module Lita module Handlers class Statuspage < Handler route( /^statuspage\sincident\snew\s(.+)$/, :incident_new, command: true, help: { 'statuspage incident new name:""' => 'Create a new realtime incident', ' status:' => '(Optional) One of: investigating|identified|monitoring|resolved ' \ '(default: investigating)', ' message:""' => '(Optional) The initial message', ' twitter:' => '(Optional) Post the new incident to Twitter, one of: ' \ '(true|t|false|f) (default:false)', ' impact:' => '(Optional) Override calculated impact value, one of: ' \ '(minor|major|critical)' } ) route( /^statuspage\sincident\supdate\s(.+)$/, :incident_update, command: true, help: { 'statuspage incident update id:ABC123 (...)' => 'Update an incident (takes same arguments as new)' } ) route( /^statuspage\sincident\slist(\sall)?$/, :incident_list_all, command: true, help: { 'statuspage incident list all' => 'List all incidents' } ) route( /^statuspage\sincident\slist\sscheduled$/, :incident_list_scheduled, command: true, help: { 'statuspage incident list scheduled' => 'List scheduled incidents' } ) route( /^statuspage\sincident\slist\sunresolved$/, :incident_list_unresolved, command: true, help: { 'statuspage incident list unresolved' => 'List unresolved incidents' } ) route( /^statuspage\sincident\sdelete\slatest$/, :incident_delete_latest, command: true, help: { 'statuspage incident delete latest' => 'Delete latest incident' } ) route( /^statuspage\sincident\sdelete\sid:(\w+)$/, :incident_delete, command: true, help: { 'statuspage incident delete id:' => 'Delete a specific incident' } ) route( /^statuspage\scomponent\slist(\sall)?$/, :component_list, command: true, help: { 'statuspage component list' => 'Lists all components' } ) route( /^statuspage\scomponent\supdate\s(.+)$/, :component_update, command: true, help: { 'statuspage component update' => 'Updates the component' } ) def self.default_config(config) config.api_key = nil config.page_id = nil end def incident_new(response) args = parse_args(response.matches[0][0]) unless args.key?('name') response.reply('Can\'t create incident, missing incident name') return end if args.key?('status') && !valid_incident_status?(args['status']) response.reply('Can\'t create incident, invalid incident state') return end if args.key?('twitter') && !valid_twitter_status?(args['twitter']) response.reply('Can\'t create incident, invalid twitter state') return end if args.key?('impact') && !valid_impact_value?(args['impact']) response.reply('Can\'t create incident, invalid impact value') return end response.reply(create_incident(args)) end def incident_update(response) args = parse_args(response.matches[0][0]) unless args.key?('id') response.reply('Can\'t update incident, missing incident ID') return end if args.length < 2 response.reply('Can\'t update incident, nothing to update') return end if args.key?('status') && !valid_incident_status?(args['status']) response.reply('Can\'t update incident, invalid incident state') return end if args.key?('twitter') && !valid_twitter_status?(args['twitter']) response.reply('Can\'t update incident, invalid twitter state') return end if args.key?('impact') && !valid_impact_value?(args['impact']) response.reply('Can\'t update incident, invalid impact value') return end response.reply(update_incident(args['id'], args)) end def incident_list_all(response) list_incidents('incidents.json').each do |msg| response.reply(msg) end end def incident_list_scheduled(response) list_incidents('incidents/scheduled.json').each do |msg| response.reply(msg) end end def incident_list_unresolved(response) list_incidents('incidents/unresolved.json').each do |msg| response.reply(msg) end end def incident_delete_latest(response) incident = latest_incident if incident response.reply(delete_incident(incident['id'])) else response.reply('No latest incident found') end end def incident_delete(response) incident_id = response.matches[0][0] response.reply(delete_incident(incident_id)) end def component_list(response) components = api_request('get', 'components') if components if components.count > 0 components.each do |component| response.reply(format_component(component)) end else response.reply('No components to list') end else response.reply('Error fetching components') end end def component_update(response) args = parse_args(response.matches[0][0]) request_args = {} if !args.key?('name') && !args.key?('id') response.reply('Need an identifier for the component') else if args.key?('status') if valid_component_status?(args['status']) request_args['component[status]'] = args['status'] else response.reply('Invalid status to use in updates') return end else request_args['component[status]='] = '' end if args.key?('id') response.reply(update_component(args['id'], request_args)) elsif args.key?('name') component = component(args['name']) response.reply(update_component(component['id'], request_args)) else response.reply('Need an identifier for the component') end end end private def incident(id) incidents = api_request('get', 'incidents') if incidents && incidents.count > 0 incidents.each do |incident| return incident if incident['id'] == id end end nil end def latest_incident incidents = api_request('get', 'incidents') return nil unless incidents && incidents.count > 0 incidents.first end def list_incidents(resource) incidents = api_request('get', resource) response = [] if incidents response = ['No incidents to list'] unless incidents.count > 0 incidents.each do |incident| response.push("#{format_incident(incident)}") end else response = ['Error fetching incidents'] end response end def create_incident(args) request_args = {} request_args['incident[name]'] = args['name'] request_args['incident[status]'] = args['status'] if args.key?('status') request_args['incident[wants_twitter_update]'] = args['twitter'] if args.key?('twitter') request_args['incident[message]'] = args['message'] if args.key?('message') request_args['incident[impact_override]'] = args['impact'] if args.key?('impact') result = api_request('post', 'incidents.json', request_args) if result "Incident #{result['id']} created" else 'Error creating incident' end end def update_incident(id, args) incident = incident(id) if incident request_args = {} request_args['incident[status]'] = args['status'] if args.key?('status') request_args['incident[wants_twitter_update]'] = args['twitter'] if args.key?('twitter') request_args['incident[message]'] = args['message'] if args.key?('message') request_args['incident[impact_override]'] = args['impact'] if args.key?('impact') result = api_request('patch', "incidents/#{id}.json", request_args) if result "Incident #{id} updated" else 'Error updating incident' end else 'Can\'t update incident, does not exist' end end def delete_incident(id) incident = incident(id) if incident result = api_request('delete', "incidents/#{id}.json") if result "Incident #{id} deleted" else 'Error deleting incident' end else 'Incident not found' end end def component(identifier) components = api_request('get', 'components') if components && components.count > 0 components.each do |component| return component if component['id'] == identifier || component['name'] == identifier end end end def update_component(id, args) component = component(id) if component result = api_request('patch', "components/#{id}.json", args) if result "Component #{id} updated" else 'Error updating component' end else 'Component not found' end end def format_incident(incident) name = incident['name'] id = incident['id'] status = incident['status'] created = Date.parse(incident['created_at']) "#{name} (" \ "created: #{created.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')}, " \ "status: #{status}, " \ "id:#{id})" end def format_component(component) name = component['name'] id = component['id'] status = component['status'] "#{name} (" \ "status: #{status}, " \ "id:#{id})" end def valid_incident_status?(status) %w(investigating identified monitoring resolved).include?(status) end def valid_twitter_status?(status) %w(true t false f).include?(status) end def valid_impact_value?(value) %w(minor major critical).include?(value) end def valid_component_status?(status) %w(operational degraded_performance partial_outage major_outage).include?(status) end def parse_args(string) results = {} # TODO: Error handling on parse errors arg_pairs = Shellwords.split(string) arg_pairs.each do |pair| keyval = pair.split(':', 2) results[keyval[0]] = keyval[1] end results end def api_request(method, component, args = {}) if Lita.config.handlers.statuspage.api_key.nil? || Lita.config.handlers.statuspage.page_id.nil? Lita.logger.error('Missing API key or Page ID for Statuspage') fail 'Missing config' end url = "" \ "#{Lita.config.handlers.statuspage.page_id}" \ "/#{component}" http_response = http.send(method) do |req| req.url url, args req.headers['Authorization'] = "OAuth #{Lita.config.handlers.statuspage.api_key}" end if http_response.status == 200 || http_response.status == 201 MultiJson.load(http_response.body) else Lita.logger.error("HTTP #{method} for #{url} with #{args} returned #{http_response.status}") Lita.logger.error(http_response.body) nil end end end Lita.register_handler(Statuspage) end end