November 2015 Meetup
Time: Starts 19 November 7:00 pm
Location: LAUNCH/CO , Rudolfstraße 14 , 10245 Berlin (map)
We will talk about using vim with screen window manager and tmux. This meetup will exchange workflows, shortcuts and the setup of your dotfiles. Please bring your laptop with you, so that we can hack together.
Thanks to LAUNCH/CO for hosting the event.
- internet:
- connect to the local wifi ("LAUNCH/CO");
- start your browser.. and wait.. for the login page..
- enter the user+pass for this event (see whiteboard)
- projector:
- it didnt recognize the laptops with VGA. :-(
- bring a VGA extension cable next time.
- the HDMI failed once in a while.. loose connection? overheating?
- room:
- we had been seven persons. there was maybe room for one more person.
- then it gets awkward. definitely not enough space for 20 people.
- drinks: club-mate for 1,00€ :)
Richard "oracle2025" Spindler
- Vimfiles:
- plugin #1: vim-tmux-navigator
- plugin #2: vimux => F5 opens the pane below and calls "make" therein.
- plugin #3: vim-slime => copies the current line/paragraph into the pane below
- mentioned keycaster
Matthias "wikimatze" Günther
- Vimfiles:
- Dotfiles:
- tmux plugin manager (tpm)
- tmux-sensible: common settings for every tmux.conf
- tmux-resurrect: store and save several tmux sessions
- tmux-open: press 'o' in Edit-Mode to open txt, mp3, pngs in your system default programms
- tmux-yank: copy text in tmux to system clipboard on various platforms
- tmux-copycat: better searching with highlights
- tmuxifer: Window and pane management for tmux
"uses the mouse" ;)
- fzf: "command line fuzzy finder"
- mucks: another way to manage sessions in both screen and tmux written in awk by Serge Zaitsev
Christian "wellle" Wellenbrock
- Vimfiles:
- uses the dvorak keyboard layout
- ranger: minimalistic file-browser
- ranger: plugin for vim:
- tmux: zoom with 'Prefix z'
- tmux-complete: completes words from other panes
- tmux: enable tmux with mouse support for dragging borders between panes
- vim-tbone: a good plugin to send keys to certain panes
Sven Guckes
- almost never uses the mouse
- current window manager: "i3" (small+fast!)
- has been using screen as an environment for 20+ years
- maintainer of the screen maillist gnu-screen 2000-2004
- webpages on screen
- setup files:
- 450byte
- (58KB): includes many examples, links about screen, a description of copy mode, and some general problems on screen
- screen or tmux? tmux!
- comparison:
screen: some remarks:
- screen+tmux: keep programs running
- terminology:
- screen: windows with regions
- tmux: windows with panes
- splitting: horizontal und vertikal
- screen: global layout
- tmux: each window can have different panes
- useful shell aliases:
alias \\?='screen -ls'
alias \\!='screen -r'
alias x='screen -x'
- screen: starting sessions with config files
screen -c $file
alias WORK='screen -m -c ~/'
alias COMM='screen -t COMM 9 -m -c ~/.screenrc.comm'
-> ":source" allows splitting of config files
(shells, mutt and vim allows this, too=
- bindings: allows to start programs and webpages easily (zB htop, imdb, mtr, mutt,vim; web: dict,google,imdbhj)
other tools:
- irssi: "a modular IRC client for UNIX" backlog completion - ading tab completion for prefix of words which had been used in conversation (private or in public, ie on channels)
- written by Florian Ragwitz
- xsel: "manipulate the X selection" copies text from shell/vim from/into the X clipboard -> no need for vim to be compiled with clipboard support
- same functionality for MacOSX: pbcopy + pbpaste
- zsh: fc - "The fc command controls the interactive history mechanism." builtin command to edit last command
- screen: backlog search with patterns? -> tmux+copycat!
- tmux: does it have a zombie mode?
- vim: tab management. "jump to tab with 'foo' in its name" - possible?
- vim: how do you handle empty/new buffers?
- eg "list all buffers without a file"
- "fzf - Fuzzy Finder For Your Shell - Linux TUI"
Christian: - tmux: allow naming of panes/windows with letters (instead of numbers)
Sven: - CryoPID: "A Process Freezer for Linux" - CryoPID can move your running Linux programs from one computer to another. has anyone used this yet? - reptyr: "Tool for moving running programs between ptys" - feh: "image viewer and cataloguer"
bilder sortieren per key bindings -> actions
parameter: --action1 .. --action9
action1: save pictures to subdir1 (good -> keep)
action2: save pictures to subdir2 (bad -> keep for now)
action3: save pictures to subdir3 (ugly -> to be deleted)
- screen: use case embedded device -> Bjoern Buerger
- mutt+vim: colouring/farben
- tmux: use extra pane to show key input (four/five lines)
- vim: running several instances on the same files (swapfile issues)
- vim: compare nerdtree to Explore to vimnegar(?)
Thanks to Sven Guckes for writing the notes.
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