module Anomaly class Detector attr_accessor :eps def initialize(examples = nil, opts = {}) @m = 0 train(examples, opts) if examples end def train(examples, opts = {}) raise "No examples" if examples.empty? raise "Must have at least two columns" if examples.first.size < 2 # Divide into groups since we only want to train with non-anomalies. anomalies = [] non_anomalies = [] examples.each do |example| if example.last == 0 non_anomalies << example else anomalies << example end end raise "Must have at least one non-anomaly" if non_anomalies.empty? @eps = (opts[:eps] || 0).to_f if @eps > 0 # Use all non-anomalies to train. training_examples = non_anomalies else training_examples, test_examples = partition!(non_anomalies) test_examples.concat(anomalies) end # Remove last column. training_examples ={|e| e[0..-2]} @m = training_examples.size @n = training_examples.first.size if defined?(NMatrix) training_examples = NMatrix.to_na(training_examples) # Convert these to an Array for Marshal.dump @mean = training_examples.mean(1).to_a @std = training_examples.stddev(1).to_a else # Default to Array, since built-in Matrix does not give us a big performance advantage. cols ={|i|{|r| r[i]}} @mean ={|c| mean(c)} @std ={|c,i| std(c, @mean[i])} end!{|std| (std == 0 or std.nan?) ? Float::MIN : std} if @eps == 0 # Find the best eps. epss = (1..9).map{|i| [1,3,5,7,9].map{|j| (j*10**(-i)).to_f }}.flatten f1_scores ={|eps| [eps, compute_f1_score(test_examples, eps)] } @eps, best_f1 = f1_scores.max_by{|v| v[1]} end end def trained? @m > 0 end # Limit the probability of features to [0,1] # to keep probabilities at same scale. def probability(x) raise "Train me first" unless trained? raise ArgumentError, "First argument must have #{@n} elements" if x.size != @n do |i| p = normal_pdf(x[i], @mean[i], @std[i]) (p.nan? or p > 1) ? 1 : p end.reduce(1, :*) end def anomaly?(x, eps = @eps) probability(x) < eps end protected SQRT2PI = Math.sqrt(2*Math::PI) def normal_pdf(x, mean = 0, std = 1) 1/(SQRT2PI*std)*Math.exp(-((x - mean)**2/(2.0*(std**2)))) end # Find best eps. def partition!(examples, p_last = 0.2) examples.shuffle! n = (examples.size * p_last).floor [examples[n..-1], examples[0...n]] end def compute_f1_score(examples, eps) tp = 0 fp = 0 fn = 0 examples.each do |example| act = example.last != 0 pred = self.anomaly?(example[0..-2], eps) if act and pred tp += 1 elsif pred # and !act fp += 1 elsif act # and !pred fn += 1 end end f1_score(tp, fp, fn) end def f1_score(tp, fp, fn) precision = tp / (tp + fp).to_f recall = tp / (tp + fn).to_f score = 2.0 * precision * recall / (precision + recall) score.nan? ? 0.0 : score end # Not used for NArray def mean(x) x.inject(0.0){|a, i| a + i}/x.size end def std(x, mean) Math.sqrt(x.inject(0.0){|a, i| a + (i - mean) ** 2}/(x.size - 1)) end end end