#-- # =============================================================================== # Copyright (c) 2005, Christopher Kleckner # All rights reserved # # This file is part of the Rio library for ruby. # # Rio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Rio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Rio; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA # =============================================================================== #++ # # To create the documentation for Rio run the command # rake rdoc # from the distribution directory. Then point your browser at the 'doc/rdoc' directory. # # Suggested Reading # * RIO::Doc::SYNOPSIS # * RIO::Doc::INTRO # * RIO::Doc::HOWTO # * RIO::Rio # # <b>Rio is pre-alpha software. # The documented interface and behavior is subject to change without notice.</b> # class String # def to_fs # require 'rio/resource' # RIO::Resource::Pathname.new(self) # end # end require 'singleton' require 'rio/handle' require 'rio/rl/builder' module RIO # module TryState # attr_accessor :try_state # end class Factory #:nodoc: all include Singleton def initialize() @ss_module = {} @reset_class = {} @state_class = {} @ss_class = {} end def subscheme_module(sch) @ss_module[sch] ||= case sch when 'file','path' require 'rio/scheme/path' Path when 'stdio','stdin','stdout' require 'rio/scheme/stdio' StdIO when 'stderr' require 'rio/scheme/stderr' StdErr when 'tempfile' require 'rio/scheme/temp' Temp::File when 'temp' require 'rio/scheme/temp' Temp when 'tempdir' require 'rio/scheme/temp' Temp::Dir when 'strio' require 'rio/scheme/strio' StrIO when 'aryio' require 'rio/scheme/aryio' AryIO when 'http','https' require 'rio/scheme/http' HTTP when 'ftp' require 'rio/scheme/ftp' FTP when 'tcp' require 'rio/scheme/tcp' TCP when 'sysio' require 'rio/scheme/sysio' SysIO when 'fd' require 'rio/scheme/fd' FD when 'cmdio' require 'rio/scheme/cmdio' CmdIO else require 'rio/scheme/path' Path end end def riorl_class(sch) subscheme_module(sch).const_get(:RL) end def reset_state(rl) mod = subscheme_module(rl.scheme) mod.const_get(:RESET_STATE) unless mod.nil? #p st # @reset_class[st] ||= case st # when 'Path::Reset' # require 'rio/path/reset' # Path::Reset # when 'Stream::Open' # require 'rio/stream/open' # Stream::Open # else # raise ArgumentError,"Unknown RESET_STATE (#{st})" # end end STATE2FILE = { 'Path::Reset' => 'rio/path/reset', 'Path::Empty' => 'rio/path', 'Path::Str' => 'rio/path', 'Path::NonExisting' => 'rio/path', 'File::Existing' => 'rio/file', 'File::NonExisting' => 'rio/file', 'Dir::Existing' => 'rio/dir', 'Dir::Open' => 'rio/dir', 'Dir::Close' => 'rio/dir', 'Dir::Stream' => 'rio/dir', 'Dir::NonExisting' => 'rio/dir', 'Stream::Close' => 'rio/stream/open', 'Stream::Reset' => 'rio/stream', 'Stream::Open' => 'rio/stream/open', 'Stream::Input' => 'rio/stream', 'Stream::Output' => 'rio/stream', 'Stream::InOut' => 'rio/stream', 'Stream::Duplex::Open' => 'rio/stream/duplex', 'Stream::Duplex::Input' => 'rio/stream/duplex', 'Stream::Duplex::Output' => 'rio/stream/duplex', 'Stream::Duplex::InOut' => 'rio/stream/duplex', 'Path::Stream::Input' => 'rio/scheme/path', 'Path::Stream::Output' => 'rio/scheme/path', 'Path::Stream::InOut' => 'rio/scheme/path', 'Path::Stream::Open' => 'rio/scheme/path', 'StrIO::Stream::Input' => 'rio/scheme/strio', 'StrIO::Stream::Output' => 'rio/scheme/strio', 'StrIO::Stream::InOut' => 'rio/scheme/strio', 'StrIO::Stream::Open' => 'rio/scheme/strio', 'HTTP::Stream::Input' => 'rio/scheme/http', 'HTTP::Stream::Open' => 'rio/scheme/http', 'Temp::Reset' => 'rio/scheme/temp', 'Temp::Stream::Open' => 'rio/scheme/temp', 'Temp::Stream::Close' => 'rio/scheme/temp', 'Temp::Stream::InOut' => 'rio/scheme/temp', 'FTP::State::Dir' => 'rio/ftp', 'FTP::State::File' => 'rio/ftp', 'FTP::State::Reset' => 'rio/ftp', 'FTP::State::Open' => 'rio/ftp', 'FTP::Stream::Input' => 'rio/ftp', 'FTP::Stream::Open' => 'rio/ftp', 'FTP::Stream::Close' => 'rio/ftp', 'FTP::Stream::Reset' => 'rio/ftp', 'AryIO::Stream::Input' => 'rio/scheme/aryio', 'AryIO::Stream::Output' => 'rio/scheme/aryio', 'AryIO::Stream::InOut' => 'rio/scheme/aryio', 'AryIO::Stream::Open' => 'rio/scheme/aryio', } def state2class(state_name) #p "state_name=#{state_name}" return @state_class[state_name] if @state_class.has_key?(state_name) if STATE2FILE.has_key?(state_name) require STATE2FILE[state_name] return @state_class[state_name] = RIO.module_eval(state_name) else raise ArgumentError,"Unknown State Name (#{state_name})" end end def try_state_proc(current_state,rio_handle) proc { |new_state_name| # new_state_class = state2class(new_state_name) _change_state(state2class(new_state_name),current_state,rio_handle) } end def _change_state(new_state_class,current_state,rio_handle) # wipe out the reference to this proc so GC can get rid of rsc current_state.try_state = proc { p "try_state for "+current_state.to_s+" used already??" } new_state = new_state_class.new_other(current_state) new_state.try_state = try_state_proc(new_state,rio_handle) rio_handle.target = new_state return rio_handle.target end private :_change_state # factory creates a state from args def create_state(*args) riorl = RIO::RL::Builder.build(*args) # state_class = state2class(reset_state(riorl)) create_handle(state2class(reset_state(riorl)).new_r(riorl)) end def clone_state(state) create_handle(state.clone) end def create_handle(new_state) hndl = Handle.new(new_state) new_state.try_state = try_state_proc(new_state,hndl) hndl end end end if $0 == __FILE__ eval DATA.read, nil, $0, __LINE__+4 end __END__ require 'test/unit'