-JS config file to store all custom files (in design/greenhouse.json or ./greenhouse.json) and load all configs of all frameworks currently required - move all desingers into the /designer folder of their respective frameworks - open main page if it exists DEMO Punch-list: - adding a base view to a new page [MB] @Done - exceptions when dragging view or controller into page [MB] @Done - cleanup dimensions of modals [EG] @Done - finish tear-off picker panes [MB/EG] @Done - binding value is undefined [EG/MB] - fix add custom view event [MB] @Done - add js beautifier [MB] @Done - Inner run loop not triggering re-draw of anchor view [CJ] - figure out location for SC meetup [MB/EG] TODO for demo: - delete views from page v change view type inline - List of controls/views 2. creating a mechanism to register components (add a custom view to the controls library) v snap lines ^ add root view capability v View hierarchy inchworm view... - asset source list view (controllers and page files) - routes that choose project New UI Changes: - move (tools) inspector to picker/tear-off menu - update grid view to have horizontal scroll - dock tear-off pickers to side Done stuff... ========================= v add a controller (or execute any sc-gen command via greenhouse) @Done - page creation broken! @Done ^ draw lines to hook up bindings @Done - move project file list to picker/tear-off @Done - add design to SC.Object @Done - move library to picker @Done - register all pages files if in design mode @Done - register all controllers if in design mode @Done - grid.js this.get('scrollFrame') in insertionIndexForLocation @bug @Done - delete views from main view @Done - button to launch app @Done - drag and drop views onto page @Done - remove type from property editor and add quotes for string value @Done - List of controls/views @Done |1. hardcode and allow one time custom view add - Create Page File @Done - property editor @Done - change project name in github @Done - binding into iframe (use two object controllers one on either side of the frame) @Done |hack runloop so that both run loop start and end each other | 1. Whenever a RunLoop.begin() (begin outer, begin inner, end inner, end outer) | 2. If iframe.RunLoop.begin() => should call the above process... - loading up app without main (SC.suppressMain) @Done - how much filesystem tree to load up? (keep extra junk out?) @Done - loading up views => (hardcode, special service?) @Done - handle panes in the designPage... @Done - handle panes in the designPage... @Done - blueprint github @Done - designer folder that loads in development mode but not in prod @Done