# Changelog ## 1.3.0 - enhancements - [#387] Adds reuse_access_token configuration option. ## 1.2.0 - enhancements - [#376] Allow users to enable basic header authorization for access tokens. - [#374] Token revocation implementation [RFC 7009] - [#295] Only enable specific grant flows. - internals - [#381] Locale source fix. - [#380] Renames `errors_for` to `doorkeeper_errors_for`. - [#390] Style adjustments in accordance with Ruby Style Guide form Thoughtbot. ## 1.1.0 - enhancements - [#336] mongoid4 support. - [#372] Allow users to set ActiveRecord table_name_prefix/suffix options - internals - [#343] separate OAuth's admin and user end-point to different layouts, upgrade theme to Bootstrap 3.1. - [#348] Move render_options in filter after `@error` has been set ## 1.0.0 - bug (spec) - [#228] token response `expires_in` value is now in seconds, relative to request time - [#296] client is optional for password grant type. - [#319] If client credentials are present on password grant type they are validated - [#326] If client credentials are present in refresh token they are validated - [#326] If authenticated client does not match original client that obtained a refresh token it responds `invalid_grant` instead of `invalid_client`. Previous usage was invalid according to Section 5.2 of the spec. - [#329] access tokens' `scopes` string wa being compared against `default_scopes` symbols, always unauthorizing. - [#318] Include "WWW-Authenticate" header with Unauthorized responses - enhancements - [#293] Adds ActionController::Instrumentation in TokensController - [#298] Support for multiple redirect_uris added. - [#313] `AccessToken.revoke_all_for` actually revokes all non-revoked tokens for an application/owner instead of deleting them. - [#333] Rails 4.1 support - internals - Removes jQuery dependency [fixes #300] [PR #312 is related] - [#294] Client uid and secret will be generated only if not present. - [#316] Test warnings addressed. - [#338] Rspec 3 syntax. ## 0.7.4 - bug - Symbols instead of strings for user input. ## 0.7.3 - enhancements - [#204] Allow to overwrite scope in routes - internals - Returns only present keys in Token Response (may imply a backwards incompatible change). https://github.com/doorkeeper-gem/doorkeeper/issues/220 - bug - [#290] Support for Rails 4 when 'protected_attributes' gem is present. ## 0.7.2 - enhancements - [#272] Allow issuing multiple access_tokens for one user/application for multiple devices - [#170] Increase length of allowed redirect URIs - [#239] Do not try to load unavailable Request class for the current phase. - [#273] Relax jquery-rails gem dependency ## 0.7.1 - bug - [#269] Rails 3.2 raised `ActiveModel::MassAssignmentSecurity::Error`. ## 0.7.0 - enhancements - [#229] Rails 4! - internals - [#203] Changing table name to be specific in column_names_with_table - [#215] README update - [#227] Use Rails.config.paths["config/routes"] instead of assuming "config/routes.rb" exists - [#262] Add jquery as gem dependency - [#263] Add a configuration for ActiveRecord.establish_connection - Deprecation and Ruby warnings (PRs merged outside of GitHub). ## 0.6.7 - internals - [#188] Add IDs to the show views for integration testing [@egtann](https://github.com/egtann) ## 0.6.6 - enhancements - [#187] Raise error if configuration is not set ## 0.6.5 - enhancements - [#184] Vendor the Bootstrap CSS [@tylerhunt](https://github.com/tylerhunt) ## 0.6.4 - bug - [#180] Add localization to authorized_applications destroy notice [@aalvarado](https://github.com/aalvarado) ## 0.6.3 - bugfixes - [#163] Error response content-type header should be application/json [@ggayan](https://github.com/ggayan) - [#175] Make token.expires_in_seconds return nil when expires_in is nil [@miyagawa](https://github.com/miyagawa) - enhancements - [#166, #172, #174] Behavior to automatically authorize based on a configured proc - internals - [#168] Using expectation syntax for controller specs [@rdsoze](https://github.com/rdsoze) ## 0.6.2 - bugfixes - [#162] Remove ownership columns from base migration template [@rdsoze](https://github.com/rdsoze) ## 0.6.1 - bugfixes - [#160] Removed |routes| argument from initializer authenticator blocks - documentation - [#160] Fixed description of context of authenticator blocks ## 0.6.0 - enhancements - Mongoid `orm` configuration accepts only :mongoid2 or :mongoid3 - Authorization endpoint does not redirect in #new action anymore. It wasn't specified by OAuth spec - TokensController now inherits from ActionController::Metal. There might be performance upgrades - Add link to authorization in Applications scaffold - [#116] MongoMapper support [@carols10cents](https://github.com/carols10cents) - [#122] Mongoid3 support [@petergoldstein](https://github.com/petergoldstein) - [#150] Introduce test redirect uri for applications - bugfixes - [#157] Response token status should be `:ok`, not `:success` [@theycallmeswift](https://github.com/theycallmeswift) - [#159] Remove ActionView::Base.field_error_proc override (fixes #145) - internals - Update development dependencies - Several refactorings - Rails/ORM are easily swichable with env vars (rails and orm) - Travis now tests against Mongoid v2 ## 0.5.0.rc1 Official support for rubinius was removed. - enhancements - Configure the way access token is retrieved from request (default to bearer header) - Authorization Code expiration time is now configurable - Add support for mongoid - [#78, #128, #137, #138] Application Ownership - [#92] Allow users to skip controllers - [#99] Remove deprecated warnings for data-* attributes [@towerhe](https://github.com/towerhe) - [#101] Return existing access_token for PasswordAccessTokenRequest [@benoist](https://github.com/benoist) - [#104] Changed access token scopes example code to default_scopes and optional_scopes [@amkirwan](https://github.com/amkirwan) - [#107] Fix typos in initializer - [#123] i18n for validator, flash messages [@petergoldstein](https://github.com/petergoldstein) - [#140] ActiveRecord is the default value for the ORM [@petergoldstein](https://github.com/petergoldstein) - internals - [#112, #120] Replacing update_attribute with update_column to eliminate deprecation warnings [@rmoriz](https://github.com/rmoriz), [@petergoldstein](https://github.com/petergoldstein) - [#121] Updating all development dependencies to recent versions. [@petergoldstein](https://github.com/petergoldstein) - [#144] Adding MongoDB dependency to .travis.yml [@petergoldstein](https://github.com/petergoldstein) - [#143] Displays errors for unconfigured error messages [@timgaleckas](https://github.com/timgaleckas) - bugfixes - [#102] Not returning 401 when access token generation fails [@cslew](https://github.com/cslew) - [#125] Doorkeeper is using ActiveRecord version of as_json in ORM agnostic code [@petergoldstein](https://github.com/petergoldstein) - [#142] Prevent double submission of password based authentication [@bdurand](https://github.com/bdurand) - documentation - [#141] Add rack-cors middleware to readme [@gottfrois](https://github.com/gottfrois) ## 0.4.2 - bugfixes: - [#94] Uninitialized Constant in Password Flow ## 0.4.1 - enhancements: - Backport: Move doorkeeper_for extension to Filter helper ## 0.4.0 - deprecation - Deprecate authorization_scopes - database changes - AccessToken#resource_owner_id is not nullable - enhancements - [#83] Add Resource Owner Password Credentials flow [@jaimeiniesta](https://github.com/jaimeiniesta) - [#76] Allow token expiration to be disabled [@mattgreen](https://github.com/mattgreen) - [#89] Configure the way client credentials are retrieved from request - [#b6470a] Add Client Credentials flow - internals - [#2ece8d, #f93778] Introduce Client and ErrorResponse classes ## 0.3.4 - Fix attr_accessible for rails 3.2.x ## 0.3.3 - [#86] shrink gem package size ## 0.3.2 - enhancements - [#54] Ignore Authorization: headers that are not Bearer [@miyagawa](https://github.com/miyagawa) - [#58, #64] Add destroy action to applications endpoint [@jaimeiniesta](https://github.com/jaimeiniesta), [@davidfrey](https://github.com/davidfrey) - [#63] TokensController responds with `401 unauthorized` [@jaimeiniesta](https://github.com/jaimeiniesta) - [#67, #72] Fix for mass-assignment [@cicloid](https://github.com/cicloid) - internals - [#49] Add Gemnasium status image to README [@laserlemon](https://github.com/laserlemon) - [#50] Fix typos [@tomekw](https://github.com/tomekw) - [#51] Updated the factory_girl_rails dependency, fix expires_in response which returned a float number instead of integer [@antekpiechnik](https://github.com/antekpiechnik) - [#62] Typos, .gitignore [@jaimeiniesta](https://github.com/jaimeiniesta) - [#65] Change _path redirections to _url redirections [@jaimeiniesta](https://github.com/jaimeiniesta) - [#75] Fix unknown method #authenticate_admin! [@mattgreen](https://github.com/mattgreen) - Remove application link in authorized app view ## 0.3.1 - enhancements - [#48] Add if, else options to doorkeeper_for - Add views generator - internals - Namespace models ## 0.3.0 - enhancements - [#17, #31] Add support for client credentials in basic auth header [@GoldsteinTechPartners](https://github.com/GoldsteinTechPartners) - [#28] Add indices to migration [@GoldsteinTechPartners](https://github.com/GoldsteinTechPartners) - [#29] Allow doorkeeper to run with rails 3.2 [@john-griffin](https://github.com/john-griffin) - [#30] Improve client's redirect uri validation [@GoldsteinTechPartners](https://github.com/GoldsteinTechPartners) - [#32] Add token (implicit grant) flow [@GoldsteinTechPartners](https://github.com/GoldsteinTechPartners) - [#34] Add support for custom unathorized responses [@GoldsteinTechPartners](https://github.com/GoldsteinTechPartners) - [#36] Remove repetitions from the Authorised Applications view [@carvil](https://github.com/carvil) - When user revoke an application, all tokens for that application are revoked - Error messages now can be translated - Install generator copies the error messages localization file - internals - Fix deprecation warnings in ActiveSupport::Base64 - Remove deprecation in doorkeeper_for that handles hash arguments - Depends on railties instead of whole rails framework - CI now integrates with rails 3.1 and 3.2 ## 0.2.0 - enhancements - [#4] Add authorized applications endpoint - [#5, #11] Add access token scopes - [#10] Add access token expiration by default - [#9, #12] Add refresh token flow - internals - [#7] Improve configuration options with :default - Improve configuration options with :builder - Refactor config class - Improve coverage of authorization request integration - bug fixes - [#6, #20] Fix access token response headers - Fix issue with state parameter - deprecation - deprecate :only and :except options in doorkeeper_for ## 0.1.1 - enhancements - [#3] Authorization code must be short lived and single use - [#2] Improve views provided by doorkeeper - [#1] Skips authorization form if the client has been authorized by the resource owner - Improve readme - bugfixes - Fix issue when creating the access token (wrong client id) ## 0.1.0 - Authorization Code flow - OAuth applications endpoint