require 'spec_helper' require 'puppet/x509' describe Puppet::X509::CertProvider do include PuppetSpec::Files def create_provider(options) end def expects_public_file(path) if current_sid = Puppet::Util::Windows::SID.name_to_sid(Puppet::Util::Windows::ADSI::User.current_user_name) sd = Puppet::Util::Windows::Security.get_security_descriptor(path) expect(sd.dacl).to contain_exactly( an_object_having_attributes(sid: Puppet::Util::Windows::SID::LocalSystem, mask: 0x1f01ff), an_object_having_attributes(sid: Puppet::Util::Windows::SID::BuiltinAdministrators, mask: 0x1f01ff), an_object_having_attributes(sid: current_sid, mask: 0x1f01ff), an_object_having_attributes(sid: Puppet::Util::Windows::SID::BuiltinUsers, mask: 0x120089) ) else expect(File.stat(path).mode & 07777).to eq(0644) end end def expects_private_file(path) if current_sid = Puppet::Util::Windows::SID.name_to_sid(Puppet::Util::Windows::ADSI::User.current_user_name) sd = Puppet::Util::Windows::Security.get_security_descriptor(path) expect(sd.dacl).to contain_exactly( an_object_having_attributes(sid: Puppet::Util::Windows::SID::LocalSystem, mask: 0x1f01ff), an_object_having_attributes(sid: Puppet::Util::Windows::SID::BuiltinAdministrators, mask: 0x1f01ff), an_object_having_attributes(sid: current_sid, mask: 0x1f01ff) ) else expect(File.stat(path).mode & 07777).to eq(0640) end end let(:fixture_dir) { File.join(PuppetSpec::FIXTURE_DIR, 'ssl') } context 'when loading' do context 'cacerts' do it 'returns nil if it does not exist' do provider = create_provider(capath: '/does/not/exist') expect(provider.load_cacerts).to be_nil end it 'raises if cacerts are required' do provider = create_provider(capath: '/does/not/exist') expect { provider.load_cacerts(required: true) }.to raise_error(Puppet::Error, %r{The CA certificates are missing from '/does/not/exist'}) end it 'returns an array of certificates' do subject =[['CN', 'Test CA']]) certs = create_provider(capath: File.join(fixture_dir, 'ca.pem')).load_cacerts expect(certs).to contain_exactly(an_object_having_attributes(subject: subject)) end context 'and input is invalid' do it 'raises when invalid input is inside BEGIN-END block' do ca_path = file_containing('invalid_ca', <<~END) -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- whoops -----END CERTIFICATE----- END expect { create_provider(capath: ca_path).load_cacerts }.to raise_error(OpenSSL::X509::CertificateError) end it 'raises if the input is empty' do expect { create_provider(capath: file_containing('empty_ca', '')).load_cacerts }.to raise_error(OpenSSL::X509::CertificateError) end it 'raises if the input is malformed' do ca_path = file_containing('malformed_ca', <<~END) -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIBpDCCAQ2gAwIBAgIBAjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFADAfMR0wGwYDVQQDDBRUZXN0 END expect { create_provider(capath: ca_path).load_cacerts }.to raise_error(OpenSSL::X509::CertificateError) end end it 'raises if the cacerts are unreadable' do capath = File.join(fixture_dir, 'ca.pem') provider = create_provider(capath: capath) allow(provider).to receive(:load_pem).and_raise(Errno::EACCES, 'Permission denied') expect { provider.load_cacerts }.to raise_error(Puppet::Error, "Failed to load CA certificates from '#{capath}'") end end context 'crls' do it 'returns nil if it does not exist' do provider = create_provider(crlpath: '/does/not/exist') expect(provider.load_crls).to be_nil end it 'raises if CRLs are required' do provider = create_provider(crlpath: '/does/not/exist') expect { provider.load_crls(required: true) }.to raise_error(Puppet::Error, %r{The CRL is missing from '/does/not/exist'}) end it 'returns an array of CRLs' do issuer =[['CN', 'Test CA']]) crls = create_provider(crlpath: File.join(fixture_dir, 'crl.pem')).load_crls expect(crls).to contain_exactly(an_object_having_attributes(issuer: issuer)) end context 'and input is invalid' do it 'raises when invalid input is inside BEGIN-END block' do pending('jruby bug:') if Puppet::Util::Platform.jruby? crl_path = file_containing('invalid_crls', <<~END) -----BEGIN X509 CRL----- whoops -----END X509 CRL----- END expect { create_provider(crlpath: crl_path).load_crls }.to raise_error(OpenSSL::X509::CRLError, 'nested asn1 error') end it 'raises if the input is empty' do expect { create_provider(crlpath: file_containing('empty_crl', '')).load_crls }.to raise_error(OpenSSL::X509::CRLError, 'Failed to parse CRLs as PEM') end it 'raises if the input is malformed' do crl_path = file_containing('malformed_crl', <<~END) -----BEGIN X509 CRL----- MIIBCjB1AgEBMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBCwUAMBIxEDAOBgNVBAMMB1Rlc3QgQ0EXDTcw END expect { create_provider(crlpath: crl_path).load_crls }.to raise_error(OpenSSL::X509::CRLError, 'Failed to parse CRLs as PEM') end end it 'raises if the CRLs are unreadable' do crlpath = File.join(fixture_dir, 'crl.pem') provider = create_provider(crlpath: crlpath) allow(provider).to receive(:load_pem).and_raise(Errno::EACCES, 'Permission denied') expect { provider.load_crls }.to raise_error(Puppet::Error, "Failed to load CRLs from '#{crlpath}'") end end end context 'when saving' do context 'cacerts' do let(:ca_path) { tmpfile('pem_cacerts') } let(:ca_cert) { cert_fixture('ca.pem') } it 'writes PEM encoded certs' do create_provider(capath: ca_path).save_cacerts([ca_cert]) expect( match(/\A-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----.*?-----END CERTIFICATE-----\Z/m) end it 'sets mode to 644' do create_provider(capath: ca_path).save_cacerts([ca_cert]) expects_public_file(ca_path) end it 'raises if the CA certs are unwritable' do provider = create_provider(capath: ca_path) allow(provider).to receive(:save_pem).and_raise(Errno::EACCES, 'Permission denied') expect { provider.save_cacerts([ca_cert]) }.to raise_error(Puppet::Error, "Failed to save CA certificates to '#{ca_path}'") end end context 'crls' do let(:crl_path) { tmpfile('pem_crls') } let(:ca_crl) { crl_fixture('crl.pem') } it 'writes PEM encoded CRLs' do create_provider(crlpath: crl_path).save_crls([ca_crl]) expect( match(/\A-----BEGIN X509 CRL-----.*?-----END X509 CRL-----\Z/m) end it 'sets mode to 644' do create_provider(crlpath: crl_path).save_crls([ca_crl]) expects_public_file(crl_path) end it 'raises if the CRLs are unwritable' do provider = create_provider(crlpath: crl_path) allow(provider).to receive(:save_pem).and_raise(Errno::EACCES, 'Permission denied') expect { provider.save_crls([ca_crl]) }.to raise_error(Puppet::Error, "Failed to save CRLs to '#{crl_path}'") end end end context 'when loading' do context 'private keys' do let(:provider) { create_provider(privatekeydir: fixture_dir) } let(:password) { '74695716c8b6' } it 'returns nil if it does not exist' do provider = create_provider(privatekeydir: '/does/not/exist') expect(provider.load_private_key('whatever')).to be_nil end it 'raises if it is required' do provider = create_provider(privatekeydir: '/does/not/exist') expect { provider.load_private_key('whatever', required: true) }.to raise_error(Puppet::Error, %r{The private key is missing from '/does/not/exist/whatever.pem'}) end it 'downcases name' do expect(provider.load_private_key('SIGNED-KEY')).to be_a(OpenSSL::PKey::RSA) end it 'raises if name is invalid' do expect { provider.load_private_key('signed/../key') }.to raise_error(RuntimeError, 'Certname "signed/../key" must not contain unprintable or non-ASCII characters') end it 'returns nil if `hostprivkey` is overridden' do Puppet[:certname] = 'foo' Puppet[:hostprivkey] = File.join(fixture_dir, "signed-key.pem") expect(provider.load_private_key('foo')).to be_nil end it 'raises if the private key is unreadable' do allow(provider).to receive(:load_pem).and_raise(Errno::EACCES, 'Permission denied') expect { provider.load_private_key('signed') }.to raise_error(Puppet::Error, "Failed to load private key for 'signed'") end context 'using RSA' do it 'returns an RSA key' do expect(provider.load_private_key('signed-key')).to be_a(OpenSSL::PKey::RSA) end it 'decrypts an RSA key using the password' do rsa = provider.load_private_key('encrypted-key', password: password) expect(rsa).to be_a(OpenSSL::PKey::RSA) end it 'raises without a password' do # password is 74695716c8b6 expect { provider.load_private_key('encrypted-key') }.to raise_error(OpenSSL::PKey::PKeyError, /Could not parse PKey: no start line/) end it 'decrypts an RSA key previously saved using 3DES' do key = key_fixture('signed-key.pem') cipher =, :CBC) privatekeydir = dir_containing('private_keys', {'oldkey.pem' => key.export(cipher, password)}) provider = create_provider(privatekeydir: privatekeydir) expect(provider.load_private_key('oldkey', password: password).to_der).to eq(key.to_der) end end context 'using EC' do it 'returns an EC key' do expect(provider.load_private_key('ec-key')).to be_a(OpenSSL::PKey::EC) end it 'decrypts an EC key using the password' do ec = provider.load_private_key('encrypted-ec-key', password: password) expect(ec).to be_a(OpenSSL::PKey::EC) end it 'raises without a password' do # password is 74695716c8b6 expect { provider.load_private_key('encrypted-ec-key') }.to raise_error(OpenSSL::PKey::PKeyError, /Could not parse PKey: no start line/) end end end context 'certs' do let(:provider) { create_provider(certdir: fixture_dir) } it 'returns nil if it does not exist' do provider = create_provider(certdir: '/does/not/exist') expect(provider.load_client_cert('nonexistent')).to be_nil end it 'raises if it is required' do provider = create_provider(certdir: '/does/not/exist') expect { provider.load_client_cert('nonexistent', required: true) }.to raise_error(Puppet::Error, %r{The client certificate is missing from '/does/not/exist/nonexistent.pem'}) end it 'returns a certificate' do cert = provider.load_client_cert('signed') expect(cert.subject.to_utf8).to eq('CN=signed') end it 'downcases name' do cert = provider.load_client_cert('SIGNED') expect(cert.subject.to_utf8).to eq('CN=signed') end it 'raises if name is invalid' do expect { provider.load_client_cert('tom/../key') }.to raise_error(RuntimeError, 'Certname "tom/../key" must not contain unprintable or non-ASCII characters') end it 'returns nil if `hostcert` is overridden' do Puppet[:certname] = 'foo' Puppet[:hostcert] = File.join(fixture_dir, "signed.pem") expect(provider.load_client_cert('foo')).to be_nil end it 'raises if the certificate is unreadable' do allow(provider).to receive(:load_pem).and_raise(Errno::EACCES, 'Permission denied') expect { provider.load_client_cert('signed') }.to raise_error(Puppet::Error, "Failed to load client certificate for 'signed'") end end context 'requests' do let(:request) { request_fixture('request.pem') } let(:provider) { create_provider(requestdir: fixture_dir) } it 'returns nil if it does not exist' do expect(provider.load_request('whatever')).to be_nil end it 'returns a request' do expect(provider.load_request('request')).to be_a(OpenSSL::X509::Request) end it 'downcases name' do csr = provider.load_request('REQUEST') expect(csr.subject.to_utf8).to eq('CN=pending') end it 'raises if name is invalid' do expect { provider.load_request('tom/../key') }.to raise_error(RuntimeError, 'Certname "tom/../key" must not contain unprintable or non-ASCII characters') end it 'ignores `hostcsr`' do Puppet[:hostcsr] = File.join(fixture_dir, "doesnotexist.pem") expect(provider.load_request('request')).to be_a(OpenSSL::X509::Request) end it 'raises if the certificate is unreadable' do allow(provider).to receive(:load_pem).and_raise(Errno::EACCES, 'Permission denied') expect { provider.load_request('pending') }.to raise_error(Puppet::Error, "Failed to load certificate request for 'pending'") end end end context 'when saving' do let(:name) { 'tom' } context 'private keys' do let(:privatekeydir) { tmpdir('privatekeydir') } let(:private_key) { key_fixture('signed-key.pem') } let(:path) { File.join(privatekeydir, 'tom.pem') } let(:provider) { create_provider(privatekeydir: privatekeydir) } it 'writes PEM encoded private key' do provider.save_private_key(name, private_key) expect( match(/\A-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----.*?-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\Z/m) end it 'encrypts the private key using AES128-CBC' do provider.save_private_key(name, private_key, password: expect( match(/Proc-Type: 4,ENCRYPTED.*DEK-Info: AES-128-CBC/m) end it 'sets mode to 640' do provider.save_private_key(name, private_key) expects_private_file(path) end it 'downcases name' do provider.save_private_key('TOM', private_key) expect(File).to be_exist(path) end it 'raises if name is invalid' do expect { provider.save_private_key('tom/../key', private_key) }.to raise_error(RuntimeError, 'Certname "tom/../key" must not contain unprintable or non-ASCII characters') end it 'raises if the private key is unwritable' do allow(provider).to receive(:save_pem).and_raise(Errno::EACCES, 'Permission denied') expect { provider.save_private_key(name, private_key) }.to raise_error(Puppet::Error, "Failed to save private key for '#{name}'") end end context 'certs' do let(:certdir) { tmpdir('certdir') } let(:client_cert) { cert_fixture('signed.pem') } let(:path) { File.join(certdir, 'tom.pem') } let(:provider) { create_provider(certdir: certdir) } it 'writes PEM encoded cert' do provider.save_client_cert(name, client_cert) expect( match(/\A-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----.*?-----END CERTIFICATE-----\Z/m) end it 'sets mode to 644' do provider.save_client_cert(name, client_cert) expects_public_file(path) end it 'downcases name' do provider.save_client_cert('TOM', client_cert) expect(File).to be_exist(path) end it 'raises if name is invalid' do expect { provider.save_client_cert('tom/../key', client_cert) }.to raise_error(RuntimeError, 'Certname "tom/../key" must not contain unprintable or non-ASCII characters') end it 'raises if the cert is unwritable' do allow(provider).to receive(:save_pem).and_raise(Errno::EACCES, 'Permission denied') expect { provider.save_client_cert(name, client_cert) }.to raise_error(Puppet::Error, "Failed to save client certificate for '#{name}'") end end context 'requests' do let(:requestdir) { tmpdir('requestdir') } let(:csr) { request_fixture('request.pem') } let(:path) { File.join(requestdir, 'tom.pem') } let(:provider) { create_provider(requestdir: requestdir) } it 'writes PEM encoded request' do provider.save_request(name, csr) expect( match(/\A-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----.*?-----END CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----\Z/m) end it 'sets mode to 644' do provider.save_request(name, csr) expects_public_file(path) end it 'downcases name' do provider.save_request('TOM', csr) expect(File).to be_exist(path) end it 'raises if name is invalid' do expect { provider.save_request('tom/../key', csr) }.to raise_error(RuntimeError, 'Certname "tom/../key" must not contain unprintable or non-ASCII characters') end it 'raises if the request is unwritable' do allow(provider).to receive(:save_pem).and_raise(Errno::EACCES, 'Permission denied') expect { provider.save_request(name, csr) }.to raise_error(Puppet::Error, "Failed to save certificate request for '#{name}'") end end end context 'when deleting' do context 'requests' do let(:name) { 'jerry' } let(:requestdir) { tmpdir('cert_provider') } let(:provider) { create_provider(requestdir: requestdir) } it 'returns true if request was deleted' do path = File.join(requestdir, "#{name}.pem") File.write(path, "PEM") expect(provider.delete_request(name)).to eq(true) expect(File).not_to be_exist(path) end it 'returns false if the request is non-existent' do path = File.join(requestdir, "#{name}.pem") expect(provider.delete_request(name)).to eq(false) expect(File).to_not be_exist(path) end it 'raises if the file is undeletable' do allow(provider).to receive(:delete_pem).and_raise(Errno::EACCES, 'Permission denied') expect { provider.delete_request(name) }.to raise_error(Puppet::Error, "Failed to delete certificate request for '#{name}'") end end end context 'CRL last update time' do let(:crl_path) { tmpfile('pem_crls') } it 'returns nil if the CRL does not exist' do provider = create_provider(crlpath: '/does/not/exist') expect(provider.crl_last_update).to be_nil end it 'returns the last update time' do time = - 30 Puppet::FileSystem.touch(crl_path, mtime: time) provider = create_provider(crlpath: crl_path) expect(provider.crl_last_update).to be_within(1).of(time) end it 'sets the last update time' do time = - 30 provider = create_provider(crlpath: crl_path) provider.crl_last_update = time expect(Puppet::FileSystem.stat(crl_path).mtime).to be_within(1).of(time) end end end