## ANXS - PostgreSQL [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/ANXS/postgresql.png)](https://travis-ci.org/ANXS/postgresql) Ansible role which installs and configures PostgreSQL, extensions, databases and users. #### Requirements & Dependencies - Tested on Ansible 1.8.4 or higher. - ANXS.monit ([Galaxy](https://galaxy.ansible.com/list#/roles/502)/[GH](https://github.com/ANXS/monit)) if you want monit protection (in that case, you should set `monit_protection: true`) #### Variables ```yaml # Basic settings postgresql_version: 9.3 postgresql_encoding: 'UTF-8' postgresql_locale: 'en_US.UTF-8' postgresql_admin_user: "postgres" postgresql_default_auth_method: "trust" postgresql_cluster_name: "main" postgresql_cluster_reset: false # List of databases to be created (optional) postgresql_databases: - name: foobar hstore: yes # flag to install the hstore extension on this database (yes/no) uuid_ossp: yes # flag to install the uuid-ossp extension on this database (yes/no) citext: yes # flag to install the citext extension on this database (yes/no) # List of users to be created (optional) postgresql_users: - name: baz pass: pass encrypted: no # denotes if the password is already encrypted. # List of user privileges to be applied (optional) postgresql_user_privileges: - name: baz # user name db: foobar # database priv: "ALL" # privilege string format: example: INSERT,UPDATE/table:SELECT/anothertable:ALL role_attr_flags: "CREATEDB" # role attribute flags ``` There's a lot more knobs and bolts to set, which you can find in the defaults/main.yml #### Testing This project comes with a VagrantFile, this is a fast and easy way to test changes to the role, fire it up with `vagrant up` See [vagrant docs](https://docs.vagrantup.com/v2/) for getting setup with vagrant #### License Licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details. #### Thanks To the contributors: - [Ralph von der Heyden](https://github.com/ralph) #### Feedback, bug-reports, requests, ... Are [welcome](https://github.com/ANXS/postgresql/issues)!