterndale]: https://github.com/gsterndale [hectcastro]: https://github.com/hectcastro [hrp]: https://github.com/hrp [jgarber]: https://github.com/jgarber [jgrevich]: https://github.com/jgrevich [natlownes]: https://github.com/natlownes [patatepartie]: https://github.com/patatepartie [patcon]: https://github.com/patcon [pferdefleisch]: https://github.com/pferdefleisch [portertech]: https://github.com/portertech [retr0h]: https://github.com/retr0h [rmoriz]: https://github.com/rmoriz [rosstimson]: https://github.com/rosstimson [rubiojr]: https://github.com/rubiojr [russellcardullo]: https://github.com/russellcardullo [ryandub]: https://github.com/ryandub [skyeagle]: https://github.com/skyeagle [smdern]: https://github.com/smdern [tknerr]: https://github.com/tknerr [tmatilai]: https://github.com/tmatilai [vjpr]: https://github.com/vjpr [zeph]: https://github.com/zeph