var path = require('path'); var url = require('url'); var async = require('async'); var request = require('request'); var replay = require('request-replay'); var createError = require('./util/createError'); var Cache = require('./util/Cache'); function lookup(name, callback) { var data; var that = this; var registry =; var total = registry.length; var index = 0; // If no registry entries were passed.. if (!total) { return callback(); } // Lookup package in series in each registry // endpoint until we got the data async.doUntil(function (next) { var remote = url.parse(registry[index]); var lookupCache = that._lookupCache[]; // If force flag is disabled we check the cache if (!that._config.force) { lookupCache.get(name, function (err, value) { data = value; // Don't proceed with making a request if we got an error, // a value from the cache or if the offline flag is enabled if (err || data || that._config.offline) { return next(err); }, name, index, function (err, entry) { if (err || !entry) { return next(err); } data = entry; // Store in cache lookupCache.set(name, entry, getMaxAge(entry), next); }); }); // Otherwise, we totally bypass the cache and // make only the request } else {, name, index, function (err, entry) { if (err || !entry) { return next(err); } data = entry; // Store in cache lookupCache.set(name, entry, getMaxAge(entry), next); }); } }, function () { // Until the data is unknown or there's still registries to test return !!data || ++index === total; }, function (err) { // If some of the registry entries failed, error out if (err) { return callback(err); } callback(null, data); }); } function doRequest(name, index, callback) { var req; var msg; var requestUrl =[index] + '/packages/' + encodeURIComponent(name); var remote = url.parse(requestUrl); var headers = {}; var that = this; if (this._config.userAgent) { headers['User-Agent'] = this._config.userAgent; } req = replay(request.get(requestUrl, { proxy: remote.protocol === 'https:' ? this._config.httpsProxy : this._config.proxy, headers: headers, ca:[index], strictSSL: this._config.strictSsl, timeout: this._config.timeout, json: true }, function (err, response, body) { // If there was an internal error (e.g. timeout) if (err) { return callback(createError('Request to ' + requestUrl + ' failed: ' + err.message, err.code)); } // If not found, try next if (response.statusCode === 404) { return callback(); } // Abort if there was an error (range different than 2xx) if (response.statusCode < 200 || response.statusCode > 299) { return callback(createError('Request to ' + requestUrl + ' failed with ' + response.statusCode, 'EINVRES')); } // Validate response body, since we are expecting a JSON object // If the server returns an invalid JSON, it's still a string if (typeof body !== 'object') { return callback(createError('Response of request to ' + requestUrl + ' is not a valid json', 'EINVRES')); } var data; if (body.url) { data = { type: 'alias', url: body.url }; } callback(null, data); })); if (this._logger) { req.on('replay', function (replay) { msg = 'Request to ' + requestUrl + ' failed with ' + replay.error.code + ', '; msg += 'retrying in ' + (replay.delay / 1000).toFixed(1) + 's'; that._logger.warn('retry', msg); }); } } function getMaxAge(entry) { // If type is alias, make it 5 days if (entry.type === 'alias') { return 5 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; } // Otherwise make it 5 minutes return 5 * 60 * 60 * 1000; } function initCache() { this._lookupCache = this._cache.lookup || {}; // Generate a cache instance for each registry endpoint (registry) { var cacheDir; var host = url.parse(registry).host; // Skip if there's a cache for the same host if (this._lookupCache[host]) { return; } if (this._config.cache) { cacheDir = path.join(this._config.cache, encodeURIComponent(host), 'lookup'); } this._lookupCache[host] = new Cache(cacheDir, { max: 250, // If offline flag is passed, we use stale entries from the cache useStale: this._config.offline }); }, this); } function clearCache(name, callback) { var lookupCache = this._lookupCache; var remotes = Object.keys(lookupCache); if (typeof name === 'function') { callback = name; name = null; } if (name) { async.forEach(remotes, function (remote, next) { lookupCache[remote].del(name, next); }, callback); } else { async.forEach(remotes, function (remote, next) { lookupCache[remote].clear(next); }, callback); } } function resetCache() { var remote; for (remote in this._lookupCache) { this._lookupCache[remote].reset(); } } lookup.initCache = initCache; lookup.clearCache = clearCache; lookup.resetCache = resetCache; module.exports = lookup;