page: name: Define ls command description: Define a command and assign it an identifier action: defineCommand id: LS commands: "/tmp/" --- page: name: Exeucte a defined command description: Execute a command(s) by referencing its id. comment: yml[n]['page']['commands'][n]['id'] action: executeCommands commands: - id: LS asserts: - /Peter/ - /ScoutUI --- page: name: GetExit description: GetExit action: getExitStatus id: LS --- page: name: Retrieve results for LS getResults: id: LS --- page: name: Extract specific values from results getResults: id: LS capture: /(World)/ assignto: myHit --- page: name: Type action: type(//*[@id='uh-search-box'], ${myHit}) --- page: name: Pause after LS action: pause skip: false --- page: name: Load command with action action: defineCommand id: findTmp commands: whoami --- page: name: Define command with multiple cmds action: defineCommand id: MultiLs commands: - ls - echo "ScoutUI" --- page: name: Execute cmd with multple commands command: id: MultiLs --- page: name: Retrieve results getResults: id: MultiLs --- page: name: Execute command: id: findTmp --- page: name: Retrieve findTmp getResults: id: findTmp --- page: name: Pause after findTmp action: pause skip: false --- page: name: Retrieve getResults: id: LS --- page: action: pause skip: false