#!/usr/bin/env ruby require "trollop" require File.join(File.expand_path("..", File.dirname(__FILE__)),"lib","nailed") require File.join(File.expand_path("..", File.dirname(__FILE__)),"db","database") bugzilla_client = Nailed::Bugzilla.new github_client = Nailed::Github.new opts = Trollop::options do opt :migrate, "Set database to pristine state", :short => 'm' opt :upgrade, "Upgrade database", :short => 'u' opt :bugzilla, "Refresh bugzilla database records", :short => 'b' opt :github, "Refresh github database records", :short => 'g' opt :list, "List github repositories within organization", :type => :string, :short => 'l' opt :server, "Start a dashboard webinterface", :short => 's' end abort("try nailed -h") if opts.all?{|k,v| v.is_a?(FalseClass)} if opts[:server_given] if Nailed.get_config["products"].nil? abort("Add some data, there is nothing to be shown") else begin `#{File.join(File.expand_path("..", File.dirname(__FILE__)),"bin","app")}` rescue Interrupt sleep 2 exit end end end opts.each_pair do |key,val| case key when :migrate if val print("Are you sure? This will delete all data from the database. (y/n) ") if gets.strip == "y" Product.auto_migrate! Bugreport.auto_migrate! Bugtrend.auto_migrate! L3Trend.auto_migrate! Organization.auto_migrate! Repository.auto_migrate! Pullrequest.auto_migrate! Pulltrend.auto_migrate! Nailed.fill_db_after_migration(github_client.client) Nailed.log("info", "Database migrated") abort "Database migrated" else abort "Aborting..." end end when :upgrade if val print "Are you sure? This will create new tables, new columns, but not change anything existing. (y/n) " if gets.strip == "y" Product.auto_upgrade! Bugreport.auto_upgrade! Bugtrend.auto_upgrade! L3Trend.auto_upgrade! Organization.auto_upgrade! Repository.auto_upgrade! Pullrequest.auto_upgrade! Pulltrend.auto_upgrade! Nailed.fill_db_after_migration(github_client.client) Nailed.log("info", "Database upgraded") abort "Database upgraded" end end when :bugzilla if val bugzilla_client.get_bugs bugzilla_client.write_bug_trends bugzilla_client.write_l3_trends end when :github if val github_client.get_open_pulls end when :list if val begin Nailed.list_org_repos(github_client.client, val) rescue end end end end