require 'builder' require 'activesupport' module EWS # :nodoc: module Transaction # :nodoc: # This class handles encoding of transaction requests to the various transport formats, # and the decoding of responses to transaction response objects. # # The supported formats are: # * REST/JSON # * REST/XML # * SOAP/XML class Mapping # :nodoc: XML_REQUEST_TAGS_TO_ATTRS = { :ExactID => :gateway_id, :Password => :password, :Transaction_Type => :transaction_type, :DollarAmount => :amount, :SurchargeAmount => :surcharge_amount, :Card_Number => :cc_number, :Transaction_Tag => :transaction_tag, :Track1 => :track1, :Track2 => :track2, :PAN => :pan, :Authorization_Num => :authorization_num, :Expiry_Date => :cc_expiry, :CardHoldersName => :cardholder_name, :VerificationStr1 => :cc_verification_str1, :VerificationStr2 => :cc_verification_str2, :CVD_Presence_Ind => :cvd_presence_ind, :ZipCode => :zip_code, :Tax1Amount => :tax1_amount, :Tax1Number => :tax1_number, :Tax2Amount => :tax2_amount, :Tax2Number => :tax2_number, :Secure_AuthRequired => :secure_auth_required, :Secure_AuthResult => :secure_auth_result, :Ecommerce_Flag => :ecommerce_flag, :XID => :xid, :CAVV => :cavv, :CAVV_Algorithm => :cavv_algorithm, :Reference_No => :reference_no, :Customer_Ref => :customer_ref, :Reference_3 => :reference_3, :Language => :language, :Client_IP => :client_ip, :Client_Email => :client_email } unless defined?(XML_REQUEST_TAGS_TO_ATTRS) XML_RESPONSE_TAGS_TO_ATTRS = { :LogonMessage => :logon_message, :Error_Number => :error_number, :Error_Description => :error_description, :Transaction_Error => :transaction_error, :Transaction_Approved => :transaction_approved, :EXact_Resp_Code => :exact_resp_code, :EXact_Message => :exact_message, :Bank_Resp_Code => :bank_resp_code, :Bank_Message => :bank_message, :Bank_Resp_Code_2 => :bank_resp_code_2, :SequenceNo => :sequence_no, :AVS => :avs, :CVV2 => :cvv2, :Retrieval_Ref_No => :retrieval_ref_no, :CAVV_Response => :cavv_response, :MerchantName => :merchant_name, :MerchantAddress => :merchant_address, :MerchantCity => :merchant_city, :MerchantProvince => :merchant_province, :MerchantCountry => :merchant_country, :MerchantPostal => :merchant_postal, :MerchantURL => :merchant_url, :CTR => :ctr }.merge(XML_REQUEST_TAGS_TO_ATTRS) unless defined?(XML_RESPONSE_TAGS_TO_ATTRS) def self.request_to_json(request) request.to_json end def self.request_to_rest(request) xml = xml.instruct! xml.tag! 'Transaction' do add_request_hash(xml, request) end! end def self.request_to_soap(request) xml = => 2) xml.instruct! xml.tag! 'soap:Envelope', REQUEST_ENVELOPE_NAMESPACES do xml.tag! 'soap:Body' do xml.tag! 'n1:SendAndCommit', REQUEST_SAC_ATTRIBUTES do xml.tag! 'SendAndCommitSource', REQUEST_SAC_SOURCE_ATTRIBUTES do add_request_hash(xml, request) end end end end! end def self.json_to_response(content) response = ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(content).each { |k,v| response.send "#{k}=", v if response.respond_to?(k) } response end def self.rest_to_response(content) response = xml = root = REXML::XPath.first(xml, "//TransactionResult") response_xml_string_to_hash(response, root) if root response end def self.soap_to_response(content) response = xml = root = REXML::XPath.first(xml, "//types:TransactionResult") if root # we have a normal response response_xml_string_to_hash(response, root) else # check if we have an error response faultErrorRoot = REXML::XPath.first(xml, "//soap:Fault") unless faultErrorRoot.nil? # if we do, then see if we have a details section detailRoot = REXML::XPath.first(faultErrorRoot, "detail") if detailRoot.nil? or !detailRoot.has_elements? # no details section, so we have an XML parsing error and should raise an exception faultString = REXML::XPath.first(faultErrorRoot, "faultstring") raise faultString.text else errorElem = REXML::XPath.first(detailRoot, "error") # do have details, so figure out the error_number and error_description errorNumElem = errorElem.attribute("number") response.error_number = errorNumElem.value.to_i unless errorNumElem.nil? errorDescElem = errorElem.attribute("description") response.error_description = errorDescElem.value unless errorDescElem.nil? end end end response end private # Adds the request's attributes to the XmlMarkup. def self.add_request_hash(xml, request) XML_REQUEST_TAGS_TO_ATTRS.each do |k, v| xml.tag! k.to_s, request.send(v.to_s) end end # parses xml response elements into the response attributes def self.response_xml_string_to_hash(response, root) root.elements.to_a.each do |node| gwlib_prop_name = XML_RESPONSE_TAGS_TO_ATTRS[] unless gwlib_prop_name.nil? # todo: should notiy this somehow?? value = (ATTR_FORMATS.include?(gwlib_prop_name)) ? node.text.send("to_#{ATTR_FORMATS[gwlib_prop_name]}") : node.text response.send "#{gwlib_prop_name}=", value end end end # type-conversion from strings for certain attributes ATTR_FORMATS = { :transaction_tag => "i", :transaction_approved => "i", :amount => "f", :surcharge_amount => "f", :tax1_amount => "f", :tax2_amount => "f" } REQUEST_ENVELOPE_NAMESPACES = { "xmlns:xsd" => "", "xmlns:env" => "", "xmlns:xsi" => "" } REQUEST_SAC_ATTRIBUTES = { "xmlns:n1" => "", "env:encodingStyle" => "" } REQUEST_SAC_SOURCE_ATTRIBUTES = { "xmlns:n2" => "", "xsi:type" => "n2:Transaction" } end end end