#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'pp' require 'erb' require 'pathname' require 'rspec' require 'rspec/core/formatters/base_text_formatter' require 'rspec/core/formatters/snippet_extractor' require 'rspec/core/pending' class RSpec::Core::Formatters::WebKit < RSpec::Core::Formatters::BaseTextFormatter include ERB::Util # Version constant VERSION = '2.4.0' # Look up the datadir falling back to a relative path (mostly for prerelease testing) DATADIR = begin dir = Gem.datadir('rspec-formatter-webkit') || Pathname( __FILE__ ).dirname.parent.parent.parent.parent + 'data/rspec-formatter-webkit' Pathname( dir ) end # The base HREF used in the header to map stuff to the datadir BASE_HREF = "file://#{DATADIR}/" # The directory to grab ERb templates out of TEMPLATE_DIR = DATADIR + 'templates' # The page part templates HEADER_TEMPLATE = TEMPLATE_DIR + 'header.rhtml' PASSED_EXAMPLE_TEMPLATE = TEMPLATE_DIR + 'passed.rhtml' FAILED_EXAMPLE_TEMPLATE = TEMPLATE_DIR + 'failed.rhtml' PENDING_EXAMPLE_TEMPLATE = TEMPLATE_DIR + 'pending.rhtml' PENDFIX_EXAMPLE_TEMPLATE = TEMPLATE_DIR + 'pending-fixed.rhtml' FOOTER_TEMPLATE = TEMPLATE_DIR + 'footer.rhtml' # Pattern to match for excluding lines from backtraces BACKTRACE_EXCLUDE_PATTERN = %r{spec/mate|textmate-command|rspec(-(core|expectations|mocks))?/} # Figure out which class pending-example-fixed errors are (2.8 change) PENDING_FIXED_EXCEPTION = if defined?( RSpec::Core::Pending::PendingExampleFixedError ) RSpec::Core::Pending::PendingExampleFixedError else RSpec::Core::PendingExampleFixedError end ### Create a new formatter def initialize( output ) # :notnew: super @previous_nesting_depth = 0 @example_number = 0 @failcounter = 0 @snippet_extractor = RSpec::Core::Formatters::SnippetExtractor.new @example_templates = { :passed => self.load_template(PASSED_EXAMPLE_TEMPLATE), :failed => self.load_template(FAILED_EXAMPLE_TEMPLATE), :pending => self.load_template(PENDING_EXAMPLE_TEMPLATE), :pending_fixed => self.load_template(PENDFIX_EXAMPLE_TEMPLATE), } Thread.current['logger-output'] = [] end ###### public ###### # Attributes made readable for ERb attr_reader :example_group_number, :example_number, :example_count # The counter for failed example IDs attr_accessor :failcounter ### Start the page by rendering the header. def start( example_count ) @output.puts self.render_header( example_count ) @output.flush end ### Callback called by each example group when it's entered -- def example_group_started( example_group ) super nesting_depth = example_group.ancestors.length # Close the previous example groups if this one isn't a # descendent of the previous one if @previous_nesting_depth.nonzero? && @previous_nesting_depth >= nesting_depth ( @previous_nesting_depth - nesting_depth + 1 ).times do @output.puts " ", "", " " end end @output.puts "" % [ nesting_depth, @previous_nesting_depth ] @previous_nesting_depth = nesting_depth if @previous_nesting_depth == 1 @output.puts %{
} else @output.puts %{
} end @output.puts %{
}, %{
} % [ example_group.name.gsub(/[\W_]+/, '-').downcase, h(example_group.description) ] @output.flush end alias_method :add_example_group, :example_group_started ### Fetch any log messages added to the thread-local Array def log_messages return Thread.current[ 'logger-output' ] || [] end ### Callback -- called when the examples are finished. def start_dump @previous_nesting_depth.downto( 1 ) do |i| @output.puts "
", "
" @output.puts "
" unless i == 1 end @output.flush end ### Callback -- called when an example is entered def example_started( example ) @example_number += 1 Thread.current[ 'logger-output' ] ||= [] Thread.current[ 'logger-output' ].clear end ### Callback -- called when an example is exited with no failures. def example_passed( example ) status = 'passed' @output.puts( @example_templates[:passed].result(binding()) ) @output.flush end ### Callback -- called when an example is exited with a failure. def example_failed( example ) super counter = self.failcounter += 1 exception = example.metadata[:execution_result][:exception] extra = self.extra_failure_content( exception ) template = if exception.is_a?( PENDING_FIXED_EXCEPTION ) then @example_templates[:pending_fixed] else @example_templates[:failed] end @output.puts( template.result(binding()) ) @output.flush end ### Callback -- called when an example is exited via a 'pending'. def example_pending( example ) status = 'pending' @output.puts( @example_templates[:pending].result(binding()) ) @output.flush end ### Format backtrace lines to include a textmate link to the file/line in question. def backtrace_line( line ) return nil unless line = super return nil if line =~ BACKTRACE_EXCLUDE_PATTERN return line.strip.gsub( /(?[^:]*\.rb):(?\d*)/ ) do match = $~ fullpath = File.expand_path( match[:filename] ) %|%s:%s| % [ fullpath, match[:line], match[:filename], match[:line] ] end end ### Return any stuff that should be appended to the current example ### because it's failed. Returns a snippet of the source around the ### failure. def extra_failure_content( exception ) return '' unless exception backtrace = exception.backtrace.find {|line| line !~ BACKTRACE_EXCLUDE_PATTERN } # $stderr.puts "Using backtrace line %p to extract snippet" % [ backtrace ] snippet = @snippet_extractor.snippet([ backtrace ]) return "
" end ### Returns content to be output when a failure occurs during the run; overridden to ### do nothing, as failures are handled by #example_failed. def dump_failures( *unused ) end ### Output the content generated at the end of the run. def dump_summary( duration, example_count, failure_count, pending_count ) @output.puts self.render_footer( duration, example_count, failure_count, pending_count ) @output.flush end ### Render the header template in the context of the receiver. def render_header( example_count ) template = self.load_template( HEADER_TEMPLATE ) return template.result( binding() ) end ### Render the footer template in the context of the receiver. def render_footer( duration, example_count, failure_count, pending_count ) template = self.load_template( FOOTER_TEMPLATE ) return template.result( binding() ) end ### Load the ERB template at +templatepath+ and return it. def load_template( templatepath ) return ERB.new( templatepath.read, nil, '%<>' ).freeze end end # class RSpec::Core::Formatter::WebKitFormatter