require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/test_helper' Thread.abort_on_exception = true # This test suite requires the ruby-ldap client library to be installed. # # Unfortunately, this library is not ruby thread-safe (it blocks until # it gets a response). Hence we have to fork a child to perform the actual # LDAP requests, which is nasty. However, it does give us a completely # independent source of LDAP packets to try. require 'ldap/server/operation' require 'ldap/server/server' require 'net/ldap' # We subclass the Operation class, overriding the methods to do what we need class MockOperation < LDAP::Server::Operation def initialize(connection, messageId) super(connection, messageId) @@lastop = [:connect] end def simple_bind(version, user, pass) @@lastop = [:simple_bind, version.to_i, user, pass] end def search(basedn, scope, deref, filter) @@lastop = [:search, basedn, scope.to_i, deref.to_i, filter, @attributes] send_SearchResultEntry("cn=foo", {"a"=>["1","2"], "b"=>"boing"}) send_SearchResultEntry("cn=bar", {"a"=>["3","4","5"], "b"=>"wibble"}) end def add(dn, av) @@lastop = [:add, dn, av] end def del(dn) @@lastop = [:del, dn] end def modify(dn, ops) @@lastop = [:modify, dn, ops] end def modifydn(dn, newrdn, deleteoldrdn, newSuperior) @@lastop = [:modifydn, dn, newrdn, deleteoldrdn, newSuperior] end def compare(dn, attr, val) @@lastop = [:compare, dn, attr, val] return val != "false" end def self.lastop @@lastop end end class TestLdap < Test::Unit::TestCase HOST = '' PORT = 1389 def start_client in_ = out = do do_child(in_, out) end return in_, out end def ensure_server_started @serv || start_server end def start_server(opts={}) # back to a single process (the parent). Now we start our # listener thread @serv ={ :bindaddr => '', :port => PORT, :nodelay => true, :operation_class => MockOperation, }.merge(opts)) @serv.run_tcpserver end def setup @client = nil @serv = nil end def teardown if @serv @serv.stop @serv = nil end if @client # @client.close @client = nil end end def conn ensure_server_started @client ||= HOST, port: PORT) end def test_bind2 pend("net-ldap gem doesn't support protocol 2") # TODO: Net::LDAP only supports protocol 3 conn.set_option(LDAP::LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 2) conn.auth("foo","bar") conn.bind assert_equal([:simple_bind, 2, "foo", "bar"], MockOperation.lastop) # cannot bind any more; ldap client library says "already binded." (sic) end def test_bind3 conn.auth("foo","bar") conn.bind assert_equal([:simple_bind, 3, "foo", "bar"], MockOperation.lastop) # cannot bind any more; ldap client library says "already binded." (sic) end def test_add entry1 = { objectclass: ['top', 'domain'], o: ['TTSKY.NET'], dc: ['localhost'], } conn.add(dn: "dc=localhost, dc=domain", attributes: entry1) assert_equal([:add, "dc=localhost, dc=domain", { 'objectclass'=>['top', 'domain'], 'o'=>['TTSKY.NET'], 'dc'=>['localhost'], }], MockOperation.lastop) entry2 = { objectclass: ['top', 'person'], cn: ['Takaaki Tateishi'], sn: ['ttate','Tateishi', "zero\000zero"], } conn.add(dn: "cn=Takaaki Tateishi, dc=localhost, dc=localdomain", attributes: entry2) assert_equal([:add, "cn=Takaaki Tateishi, dc=localhost, dc=localdomain", { 'objectclass'=>['top', 'person'], 'cn'=>['Takaaki Tateishi'], 'sn'=>['ttate','Tateishi',"zero\000zero"], }], MockOperation.lastop) end def test_del conn.delete(dn: "cn=Takaaki-Tateishi, dc=localhost, dc=localdomain") assert_equal([:del, "cn=Takaaki-Tateishi, dc=localhost, dc=localdomain"], MockOperation.lastop) end def test_compare pend("net-ldap gem doesn't support compare requests") res ="cn=Takaaki Tateishi, dc=localhost, dc=localdomain", "cn", "Takaaki Tateishi") assert_equal([:compare, "cn=Takaaki Tateishi, dc=localhost, dc=localdomain", "cn", "Takaaki Tateishi"], MockOperation.lastop) assert res res ="cn=Takaaki Tateishi, dc=localhost, dc=localdomain", "cn", "false") assert_equal([:compare, "cn=Takaaki Tateishi, dc=localhost, dc=localdomain", "cn", "false"], MockOperation.lastop) refute res end def test_modrdn conn.modify_rdn(olddn: "cn=Takaaki Tateishi, dc=localhost, dc=localdomain", newrdn: "cn=Takaaki-Tateishi", delete_attributes: true) assert_equal([:modifydn, "cn=Takaaki Tateishi, dc=localhost, dc=localdomain", "cn=Takaaki-Tateishi", true, nil], MockOperation.lastop) # FIXME: ruby-ldap doesn't support the four-argument form end def test_modify entry = [ [:add, :objectclass, ['top', 'domain']], [:delete, :o, []], [:replace, :dc, ['localhost']], ] conn.modify(dn: "dc=localhost, dc=domain", operations: entry) assert_equal([:modify, "dc=localhost, dc=domain", { 'objectclass' => [:add, 'top', 'domain'], 'o' => [:delete], 'dc' => [:replace, 'localhost'], }], MockOperation.lastop) end def test_search res = [] "dc=localhost, dc=localdomain", scope: Net::LDAP::SearchScope_WholeSubtree, filter: "(objectclass=*)") do |e| res << e.to_h end assert_equal([:search, "dc=localhost, dc=localdomain", LDAP::Server::WholeSubtree, LDAP::Server::NeverDerefAliases, [:true], []], MockOperation.lastop) exp = [ {a: ["1","2"], b: ["boing"], dn: ["cn=foo"]}, {a: ["3","4","5"], b: ["wibble"], dn: ["cn=bar"]}, ] assert_equal exp, res res = [] # FIXME: ruby-ldap doesn't seem to allow DEREF options to be set "dc=localhost, dc=localdomain", scope: Net::LDAP::SearchScope_BaseObject, filter: "(&(cn=foo)(objectclass=*)(|(!(sn=*))(ou>=baz)(o<=z)(cn=*and*er)))", attributes: [:a, :b]) do |e| res << e.to_h end assert_equal([:search, "dc=localhost, dc=localdomain", LDAP::Server::BaseObject, LDAP::Server::NeverDerefAliases, [:and, [:eq, "cn", nil, "foo"], [:or, [:not, [:present, "sn"]], [:ge, "ou", nil, "baz"], [:le, "o", nil, "z"], [:substrings, "cn", nil, nil, "and", "er"], ], ], ["a","b"]], MockOperation.lastop) assert_equal exp, res end def test_search_with_range res = [] "dc=localhost, dc=localdomain", scope: Net::LDAP::SearchScope_BaseObject, attributes: ["a;range=1-2", "b"]) do |e| res << e.to_h end assert_equal([:search, "dc=localhost, dc=localdomain", LDAP::Server::BaseObject, LDAP::Server::NeverDerefAliases, [:true], ["a","b"]], MockOperation.lastop) exp = [ {a: [], "a;range=1-*": ["2"], b: ["boing"], dn: ["cn=foo"]}, {a: [], "a;range=1-2": ["4","5"], b: ["wibble"], dn: ["cn=bar"]}, ] assert_equal exp, res end def test_search_with_range_limit start_server(attribute_range_limit: 2) res = [] "dc=localhost, dc=localdomain", scope: Net::LDAP::SearchScope_WholeSubtree, filter: "(objectclass=*)") do |e| res << e.to_h end assert_equal([:search, "dc=localhost, dc=localdomain", LDAP::Server::WholeSubtree, LDAP::Server::NeverDerefAliases, [:true], []], MockOperation.lastop) exp = [ {a: ["1","2"], b: ["boing"], dn: ["cn=foo"]}, {a: [], "a;range=0-1": ["3","4"], b: ["wibble"], dn: ["cn=bar"]}, ] assert_equal exp, res end end