module RSence # Classic WEBrick -compatible Response object for Rack. # Implements only the methods used by the framework. class Response # Adds the + method "operator" to an extended Array. # Used for pushing http body data. class ResponseBody < Array def push( body_data ) super( sanitize_body_data( body_data ) ) end def sanitize_body_data( body_data ) if body_data.class == String or body_data.class == GZString return body_data elsif body_data.respond_to?(:to_s) warn "WARNING: RSence::Response::ResponseBody -> body_data is not a string. It's a #{body_data.class}, with the following contents: #{body_data.inspect}" if RSence.args[:verbose] return body_data.to_s else warn "Invalid response data: #{body_data.inspect[0..100]}" return '' end end def +(body_data) self.push(body_data) end end def initialize @body = @body[0] = '' @status = 200 @header = { 'Content-Type' => 'text/plain', 'Server' => 'RSence' } end def body=(body_data) @body = @body[0] = @body.sanitize_body_data( body_data ) end def body @body end def body_bytes bytes = 0 @body.each do |part| if part.respond_to?(:to_s) bytes += part.to_s.bytesize else warn "body data part does not respond to to_s: #{part.inspect[0..100]}" end end return bytes.to_s end def content_type=(new_content_type) @header['Content-Type'] = new_content_type end def content_type @header['Content-Type'] end def camelize( header_key ) header_key.capitalize.gsub(/\-([a-z])/) { '-'+$1.upcase } end def []=(header_key,header_val) @header[camelize( header_key )] = header_val.to_s end def status=(new_val) @status = new_val.to_i end def status @status end def header @header end end end