# :stopdoc:
# This file is automatically generated by the WXRuby3 documentation 
# generator. Do not alter this file.
# :startdoc:

module Wx

  # This event is sent when {Wx::LayoutAlgorithm} wishes to get the size, orientation and alignment of a window.
  # More precisely, the event is sent by the OnCalculateLayout handler which is itself invoked by {Wx::LayoutAlgorithm}.
  # === Events using this class
  # The following event-handler methods redirect the events to member method or handler blocks for {Wx::QueryLayoutInfoEvent} events.
  # Event handler methods:
  # - {Wx::EvtHandler#evt_query_layout_info}(meth = nil, &block): Process a {Wx::EVT_QUERY_LAYOUT_INFO} event, to get size, orientation and alignment from a window. 
  # === 
  # Category:  {Wx::Events}
  # @see Wx::CalculateLayoutEvent
  # @see  Wx::SashLayoutWindow
  # @see  Wx::LayoutAlgorithm. 
  class QueryLayoutInfoEvent < Event
    # Constructor.
    # @param id [Integer] 
    # @return [Wx::QueryLayoutInfoEvent]
    def initialize(id=0) end
    # Specifies the alignment of the window (which side of the remaining parent client area the window sticks to).
    # One of {Wx::LayoutAlignment::LAYOUT_TOP}, {Wx::LayoutAlignment::LAYOUT_LEFT}, {Wx::LayoutAlignment::LAYOUT_RIGHT}, {Wx::LayoutAlignment::LAYOUT_BOTTOM}.
    # @return [Wx::LayoutAlignment]
    def get_alignment; end
    alias_method :alignment, :get_alignment
    # Returns the flags associated with this event.
    # Not currently used.
    # @return [Integer]
    def get_flags; end
    alias_method :flags, :get_flags
    # Returns the orientation that the event handler specified to the event object.
    # May be one of {Wx::LayoutOrientation::LAYOUT_HORIZONTAL}, {Wx::LayoutOrientation::LAYOUT_VERTICAL}.
    # @return [Wx::LayoutOrientation]
    def get_orientation; end
    alias_method :orientation, :get_orientation
    # Returns the requested length of the window in the direction of the window orientation.
    # This information is not yet used.
    # @return [Integer]
    def get_requested_length; end
    alias_method :requested_length, :get_requested_length
    # Returns the size that the event handler specified to the event object as being the requested size of the window.
    # @return [Wx::Size]
    def get_size; end
    alias_method :size, :get_size
    # Call this to specify the alignment of the window (which side of the remaining parent client area the window sticks to).
    # May be one of {Wx::LayoutAlignment::LAYOUT_TOP}, {Wx::LayoutAlignment::LAYOUT_LEFT}, {Wx::LayoutAlignment::LAYOUT_RIGHT}, {Wx::LayoutAlignment::LAYOUT_BOTTOM}.
    # @param alignment [Wx::LayoutAlignment] 
    # @return [void]
    def set_alignment(alignment) end
    alias_method :alignment=, :set_alignment
    # Sets the flags associated with this event.
    # Not currently used.
    # @param flags [Integer] 
    # @return [void]
    def set_flags(flags) end
    alias_method :flags=, :set_flags
    # Call this to specify the orientation of the window.
    # May be one of {Wx::LayoutOrientation::LAYOUT_HORIZONTAL}, {Wx::LayoutOrientation::LAYOUT_VERTICAL}.
    # @param orientation [Wx::LayoutOrientation] 
    # @return [void]
    def set_orientation(orientation) end
    alias_method :orientation=, :set_orientation
    # Sets the requested length of the window in the direction of the window orientation.
    # This information is not yet used.
    # @param length [Integer] 
    # @return [void]
    def set_requested_length(length) end
    alias_method :requested_length=, :set_requested_length
    # Call this to let the calling code know what the size of the window is.
    # @param size [Array(Integer, Integer), Wx::Size] 
    # @return [void]
    def set_size(size) end
    alias_method :size=, :set_size
  end # QueryLayoutInfoEvent
