// Data Tables Helper Methods // (C) 2017 Beau Barker (beau@barkerest.com) /* * JSON format: * { * // (optional) set to true to indicate an invalid request to the server, default is false. * "invalidRequest": false, * // (optional) an array of messages to display to the user. * "messages": [ * { * // (required) "info", "warning", "danger", "success" * "type": "info", * // (required) the message to display. * "text": "The action was successful." * } * ], * // (optional) an array of data to update the data table with. * "data": [ * { * // (required) the unique ID for this row. * "DT_RowId": "my_model_1", * // (required) the "show" path for the model. * "DT_Path": "/incline/my_model/1", * // (optional) "update" or "remove", default is "update". * "DT_RowAction": "update", * // (optional) "info", "warning", "danger", "success" * "DT_RowClass": "info", * * // then model details such as: * "name": "John Doe", * "age": 35, * "email": "jdoe@example.com", * "occupation": "Mechanic" * } * ] * } */ var inclineInline = { action: function(path, method, post_data) { if (!(method)) method = 'get'; if (path.indexOf('?') >= 0) { path += '&inline=1'; } else { path += '?inline=1'; } $.ajax({ method: method.toUpperCase(), url: path, dataType: 'json', data: post_data, success: function (data, status, xhr) { inclineInline._handle_json_result(data); }, error: function (xhr, status, error) { inclineInline._handle_error(status, error); } }); }, form: function(req_path, req_method) { if (!(req_method)) req_method = 'get'; if (req_path.indexOf('?') >= 0) { req_path += '&inline=1'; } else { req_path += '?inline=1'; } // first request should return HTML. $.ajax({ method: req_method.toUpperCase(), url: req_path, dataType: 'html', success: function (data, status, xhr) { inclineInline._handle_form_response(data, status, xhr); }, error: function (xhr, status, error) { inclineInline._handle_error(status, error); } }); }, _handle_json_result: function(data) { var ts = Math.round((new Date().getTime() / 100) % 864000, 0); var i; if (data.invalidRequest) { // Should probably come up with a more informative alert. this._handle_error('invalid request', 'invalid request'); } else { // build alerts that clear after 5 seconds. if (data.messages) { var messageCount = data.messages.length; var alertDiv = $('#incline_dynamic_alerts'); for (i = 0; i < messageCount; i++) { var message = data.messages[i]; var html = ''; var close = '$(\'#alert-' + ts.toString() + '\').alert(\'close\');'; alertDiv.prepend(html); window.setTimeout(close, 5000); ts++; } } // update rows in the data table. if (data.data) { var dataCount = data.data.length; for (i = 0; i < dataCount; i++) { var item = data.data[i]; var row = $('#' + item.DT_RowId); if (row.length > 0) { var table = row.parents('table'); if ($.fn.dataTable.isDataTable(table)) { var table_id = table.attr('id'); table = table.dataTable().api(); if (item.DT_RowAction === 'remove') { table.row('#' + item.DT_RowId).remove(); // remove the row from the DT. table.draw('page'); // refresh the current page. } else { table.row('#' + item.DT_RowId).data(item); // refresh the row in the DT. inclineInline._go_to_record(item); // find and hilight the record. } } } else if (dataCount == 1) { // no row found and there is only one record returned, focus on that record. inclineInline._go_to_record(item); } } } } }, _handle_form_response: function (data, status, xhr) { var type = xhr.getResponseHeader('Content-Type').toLowerCase().trim(); if (type.indexOf(';') >= 0) type = type.substring(0, type.indexOf(';')).trim(); if (type === 'application/json') { // json response this._destroy_dialog(); this._handle_json_result(data); } else if (type === 'text/html') { // html response this._set_dialog(data); } else { // unsupported response this._destroy_dialog(); this._handle_error('invalid response', 'invalid response'); } }, _handle_error: function (status, error) { this._destroy_dialog(); // no matter what, the dialog should be destroyed. // Should probably come up with more informative error alerts. if (status === 'error') { alert(error); } else { alert(status); } }, _dialog: false, _create_dialog: function () { if (!(this._dialog)) { var body = $('body'); var modal = $(''); body.prepend(modal); modal = $('#incline_inline_form'); modal.on('hidden.bs.modal', function (e) { modal.remove(); inclineInline._dialog = false; }); this._dialog = true; } }, _set_dialog: function (html) { var title; var body; var footer; var tmp; var dup; var panel; var panel_parent; var align_regex = /^(.*\s)?(row(\s.*)?|col-(xs|sm|md|lg)-.*)$/; var panel_regex = /^(.*\s)?panel(\s.*)?$/; // add html to DOM under a hidden div for processing. tmp = $('
').css('display','none'); $('body').append(tmp); tmp.html(html); html = tmp; this._create_dialog(); // get the parts of the modal to update. title = $('#incline_inline_form_title'); body = $('#incline_inline_form_body'); footer = $('#incline_inline_form_footer'); // reset title.text(''); body.empty(); footer.empty(); tmp = html.find('form'); if (tmp.length == 1) { // support one and only one form in the resulting HTML. // we have a form in the html that needs to be modified accordingly. var form_method = tmp.attr('method'); var form_url = tmp.attr('action'); var form_id = tmp.attr('id'); // make sure the inline parameter is set. tmp.append(''); // override submit to make sure the submission occurs via ajax. tmp.submit(function (e) { var form_data = $('#' + form_id).serialize(); e.preventDefault(); // prevent double submission. tmp.find('input,button,select,textarea').prop('disabled', true); $.ajax({ type: form_method.toUpperCase(), url: form_url, data: form_data, success: function(data, status, xhr) { inclineInline._handle_form_response(data, status, xhr); }, error: function(xhr, status, error) { inclineInline._handle_error(status, error); } }); }); } // cancel links and buttons tmp = html.find('a,button,input[type=button]').filter(function() { return $(this).text().toLowerCase() === 'cancel'; }); if (tmp.length > 0) { tmp.click(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); inclineInline._destroy_dialog(); }); } // global title recognition, first H1 or H2 element. tmp = html.find('h1'); if (tmp.length < 1) tmp = html.find('h2'); if (tmp.length > 0) { tmp = tmp.first(); title.text(tmp.text()); // only remove if there is no additional HTML markup. if (tmp.html() === tmp.text()) { tmp.remove(); } } // put the error messages in place. tmp = html.find('#error_explanation'); if (tmp.length > 0) { tmp.detach(); body.prepend(tmp); } // put the alert messages in place. tmp = html.find('.alert'); if (tmp.length > 0) { tmp.detach(); body.prepend(tmp); } // remove outside alignment DIVs. while ((tmp = html.children()) && tmp.length == 1 && align_regex.test(tmp.attr('class'))) { tmp.detach(); html.append(tmp.children()); } // If the html has one child and that child is a form, then look inside the form. panel_parent = html; panel = panel_parent.children(); if (panel.length == 1 && panel[0].tagName.toUpperCase() === 'FORM') { panel_parent = panel; panel = panel_parent.children(':not(input[type=hidden])'); // ignore hidden inputs } // now if there is only one child and that child is a panel, we can rip it apart. if (panel.length == 1 && panel[0].tagName.toUpperCase() === 'DIV' && panel_regex.test(panel.attr('class'))) { panel.detach(); if ((tmp = panel.children('.panel-heading')) && tmp.length > 0) { title.text(tmp.text()); } tmp = panel.children('table,.panel-body'); if (tmp.length > 0) { tmp.removeClass('panel-body'); tmp.detach(); panel_parent.append(tmp); } tmp = panel.children('.panel-footer'); if (tmp.length > 0) { tmp.removeClass('panel-footer'); tmp.detach(); // now we have a conundrum. if (panel_parent[0].tagName.toUpperCase() === 'FORM') { // since the footer might contain controls for the form, we need it to be in the form. panel_parent.append(tmp); } else { // or the form doesn't wrap the footer, so we can just use the footer. footer.append(tmp.children()); } } } // we are done modifying the HTML and we can add it. html.detach(); body.append(html.contents()); // footer should only be visible if it has contents. if (footer.children().length > 0 || footer.text() !== '') { footer.show(); } else { footer.hide(); } // make sure the dialog is visible. tmp = $('#incline_inline_form'); if (tmp.is(':hidden')) { tmp.modal('show'); tmp.on('shown.bs.modal', function () { activateClassedItems(tmp); }); } else { // make sure the classed items are activated. activateClassedItems(tmp); } }, _destroy_dialog: function () { if (this._dialog) { var dlg = $('#incline_inline_form'); if (dlg.length > 0) { if (dlg.is(':hidden')) { dlg.remove(); } else { dlg.modal('hide'); } } this._dialog = false; } }, _go_to_record: function (data) { var table = $('table.dataTable'); var params; var i; var row_id = '#' + data.DT_RowId; var query_start = data.DT_Path.indexOf('?'); var base_path = (query_start >= 0) ? data.DT_Path.substr(0, query_start) : data.DT_Path; if (table.length < 1) return; table = table.dataTable().api(); i = data.DT_RowId.lastIndexOf('_'); params = table.ajax.params(); params.draw = -1; params.locate_id = data.DT_RowId.substring(i + 1); $.ajax({ url: base_path + '/locate', method: 'POST', dataType: 'json', data: params, success: function(data) { var recNum = data.record; if (recNum > -1) { var pageLen = table.page.len(); var pageNum; if (pageLen < 1) return; // avoid division by zero. if (recNum === 0) { pageNum = 0; } else { pageNum = Math.floor(recNum / pageLen); } // set the page number and refresh the datatable only if we are on a different page or the row isn't visible. if (table.page() != pageNum || $(row_id).length < 1) { table.page(pageNum).draw('page'); } // hilite the row (give DOM a quick chance to update). window.setTimeout(function() { inclineInline._hilite_fade(row_id); }, 250 ); } } }); }, _hilite_fade: function (selector) { // 2s hilite pulse from any bg color to yellow and then back. $(selector).addClass('cell-fade').addClass('cell-hilite'); window.setTimeout(function() { $(selector).removeClass('cell-hilite'); window.setTimeout(function() { $(selector).removeClass('cell-fade'); }, 1000); }, 1000); }, }; /* * Generates an AJAX request to load an HTML fragment from the server. * When the HTML fragment is returned, it is displayed in a modal dialog over the current page. * If a form is present in the returned HTML, the 'submit' event is hooked to submit inline via AJAX. * If the form submission returns HTML, the returned HTML overwrites the previous HTML. * If the form submission returns JSON, the JSON is is used to update the page. */ function inlineForm(req_path,req_method) { inclineInline.form(req_path, req_method); } /* * Generates an AJAX request to the server and expects a JSON result. * The JSON is used to update the page. */ function inlineAction(path, method) { inclineInline.action(path, method); } (function ($){ // inlineAction should return JSON data. // If "invalidRequest" is set in the response then an alert is generated. // Otherwise, if "messages" are set in the response then we display them. $.fn.inlineAction = function () { var item = $(this); if (item.length > 1) { item.each($.fn.inlineAction); } else { var path = item.attr('href'); var method = item.attr('data-method'); if (!(method)) method = 'get'; item.click(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); inclineInline.action(path, method); }); } }; $.fn.inlineForm = function () { var item =$(this); if (item.length > 1) { item.each($.fn.inlineForm); } else { var path = item.attr('href'); var method = item.attr('data-method'); if (!(method)) method = 'get'; item.click(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); inclineInline.form(path, method); }); } }; })(jQuery);