module Gridify class Grid # non persistent options: # :build_model # :only # :except attr_accessor :name, # name of the table (required) :resource, # based on AR model class (assume tableized, plural, string) # used as basis for all RESTful requests and data format # model :colModel, # incoming: hash of presets (native jqGrid); internally: array of GridColumn objects # { :body => { "title" => {"width" => 98} }} :colNames, # Column names :colInclude, # included submodels :rowActions, # column for in row actions - values: :client or :server default: :client #:widths, # hash of column width (key = data type) :searchable, # default: true (used in generating columns, changing has no effect on existing cols) :sortable, # default: true (used in generating columns, changing has no effect on existing cols) :editable, # default: false (used in generating columns, changing has no effect on existing cols) :inline_edit, :inline_edit_handler, # grid :dom_id, # defaults to #{resource}_#{name} eg "notes_grid" :grid_view, :jqgrid_options, # hash of additional jqGrid options that override any other settings :ajax_grid_options, #subgrid :sub_grid, :sub_grid_url, :sub_grid_model, #treegrid :tree_grid, # default is false :nodeid, # Node to expand :n_level, # Node level :n_left, # for nested treegrid only :n_right, # for nested treegrid only# # grid layout options :width, # in pixels, or nil (nil means calculated based on overflow setting) :width_fit, # :fluid, :scroll, or :visible # :fluid will always fit container (presently ignores width option) # :scroll uses horizontal scrollbars # :fitted scales columns to fit in width, not fluid :height, # in pixels, '100%', or :auto (150) # :auto means makes it as tall as needed per number of rows :resizable, # allow gride resize with mouse, (true) (or {}) for default options; # nil or false for disabled; or hash of jqUI options # see # defaults (differ from jqUI ones) "minWidth" => 150, "minHeight" => 80 # when overflow is fluid, "handles" => 's', otherwise 'e, s, se' :arranger, # :sortable, :hide_show, :chooser, or nil for none (nil) , # can combine with array of options # or can be a hash with options # see # rows :alt_rows, # true for odd/even row classes, or odd row style name string (nil) :row_numbers, # true to display row numbers in left column; or numeric width in pixels (nil) :select_rows, # true for rows are selectable (eg for pager buttons); or js function when row is selected, false disables hover (true if pager buttons else false) :multi_select, :sortable_rows, # header layer :title, # title string (aka caption), or true for resource.titleize, nil for no title (nil) :collapsible, # when true generates collapse icon (false) :collapsed, # when true initial state is collapsed (false) # pager layer :pager, # id of the pager, or true => dom_id+"_pager", false or nil for no pager (nil) :paging_controls, # false to disable all (true); or hash with native jqGrid options :paging_choices, # array of rows_per_page choices ([10,25,50,100]) # nav buttons :view_button, # true, or hash of native jqGrid parameters and events for the action :add_button, :edit_button, :delete_button, :search_button, # enable search button and dialog :search_advanced, # instead of search_button :search_toolbar, # toggleable search bar, true or :visible, :hidden (other options?) (nil) :refresh_button, :jqgrid_nav_options, # native jqGrid button options (added to 2nd arg in navGrid method) # data :restful, # use restful url and mtype (true) for all actions :finder, # default: :find :url, # request url (required unless table_to_grid or derived from resource) # if nil, uses "/#{resource}" eg "/notes" # note, to force "editurl" use jqgrid_options :data_type, # :xml, :json, and other defined in jqGrid options doc (xml) :data_format, # (defaults to rails conventin based on resource) <chickens><chicken><title><body> format # set false for jqGrid default <rows><records><row><cell> format :sort_by, # name of sort column of next request :sort_order, # sort direction of next request, 'asc' or 'desc' ('asc') :case_sensitive, # sort and search are case sensitive (false) :current_page, # current page requested :rows_per_page, # number of items to be requested in the next request (paging_choices.first or -1 if pager false) :total_rows, # number of rows to read :table_to_grid, # when true generates tableToGrid (false) from html table, then use as local data # note, we assume table rows are not selectable. # (tableToGrid sets multiselect when first col has checkboxes or radio buttons, # we dont know to preserve this so you also need to set in options) :load_once, # true to use local data after first load (false) :error_handler, # javacript: method for crud error handling (default to "after_submit") :error_container, # selector for posting error/flash messages (.errorExplanation) # events #:on_dbl_click_row, #:on_sort_col, #:serialize_grid_data, :z # ---------------------- # attribute defaults and special value handling # (sure it'd be easier to initialize defaults using a hash but we want nil to mean the jqGrid default - might be true - and not pass a value at all) def inline_edit @inline_edit==true ? true : false end def inline_edit_handler @inline_edit_handler || 'null' end def finder @finder || :find end def searchable @searchable==false ? false : true end def sortable @sortable==false ? false : true end def sortable_rows @sortable_rows==true ? true : false end def dom_id @dom_id || "#{resource}_#{name}" end def grid_view @grid_view==false ? false : true end def jqgrid_options @jqgrid_options || {} end # TreeGrid def tree_grid @tree_grid || false end def ajax_grid_options @ajax_grid_options || {} end def width_fit @width_fit || :fluid end def resizable return false if @resizable == false rs = {"minWidth" => 150, "minHeight" => 80} rs.merge!({"handles" => 's'}) if width_fit == :fluid rs.merge!(@resizable) if @resizable.is_a?(Hash) rs end def arranger_type #read-only if arranger.is_a?(Hash) arranger.keys else Array(arranger) end end def arranger_options(type) #read-only (arranger[type] if arranger.is_a?(Hash)) || {} end def select_rows if @select_rows @select_rows else pager && (view_button || edit_button || delete_button) end end # header layer def title case @title when String @title when true resource.titleize else (' ' if collapsible || collapsed) #show header with blank title end end def collapsible @collapsible || @collapsed end # pager layer def pager case @pager when String @pager when true dom_id+'_pager' end end def paging_controls @paging_controls.nil? ? true : @paging_controls end def paging_choices @paging_choices || [10, 25, 50, 100] end def restful @restful==false ? false : true end # data def url @url || "/#{resource}" end def rows_per_page #debugger # all rows when pager controls or rows per page are off if !pager || paging_controls==false || @rows_per_page==false || @rows_per_page==-1 -1 elsif @rows_per_page.nil? paging_choices.first else @rows_per_page end end def data_type @data_type || :json end def data_format if @data_format || @data_format==false #explicit false for no param @data_format elsif resource && data_type == :xml { :root => resource, :page => resource+'>page', :total => resource+'>total', :records => resource+'>records', :row => resource.singularize, :repeatitems => false, :id => :id } elsif resource && data_type == :json { :root => resource, :page => 'page', :total => 'total', :records => 'records', :row => resource.singularize, :repeatitems => false, :id => :id } end end # events # def serialize_grid_data # @serialize_grid_data || {} # end def error_handler @error_handler || 'gridify_action_error_handler' end def error_handler_return_value error_handler ? error_handler : 'true;' end def error_container @error_container || '.errorExplanation' end end end