# $Id: layout.rb 88 2008-02-08 18:47:36Z tim_pease $
require 'yaml'
module Logging
# The +Layout+ class provides methods for formatting log events into a
# string representation. Layouts are used by Appenders to format log
# events before writing them to the logging destination.
# All other Layouts inherit from this class which provides stub methods.
# Each subclass should provide a +format+ method. A layout can be used by
# more than one +Appender+ so all the methods need to be thread safe.
class Layout
# call-seq:
# Layout.new( :format_as => :string )
# Creates a new layout that will format objecs as strings using the
# given :format_as style. This can be one of :string,
# :inspect, or :yaml. These formatting commands map to
# the following object methods:
# * :string => to_s
# * :inspect => inspect
# * :yaml => to_yaml
# If the format is not specified then the global object format is used
# (see Logging#format_as). If the global object format is not specified
# then :string is used.
def initialize( opts = {} )
default = ::Logging.const_defined?('OBJ_FORMAT') ?
::Logging::OBJ_FORMAT : nil
f = opts.getopt(:format_as, default)
f = f.intern if f.instance_of? String
@obj_format = case f
when :inspect, :yaml; f
else :string end
# call-seq:
# format( event )
# Returns a string representation of the given loggging _event_. It is
# up to subclasses to implement this method.
def format( event ) nil end
# call-seq:
# header
# Returns a header string to be used at the beginning of a logging
# appender.
def header( ) '' end
# call-seq:
# footer
# Returns a footer string to be used at the end of a logging appender.
def footer( ) '' end
# call-seq:
# format_obj( obj )
# Return a string representation of the given object. Depending upon
# the configuration of the logger system the format will be an +inspect+
# based represenation or a +yaml+ based representation.
def format_obj( obj )
case obj
when String; obj
when Exception
str = "<#{obj.class.name}> #{obj.message}"
unless obj.backtrace.nil?
str << "\n\t" << obj.backtrace.join("\n\t")
when nil; "<#{obj.class.name}> nil"
str = "<#{obj.class.name}> "
str << case @obj_format
when :inspect; obj.inspect
when :yaml; "\n#{obj.to_yaml}"
else obj.to_s end
end # class Layout
end # module Logging
Logging.require_all_libs_relative_to(__FILE__, 'layouts')