class CreateAnswers < ActiveRecord::Migration def self.up create_table :answers do |t| # Context t.integer :question_id # Content t.text :text t.text :short_text #Used for presenting responses to experts (ie non-survey takers). Just a shorted version of the string t.text :help_text t.integer :weight # Used to assign a weight to an answer object (used for computing surveys that have numerical results) (I added this to support the Urology questionnaire -BLC) t.string :response_class # What kind of additional data does this answer accept? # Reference t.string :reference_identifier # from paper t.string :data_export_identifier # data export t.string :common_namespace # maping to a common vocab t.string :common_identitier # maping to a common vocab # Display t.integer :display_order t.boolean :is_exclusive # If set it causes some UI trigger to remove (and disable) all the other answer choices selected for a question (needed for the WHR) t.boolean :hide_label t.integer :display_length # if smaller than answer.length the html input length will be this value t.string :custom_class t.string :custom_renderer t.timestamps end end def self.down drop_table :answers end end