# ========================================== # CMock Project - Automatic Mock Generation for C # Copyright (c) 2007 Mike Karlesky, Mark VanderVoord, Greg Williams # [Released under MIT License. Please refer to license.txt for details] # ========================================== require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)) + "/../test_helper" require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)) + '/../../lib/cmock_generator_plugin_expect' describe CMockGeneratorPluginExpect, "Verify CMockGeneratorPluginExpect Module Without Global Ordering" do before do create_mocks :config, :utils @config = create_stub( :when_ptr => :compare_data, :enforce_strict_ordering => false, :respond_to? => true, :plugins => [ :expect ] ) @utils.expect :helpers, {} @cmock_generator_plugin_expect = CMockGeneratorPluginExpect.new(@config, @utils) end after do end it "have set up internal priority on init" do assert_nil(@cmock_generator_plugin_expect.unity_helper) assert_equal(5, @cmock_generator_plugin_expect.priority) end it "not include any additional include files" do assert(!@cmock_generator_plugin_expect.respond_to?(:include_files)) end it "add to typedef structure mock needs of functions of style 'void func(void)'" do function = {:name => "Oak", :args => [], :return => test_return[:void]} expected = "" returned = @cmock_generator_plugin_expect.instance_typedefs(function) assert_equal(expected, returned) end it "add to typedef structure mock needs of functions of style 'int func(void)'" do function = {:name => "Elm", :args => [], :return => test_return[:int]} expected = " int ReturnVal;\n" returned = @cmock_generator_plugin_expect.instance_typedefs(function) assert_equal(expected, returned) end it "add to typedef structure mock needs of functions of style 'void func(int chicken, char* pork)'" do function = {:name => "Cedar", :args => [{ :name => "chicken", :type => "int"}, { :name => "pork", :type => "char*"}], :return => test_return[:void]} expected = " int Expected_chicken;\n char* Expected_pork;\n" returned = @cmock_generator_plugin_expect.instance_typedefs(function) assert_equal(expected, returned) end it "add to typedef structure mock needs of functions of style 'int func(float beef)'" do function = {:name => "Birch", :args => [{ :name => "beef", :type => "float"}], :return => test_return[:int]} expected = " int ReturnVal;\n float Expected_beef;\n" returned = @cmock_generator_plugin_expect.instance_typedefs(function) assert_equal(expected, returned) end it "add mock function declaration for functions of style 'void func(void)'" do function = {:name => "Maple", :args => [], :return => test_return[:void]} expected = "#define Maple_Expect() Maple_CMockExpect(__LINE__)\n" + "void Maple_CMockExpect(UNITY_LINE_TYPE cmock_line);\n" returned = @cmock_generator_plugin_expect.mock_function_declarations(function) assert_equal(expected, returned) end it "add mock function declaration for functions of style 'int func(void)'" do function = {:name => "Spruce", :args => [], :return => test_return[:int]} expected = "#define Spruce_ExpectAndReturn(cmock_retval) Spruce_CMockExpectAndReturn(__LINE__, cmock_retval)\n" + "void Spruce_CMockExpectAndReturn(UNITY_LINE_TYPE cmock_line, int cmock_to_return);\n" returned = @cmock_generator_plugin_expect.mock_function_declarations(function) assert_equal(expected, returned) end it "add mock function declaration for functions of style 'const char* func(int tofu)'" do function = {:name => "Pine", :args => ["int tofu"], :args_string => "int tofu", :args_call => 'tofu', :return => test_return[:string]} expected = "#define Pine_ExpectAndReturn(tofu, cmock_retval) Pine_CMockExpectAndReturn(__LINE__, tofu, cmock_retval)\n" + "void Pine_CMockExpectAndReturn(UNITY_LINE_TYPE cmock_line, int tofu, const char* cmock_to_return);\n" returned = @cmock_generator_plugin_expect.mock_function_declarations(function) assert_equal(expected, returned) end it "add mock function implementation for functions of style 'void func(void)'" do function = {:name => "Apple", :args => [], :return => test_return[:void]} expected = "" returned = @cmock_generator_plugin_expect.mock_implementation(function) assert_equal(expected, returned) end it "add mock function implementation for functions of style 'int func(int veal, unsigned int sushi)'" do function = {:name => "Cherry", :args => [ { :type => "int", :name => "veal" }, { :type => "unsigned int", :name => "sushi" } ], :return => test_return[:int]} @utils.expect :code_verify_an_arg_expectation, " mocked_retval_1", [function, function[:args][0]] @utils.expect :code_verify_an_arg_expectation, " mocked_retval_2", [function, function[:args][1]] expected = " mocked_retval_1 mocked_retval_2" returned = @cmock_generator_plugin_expect.mock_implementation(function) assert_equal(expected, returned) end it "add mock function implementation using ordering if needed" do function = {:name => "Apple", :args => [], :return => test_return[:void]} expected = "" @cmock_generator_plugin_expect.ordered = true returned = @cmock_generator_plugin_expect.mock_implementation(function) assert_equal(expected, returned) end it "add mock interfaces for functions of style 'void func(void)'" do function = {:name => "Pear", :args => [], :args_string => "void", :return => test_return[:void]} @utils.expect :code_add_base_expectation, "mock_retval_0 ", ["Pear"] @utils.expect :code_call_argument_loader, "mock_retval_1 ", [function] expected = ["void Pear_CMockExpect(UNITY_LINE_TYPE cmock_line)\n", "{\n", "mock_retval_0 ", "mock_retval_1 ", "}\n\n" ].join returned = @cmock_generator_plugin_expect.mock_interfaces(function) assert_equal(expected, returned) end it "add mock interfaces for functions of style 'int func(void)'" do function = {:name => "Orange", :args => [], :args_string => "void", :return => test_return[:int]} @utils.expect :code_add_base_expectation, "mock_retval_0 ", ["Orange"] @utils.expect :code_call_argument_loader, "mock_retval_1 ", [function] @utils.expect :code_assign_argument_quickly, "mock_retval_2", ["cmock_call_instance->ReturnVal", function[:return]] expected = ["void Orange_CMockExpectAndReturn(UNITY_LINE_TYPE cmock_line, int cmock_to_return)\n", "{\n", "mock_retval_0 ", "mock_retval_1 ", "mock_retval_2", "}\n\n" ].join returned = @cmock_generator_plugin_expect.mock_interfaces(function) assert_equal(expected, returned) end it "add mock interfaces for functions of style 'int func(char* pescado)'" do function = {:name => "Lemon", :args => [{ :type => "char*", :name => "pescado"}], :args_string => "char* pescado", :return => test_return[:int]} @utils.expect :code_add_base_expectation, "mock_retval_0 ", ["Lemon"] @utils.expect :code_call_argument_loader, "mock_retval_1 ", [function] @utils.expect :code_assign_argument_quickly, "mock_retval_2", ["cmock_call_instance->ReturnVal", function[:return]] expected = ["void Lemon_CMockExpectAndReturn(UNITY_LINE_TYPE cmock_line, char* pescado, int cmock_to_return)\n", "{\n", "mock_retval_0 ", "mock_retval_1 ", "mock_retval_2", "}\n\n" ].join returned = @cmock_generator_plugin_expect.mock_interfaces(function) assert_equal(expected, returned) end it "add mock interfaces for functions when using ordering" do function = {:name => "Pear", :args => [], :args_string => "void", :return => test_return[:void]} @utils.expect :code_add_base_expectation, "mock_retval_0 ", ["Pear"] @utils.expect :code_call_argument_loader, "mock_retval_1 ", [function] expected = ["void Pear_CMockExpect(UNITY_LINE_TYPE cmock_line)\n", "{\n", "mock_retval_0 ", "mock_retval_1 ", "}\n\n" ].join @cmock_generator_plugin_expect.ordered = true returned = @cmock_generator_plugin_expect.mock_interfaces(function) assert_equal(expected, returned) end it "add mock verify lines" do function = {:name => "Banana" } expected = " UNITY_SET_DETAIL(CMockString_Banana);\n" + " UNITY_TEST_ASSERT(CMOCK_GUTS_NONE == call_instance, cmock_line, CMockStringCalledLess);\n" + " UNITY_CLR_DETAILS();\n" returned = @cmock_generator_plugin_expect.mock_verify(function) assert_equal(expected, returned) end end