require 'db2/db2cli' Sequel.require %w'shared/db2', 'adapters' module Sequel module DB2 @convert_smallint_to_bool = true # Underlying error raised by Sequel, since ruby-db2 doesn't # use exceptions. class DB2Error < StandardError end class << self # Whether to convert smallint values to bool, true by default. # Can also be overridden per dataset. attr_accessor :convert_smallint_to_bool end tt = do def boolean(s) ! end def date(s), s.month, end def time(s) Sequel::SQLTime.create(s.hour, s.minute, s.second) end # Hash holding type translation methods, used by Dataset#fetch_rows. DB2_TYPES = { :boolean => tt.method(:boolean), DB2CLI::SQL_BLOB => ::Sequel::SQL::Blob.method(:new), DB2CLI::SQL_TYPE_DATE => tt.method(:date), DB2CLI::SQL_TYPE_TIME => tt.method(:time), DB2CLI::SQL_DECIMAL => ::BigDecimal.method(:new) } class Database < Sequel::Database include DatabaseMethods set_adapter_scheme :db2 TEMPORARY = 'GLOBAL TEMPORARY '.freeze rc, NullHandle = DB2CLI.SQLAllocHandle(DB2CLI::SQL_HANDLE_ENV, DB2CLI::SQL_NULL_HANDLE) # Hash of connection procs for converting attr_reader :conversion_procs def connect(server) opts = server_opts(server) dbc = checked_error("Could not allocate database connection"){DB2CLI.SQLAllocHandle(DB2CLI::SQL_HANDLE_DBC, NullHandle)} checked_error("Could not connect to database"){DB2CLI.SQLConnect(dbc, opts[:database], opts[:user], opts[:password])} dbc end def disconnect_connection(conn) DB2CLI.SQLDisconnect(conn) DB2CLI.SQLFreeHandle(DB2CLI::SQL_HANDLE_DBC, conn) end def execute(sql, opts=OPTS, &block) synchronize(opts[:server]){|conn| log_connection_execute(conn, sql, &block)} end def execute_insert(sql, opts=OPTS) synchronize(opts[:server]) do |conn| log_connection_execute(conn, sql) sql = "SELECT IDENTITY_VAL_LOCAL() FROM SYSIBM.SYSDUMMY1" log_connection_execute(conn, sql) do |sth| name, buflen, datatype, size, digits, nullable = checked_error("Could not describe column"){DB2CLI.SQLDescribeCol(sth, 1, 256)} if DB2CLI.SQLFetch(sth) != DB2CLI::SQL_NO_DATA_FOUND v, _ = checked_error("Could not get data"){DB2CLI.SQLGetData(sth, 1, datatype, size)} if v.is_a?(String) return v.to_i else return nil end end end end end ERROR_MAP = {} %w'SQL_INVALID_HANDLE SQL_STILL_EXECUTING SQL_ERROR'.each do |s| ERROR_MAP[DB2CLI.const_get(s)] = s end def check_error(rc, msg) case rc when DB2CLI::SQL_SUCCESS, DB2CLI::SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO, DB2CLI::SQL_NO_DATA_FOUND nil when DB2CLI::SQL_INVALID_HANDLE, DB2CLI::SQL_STILL_EXECUTING e ="#{ERROR_MAP[rc]}: #{msg}") e.set_backtrace(caller) raise_error(e, :disconnect=>true) else e ="#{ERROR_MAP[rc] || "Error code #{rc}"}: #{msg}") e.set_backtrace(caller) raise_error(e, :disconnect=>true) end end def checked_error(msg) rc, *ary= yield check_error(rc, msg) ary.length <= 1 ? ary.first : ary end def to_application_timestamp_db2(v) to_application_timestamp(v.to_s) end private def adapter_initialize @conversion_procs = DB2_TYPES.dup @conversion_procs[DB2CLI::SQL_TYPE_TIMESTAMP] = method(:to_application_timestamp_db2) end def database_error_classes [DB2Error] end def begin_transaction(conn, opts=OPTS) log_yield(TRANSACTION_BEGIN){DB2CLI.SQLSetConnectAttr(conn, DB2CLI::SQL_ATTR_AUTOCOMMIT, DB2CLI::SQL_AUTOCOMMIT_OFF)} set_transaction_isolation(conn, opts) end def remove_transaction(conn, committed) DB2CLI.SQLSetConnectAttr(conn, DB2CLI::SQL_ATTR_AUTOCOMMIT, DB2CLI::SQL_AUTOCOMMIT_ON) ensure super end def rollback_transaction(conn, opts=OPTS) log_yield(TRANSACTION_ROLLBACK){DB2CLI.SQLEndTran(DB2CLI::SQL_HANDLE_DBC, conn, DB2CLI::SQL_ROLLBACK)} end def commit_transaction(conn, opts=OPTS) log_yield(TRANSACTION_COMMIT){DB2CLI.SQLEndTran(DB2CLI::SQL_HANDLE_DBC, conn, DB2CLI::SQL_COMMIT)} end def log_connection_execute(conn, sql) sth = checked_error("Could not allocate statement"){DB2CLI.SQLAllocHandle(DB2CLI::SQL_HANDLE_STMT, conn)} begin checked_error("Could not execute statement: #{sql}"){log_yield(sql){DB2CLI.SQLExecDirect(sth, sql)}} if block_given? yield(sth) else checked_error("Could not get RPC"){DB2CLI.SQLRowCount(sth)} end ensure checked_error("Could not free statement"){DB2CLI.SQLFreeHandle(DB2CLI::SQL_HANDLE_STMT, sth)} end end # Convert smallint type to boolean if convert_smallint_to_bool is true def schema_column_type(db_type) if DB2.convert_smallint_to_bool && db_type =~ /smallint/i :boolean else super end end end class Dataset < Sequel::Dataset include DatasetMethods Database::DatasetClass = self MAX_COL_SIZE = 256 # Whether to convert smallint to boolean arguments for this dataset. # Defaults to the DB2 module setting. def convert_smallint_to_bool defined?(@convert_smallint_to_bool) ? @convert_smallint_to_bool : (@convert_smallint_to_bool = DB2.convert_smallint_to_bool) end # Override the default DB2.convert_smallint_to_bool setting for this dataset. attr_writer :convert_smallint_to_bool def fetch_rows(sql) execute(sql) do |sth| db = @db i = 1 column_info = get_column_info(sth) cols ={|c|} @columns = cols errors = [DB2CLI::SQL_NO_DATA_FOUND, DB2CLI::SQL_ERROR] until errors.include?(rc = DB2CLI.SQLFetch(sth)) db.check_error(rc, "Could not fetch row") row = {} column_info.each do |i, c, t, s, pr| v, _ = db.checked_error("Could not get data"){DB2CLI.SQLGetData(sth, i, t, s)} row[c] = if v == DB2CLI::Null nil elsif pr else v end end yield row end end self end private def get_column_info(sth) db = @db column_count = db.checked_error("Could not get number of result columns"){DB2CLI.SQLNumResultCols(sth)} convert = convert_smallint_to_bool cps = db.conversion_procs (1..column_count).map do |i| name, buflen, datatype, size, digits, nullable = db.checked_error("Could not describe column"){DB2CLI.SQLDescribeCol(sth, i, MAX_COL_SIZE)} pr = if datatype == DB2CLI::SQL_SMALLINT && convert && size <= 5 && digits <= 1 cps[:boolean] elsif datatype == DB2CLI::SQL_CLOB && Sequel::DB2.use_clob_as_blob cps[DB2CLI::SQL_BLOB] else cps[datatype] end [i, output_identifier(name), datatype, size, pr] end end end end end