# :stopdoc:
# This file is automatically generated by the WXRuby3 documentation
# generator. Do not alter this file.
# :startdoc:
module Wx::PRT
# Enumeration of various printer bin sources.
# @see Wx::PRT::PrintData#set_bin
class PrintBin < Wx::Enum
PRINTBIN_DEFAULT = Wx::PRT::PrintBin.new(0)
PRINTBIN_ONLYONE = Wx::PRT::PrintBin.new(1)
PRINTBIN_LOWER = Wx::PRT::PrintBin.new(2)
PRINTBIN_MIDDLE = Wx::PRT::PrintBin.new(3)
PRINTBIN_MANUAL = Wx::PRT::PrintBin.new(4)
PRINTBIN_ENVELOPE = Wx::PRT::PrintBin.new(5)
PRINTBIN_AUTO = Wx::PRT::PrintBin.new(7)
PRINTBIN_TRACTOR = Wx::PRT::PrintBin.new(8)
PRINTBIN_SMALLFMT = Wx::PRT::PrintBin.new(9)
PRINTBIN_LARGEFMT = Wx::PRT::PrintBin.new(10)
PRINTBIN_CASSETTE = Wx::PRT::PrintBin.new(12)
PRINTBIN_USER = Wx::PRT::PrintBin.new(14)
end # PrintBin
# This class holds a variety of information related to printers and printer device contexts.
# This class is used to create a {Wx::PRT::PrinterDC} and a {Wx::PRT::PostScriptDC}. It is also used as a data member of {Wx::PRT::PrintDialogData} and {Wx::PRT::PageSetupDialogData}, as part of the mechanism for transferring data between the print dialogs and the application.
# ===
# Category: Printing Framework, Data Structures
# @see Printing Framework Overview
# @see Wx::PRT::PrintDialog
# @see Wx::PRT::PageSetupDialog
# @see Wx::PRT::PrintDialogData
# @see Wx::PRT::PageSetupDialogData
# @see wxPrintDialog Overview
# @see Wx::PRT::PrinterDC
# @see Wx::PRT::PostScriptDC
# @note This class is untracked and should not be derived from nor instances extended!
class PrintData < Object
# @overload initialize()
# Default constructor.
# @return [Wx::PRT::PrintData]
# @overload initialize(data)
# Copy constructor.
# @param data [Wx::PRT::PrintData]
# @return [Wx::PRT::PrintData]
def initialize(*args) end
# Returns the current bin (papersource).
# By default, the system is left to select the bin ({Wx::PRT::PrintBin::PRINTBIN_DEFAULT} is returned).
# See {Wx::PRT::PrintData#set_bin} for the full list of bin values.
# @return [Wx::PrintBin]
def get_bin; end
alias_method :bin, :get_bin
# Returns true if collation is on.
# @return [Boolean]
def get_collate; end
alias_method :collate, :get_collate
# Returns true if colour printing is on.
# @return [Boolean]
def get_colour; end
alias_method :colour, :get_colour
# Returns the duplex mode.
# One of {Wx::DuplexMode::DUPLEX_SIMPLEX}, {Wx::DuplexMode::DUPLEX_HORIZONTAL}, {Wx::DuplexMode::DUPLEX_VERTICAL}.
# @return [Wx::DuplexMode]
def get_duplex; end
alias_method :duplex, :get_duplex
# Returns the number of copies requested by the user.
# @return [Integer]
def get_no_copies; end
alias_method :no_copies, :get_no_copies
# Gets the orientation.
# This can be {Wx::PrintOrientation::LANDSCAPE} or {Wx::PrintOrientation::PORTRAIT}.
# @return [Wx::PrintOrientation]
def get_orientation; end
alias_method :orientation, :get_orientation
# Returns the paper size id.
# @see Wx::PRT::PrintData#set_paper_id
# @return [Wx::PaperSize]
def get_paper_id; end
alias_method :paper_id, :get_paper_id
# Returns the printer name.
# If the printer name is the empty string, it indicates that the default printer should be used.
# @return [Wx::String]
def get_printer_name; end
alias_method :printer_name, :get_printer_name
# Returns the current print quality.
# This can be a positive integer, denoting the number of dots per inch, or one of the following identifiers:
# On input you should pass one of these identifiers, but on return you may get back a positive integer indicating the current resolution setting.
# @return [Integer]
def get_quality; end
alias_method :quality, :get_quality
# Returns true if the print data is valid for using in print dialogs.
# This can return false on Windows if the current printer is not set, for example. On all other platforms, it returns true.
# @return [Boolean]
def is_ok; end
alias_method :ok?, :is_ok
# Sets the current bin.
# @param flag [Wx::PrintBin]
# @return [void]
def set_bin(flag) end
alias_method :bin=, :set_bin
# Sets collation to on or off.
# @param flag [Boolean]
# @return [void]
def set_collate(flag) end
alias_method :collate=, :set_collate
# Sets colour printing on or off.
# @param flag [Boolean]
# @return [void]
def set_colour(flag) end
alias_method :colour=, :set_colour
# Returns the duplex mode.
# One of {Wx::DuplexMode::DUPLEX_SIMPLEX}, {Wx::DuplexMode::DUPLEX_HORIZONTAL}, {Wx::DuplexMode::DUPLEX_VERTICAL}.
# @param mode [Wx::DuplexMode]
# @return [void]
def set_duplex(mode) end
alias_method :duplex=, :set_duplex
# Sets the default number of copies to be printed out.
# @param n [Integer]
# @return [void]
def set_no_copies(n) end
alias_method :no_copies=, :set_no_copies
# Sets the orientation.
# This can be {Wx::PrintOrientation::LANDSCAPE} or {Wx::PrintOrientation::PORTRAIT}.
# @param orientation [Wx::PrintOrientation]
# @return [void]
def set_orientation(orientation) end
alias_method :orientation=, :set_orientation
# Sets the paper id.
# This indicates the type of paper to be used. For a mapping between paper id, paper size and string name, see {Wx::PrintPaperDatabase} in "paper.h"
(not yet documented).
# @see Wx::PRT::PrintData#set_paper_size
# @param paperId [Wx::PaperSize]
# @return [void]
def set_paper_id(paperId) end
alias_method :paper_id=, :set_paper_id
# Sets custom paper size.
# This method can be used to set up custom paper size. When using a standard size, prefer to use {Wx::PRT::PrintData#set_paper_id} instead.
# @param size [Array(Integer, Integer), Wx::Size]
# @return [void]
def set_paper_size(size) end
alias_method :paper_size=, :set_paper_size
# Sets the printer name.
# This can be the empty string to indicate that the default printer should be used.
# @param printerName [String]
# @return [void]
def set_printer_name(printerName) end
alias_method :printer_name=, :set_printer_name
# Sets the desired print quality.
# This can be a positive integer, denoting the number of dots per inch, or one of the following identifiers:
# On input you should pass one of these identifiers, but on return you may get back a positive integer indicating the current resolution setting.
# @param quality [Integer]
# @return [void]
def set_quality(quality) end
alias_method :quality=, :set_quality
# @return [String]
def get_filename; end
alias_method :filename, :get_filename
# @param filename [String]
# @return [void]
def set_filename(filename) end
alias_method :filename=, :set_filename
# @return [Wx::PrintMode]
def get_print_mode; end
alias_method :print_mode, :get_print_mode
# @param printMode [Wx::PrintMode]
# @return [void]
def set_print_mode(printMode) end
alias_method :print_mode=, :set_print_mode
end # PrintData
# This class holds information related to the visual characteristics of {Wx::PRT::PrintDialog}.
# It contains a {Wx::PRT::PrintData} object with underlying printing settings.
# ===
# Category: Printing Framework, Common Dialogs, Data Structures
# @see Printing Framework Overview
# @see Wx::PRT::PrintDialog
# @see wxPrintDialog Overview
# @note This class is untracked and should not be derived from nor instances extended!
class PrintDialogData < Object
# @overload initialize()
# Default constructor.
# @return [Wx::PRT::PrintDialogData]
# @overload initialize(dialogData)
# Copy constructor.
# @param dialogData [Wx::PRT::PrintDialogData]
# @return [Wx::PRT::PrintDialogData]
# @overload initialize(printData)
# Construct an object from a print dialog data object.
# @param printData [Wx::PRT::PrintData]
# @return [Wx::PRT::PrintDialogData]
def initialize(*args) end
# Enables or disables the "Help" button.
# @param flag [Boolean]
# @return [void]
def enable_help(flag) end
# Enables or disables the "Page numbers" controls.
# @param flag [Boolean]
# @return [void]
def enable_page_numbers(flag) end
# Enables or disables the "Print to file" checkbox.
# @param flag [Boolean]
# @return [void]
def enable_print_to_file(flag) end
# Enables or disables the "Selection" radio button.
# @param flag [Boolean]
# @return [void]
def enable_selection(flag) end
# Returns true if the user requested that all pages be printed.
# @return [Boolean]
def get_all_pages; end
alias_method :all_pages, :get_all_pages
# Returns true if the user requested that the document(s) be collated.
# @return [Boolean]
def get_collate; end
alias_method :collate, :get_collate
# Returns the from page number, as entered by the user.
# @return [Integer]
def get_from_page; end
alias_method :from_page, :get_from_page
# Returns the maximum page number.
# @return [Integer]
def get_max_page; end
alias_method :max_page, :get_max_page
# Returns the minimum page number.
# @return [Integer]
def get_min_page; end
alias_method :min_page, :get_min_page
# Returns the number of copies requested by the user.
# @return [Integer]
def get_no_copies; end
alias_method :no_copies, :get_no_copies
# Returns a reference to the internal {Wx::PRT::PrintData} object.
# @return [Wx::PrintData]
def get_print_data; end
alias_method :print_data, :get_print_data
# Returns true if the user has selected printing to a file.
# @return [Boolean]
def get_print_to_file; end
alias_method :print_to_file, :get_print_to_file
# Returns true if the user requested that the selection be printed (where "selection" is a concept specific to the application).
# @return [Boolean]
def get_selection; end
alias_method :selection, :get_selection
# Returns the "print to" page number, as entered by the user.
# @return [Integer]
def get_to_page; end
alias_method :to_page, :get_to_page
# Returns true if the print data is valid for using in print dialogs.
# This can return false on Windows if the current printer is not set, for example. On all other platforms, it returns true.
# @return [Boolean]
def is_ok; end
alias_method :ok?, :is_ok
# Sets the "Collate" checkbox to true or false.
# @param flag [Boolean]
# @return [void]
def set_collate(flag) end
alias_method :collate=, :set_collate
# Sets the from page number.
# @param page [Integer]
# @return [void]
def set_from_page(page) end
alias_method :from_page=, :set_from_page
# Sets the maximum page number.
# @param page [Integer]
# @return [void]
def set_max_page(page) end
alias_method :max_page=, :set_max_page
# Sets the minimum page number.
# @param page [Integer]
# @return [void]
def set_min_page(page) end
alias_method :min_page=, :set_min_page
# Sets the default number of copies the user has requested to be printed out.
# @param n [Integer]
# @return [void]
def set_no_copies(n) end
alias_method :no_copies=, :set_no_copies
# Sets the internal {Wx::PRT::PrintData}.
# @param printData [Wx::PRT::PrintData]
# @return [void]
def set_print_data(printData) end
alias_method :print_data=, :set_print_data
# Sets the "Print to file" checkbox to true or false.
# @param flag [Boolean]
# @return [void]
def set_print_to_file(flag) end
alias_method :print_to_file=, :set_print_to_file
# Selects the "Selection" radio button.
# The effect of printing the selection depends on how the application implements this command, if at all.
# @param flag [Boolean]
# @return [void]
def set_selection(flag) end
alias_method :selection=, :set_selection
# Sets the "print to" page number.
# @param page [Integer]
# @return [void]
def set_to_page(page) end
alias_method :to_page=, :set_to_page
end # PrintDialogData
# This class holds a variety of information related to {Wx::PRT::PageSetupDialog}.
# It contains a {Wx::PRT::PrintData} member which is used to hold basic printer configuration data (as opposed to the user-interface configuration settings stored by {Wx::PRT::PageSetupDialogData}).
# ===
# Category: Printing Framework, Data Structures
# @see Printing Framework Overview
# @see Wx::PRT::PageSetupDialog
# @note This class is untracked and should not be derived from nor instances extended!
class PageSetupDialogData < Object
# @overload initialize()
# Default constructor.
# @return [Wx::PRT::PageSetupDialogData]
# @overload initialize(data)
# Copy constructor.
# @param data [Wx::PRT::PageSetupDialogData]
# @return [Wx::PRT::PageSetupDialogData]
# @overload initialize(printData)
# Construct an object from a print data object.
# @param printData [Wx::PRT::PrintData]
# @return [Wx::PRT::PageSetupDialogData]
def initialize(*args) end
# Enables or disables the "Help" button (Windows only).
# @param flag [Boolean]
# @return [void]
def enable_help(flag) end
# Enables or disables the margin controls (Windows only).
# @param flag [Boolean]
# @return [void]
def enable_margins(flag) end
# Enables or disables the orientation control (Windows only).
# @param flag [Boolean]
# @return [void]
def enable_orientation(flag) end
# Enables or disables the paper size control (Windows only).
# @param flag [Boolean]
# @return [void]
def enable_paper(flag) end
# Enables or disables the "Printer" button, which invokes a printer setup dialog.
# @param flag [Boolean]
# @return [void]
def enable_printer(flag) end
# Returns true if the dialog will simply return default printer information (such as orientation) instead of showing a dialog (Windows only).
# @return [Boolean]
def get_default_info; end
alias_method :default_info, :get_default_info
# Returns true if the page setup dialog will take its minimum margin values from the currently selected printer properties (Windows only).
# @return [Boolean]
def get_default_min_margins; end
alias_method :default_min_margins, :get_default_min_margins
# Returns true if the printer setup button is enabled.
# @return [Boolean]
def get_enable_help; end
# Returns true if the margin controls are enabled (Windows only).
# @return [Boolean]
def get_enable_margins; end
# Returns true if the orientation control is enabled (Windows only).
# @return [Boolean]
def get_enable_orientation; end
# Returns true if the paper size control is enabled (Windows only).
# @return [Boolean]
def get_enable_paper; end
# Returns true if the printer setup button is enabled.
# @return [Boolean]
def get_enable_printer; end
# Returns the right (x) and bottom (y) margins in millimetres.
# @return [Wx::Point]
def get_margin_bottom_right; end
alias_method :margin_bottom_right, :get_margin_bottom_right
# Returns the left (x) and top (y) margins in millimetres.
# @return [Wx::Point]
def get_margin_top_left; end
alias_method :margin_top_left, :get_margin_top_left
# Returns the right (x) and bottom (y) minimum margins the user can enter (Windows only).
# Units are in millimetres.
# @return [Wx::Point]
def get_min_margin_bottom_right; end
alias_method :min_margin_bottom_right, :get_min_margin_bottom_right
# Returns the left (x) and top (y) minimum margins the user can enter (Windows only).
# Units are in millimetres.
# @return [Wx::Point]
def get_min_margin_top_left; end
alias_method :min_margin_top_left, :get_min_margin_top_left
# Returns the paper id (stored in the internal {Wx::PRT::PrintData} object).
# @see Wx::PRT::PrintData#set_paper_id
# @return [Wx::PaperSize]
def get_paper_id; end
alias_method :paper_id, :get_paper_id
# Returns the paper size in millimetres.
# @return [Wx::Size]
def get_paper_size; end
alias_method :paper_size, :get_paper_size
# @return [Wx::PRT::PrintData]
def get_print_data; end
alias_method :print_data, :get_print_data
# Returns true if the print data associated with the dialog data is valid.
# This can return false on Windows if the current printer is not set, for example. On all other platforms, it returns true.
# @return [Boolean]
def is_ok; end
alias_method :ok?, :is_ok
# Pass true if the dialog will simply return default printer information (such as orientation) instead of showing a dialog (Windows only).
# @param flag [Boolean]
# @return [void]
def set_default_info(flag) end
alias_method :default_info=, :set_default_info
# Pass true if the page setup dialog will take its minimum margin values from the currently selected printer properties (Windows only).
# Units are in millimetres.
# @param flag [Boolean]
# @return [void]
def set_default_min_margins(flag) end
alias_method :default_min_margins=, :set_default_min_margins
# Sets the right (x) and bottom (y) margins in millimetres.
# @param pt [Array(Integer, Integer), Wx::Point]
# @return [void]
def set_margin_bottom_right(pt) end
alias_method :margin_bottom_right=, :set_margin_bottom_right
# Sets the left (x) and top (y) margins in millimetres.
# @param pt [Array(Integer, Integer), Wx::Point]
# @return [void]
def set_margin_top_left(pt) end
alias_method :margin_top_left=, :set_margin_top_left
# Sets the right (x) and bottom (y) minimum margins the user can enter (Windows only).
# Units are in millimetres.
# @param pt [Array(Integer, Integer), Wx::Point]
# @return [void]
def set_min_margin_bottom_right(pt) end
alias_method :min_margin_bottom_right=, :set_min_margin_bottom_right
# Sets the left (x) and top (y) minimum margins the user can enter (Windows only).
# Units are in millimetres.
# @param pt [Array(Integer, Integer), Wx::Point]
# @return [void]
def set_min_margin_top_left(pt) end
alias_method :min_margin_top_left=, :set_min_margin_top_left
# Sets the paper size id.
# Calling this function overrides the explicit paper dimensions passed in {Wx::PRT::PageSetupDialogData#set_paper_size}.
# @see Wx::PRT::PrintData#set_paper_id
# @param id [Wx::PaperSize]
# @return [void]
def set_paper_id(id) end
alias_method :paper_id=, :set_paper_id
# Sets the paper size in millimetres.
# If a corresponding paper id is found, it will be set in the internal {Wx::PRT::PrintData} object, otherwise the paper size overrides the paper id.
# @param size [Array(Integer, Integer), Wx::Size]
# @return [void]
def set_paper_size(size) end
alias_method :paper_size=, :set_paper_size
# Sets the print data associated with this object.
# @param printData [Wx::PRT::PrintData]
# @return [void]
def set_print_data(printData) end
alias_method :print_data=, :set_print_data
end # PageSetupDialogData