@name:lineno=:@docstringIC:YARD::Docstring"ŸManually sets the current line number to the given value.
is updated only on the next read.
f = File.new("testfile")
f.gets #=> "This is line one\n"
$. #=> 1
f.lineno = 1000
f.lineno #=> 1000
$. # lineno of last read #=> 1
f.gets #=> "This is line two\n"
$. # lineno of last read #=> 1001
@summary0: @all"ÐManually sets the current line number to the given value.
is updated only on the next read.
f = File.new("testfile")
f.gets #=> "This is line one\n"
$. #=> 1
f.lineno = 1000
f.lineno #=> 1000
$. # lineno of last read #=> 1
f.gets #=> "This is line two\n"
$. # lineno of last read #=> 1001
@overload lineno=(integer)
@return [Integer]:@ref_tags[ :
u;IO#lineno=;;;IC; "
"@return [Integer];[ ;[o:YARD::Tags::Tag
@text" :@tag_name"return;0:@parameters[[:integer0;0:@signature"lineno=(integer);"
instance;[ :@docstring_extra0:@files[[" io.c0:@namespaceu;IO:
@path"IO#lineno=;[ :@visibility:public:@source"Ý/*
* call-seq:
* ios.lineno = integer => integer
* Manually sets the current line number to the given value.
* $.
is updated only on the next read.
* f = File.new("testfile")
* f.gets #=> "This is line one\n"
* $. #=> 1
* f.lineno = 1000
* f.lineno #=> 1000
* $. # lineno of last read #=> 1
* f.gets #=> "This is line two\n"
* $. # lineno of last read #=> 1001
static VALUE
rb_io_set_lineno(io, lineno)
VALUE io, lineno;
rb_io_t *fptr;
GetOpenFile(io, fptr);
fptr->lineno = NUM2INT(lineno);
return lineno;