CodeMirror 2: Clojure mode
; Conway's Game of Life, from (defstruct grid :w :h :cells) (defn get-cell "Returns the value at x,y. The grid is treated as a torus, such that both x and y coordinates will wrap around if greater than width and height respectively." [grid x y] (let [x (mod x (:w grid)) y (mod y (:h grid))] (-> grid :cells (nth y) (nth x)))) (defn neighbors "Returns a lazy sequence of all neighbors of the specified cell." [grid x y] (for [j [(dec y) y (inc y)] i [(dec x) x (inc x)] :when (not (and (= i x) (= j y)))] (get-cell grid i j))) (defn evolve-cell "Returns the new state of the specifed cell." [grid x y] (let [c (get-cell grid x y) n (reduce + (neighbors grid x y))] (if (or (and (zero? c) (= 3 n)) (and (= 1 c) (or (= 2 n) (= 3 n)))) 1 0))) (defn evolve-grid "Returns a new grid whose cells have all been evolved." [grid] (assoc grid :cells (vec (for [y (range (:h grid))] (vec (for [x (range (:w grid))] (evolve-cell grid x y))))))) (defn generations [grid] "Returns a lazy sequence of the grid, and all subsequent generations." (iterate evolve-grid grid)) (defn make-grid [w h & row-patterns] (let [cells (vec (for [rp row-patterns] (vec (mapcat #(take %1 (repeat %2)) rp (cycle [0 1])))))] (if (and (= h (count cells)) (every? #(= w (count %)) cells)) (struct grid w h cells) (throw (IllegalArgumentException. "Resulting cells do not match expected width/height."))))) (defn display-row [row] (do (dorun (map print (map #(if (zero? %) " . " "[X]") row))) (println))) (defn display-grid [grid] (dorun (map display-row (:cells grid)))) (defn display-grids [grids] (dorun (interleave (repeatedly println) (map display-grid grids)))) (def blinker (make-grid 5 5 [5] [5] [1 3 1] [5] [5])) (display-grids (take 3 (generations blinker)))
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