module Stella class LocalTest < Stella::Command::Base # A container for the test parameters attr_accessor :testdef # The load tool adapter attr_accessor :adapter attr_accessor :test_path attr_accessor :quiet attr_accessor :guid attr_accessor :verbose attr_accessor :format # list of all filesystem paths for each run in a single test attr_reader :test_runpaths # same as above, expect for all tests attr_reader :all_runpaths # list of all hostname:port in the test attr_reader :hosts # list of all /paths in the test attr_reader :paths attr_accessor :working_directory attr_reader :available_agents def initialize(testdef=nil, adapter=nil) @testdef = testdef if testdef @adapter = adapter if adapter @guid = Crypto.sign(rand.to_s, rand.to_s) @test_runpaths = [] @all_runpaths = [] @hosts = [] @paths = [] @format = 'yaml' @agents = [] @available_agents = index_available_agents(File.join(STELLA_HOME, 'support', 'useragents.txt')) end def index_available_agents(path) Stella::LOGGER.debug("LOADING #{path}") return [] unless File.exists?(path) Stella::Util.process_useragents(FileUtil.read_file_to_array(path)) end def translate_requested_agents(possible_agents=[]) agents = [] possible_agents.each do |a| agents << find_agent(*a) end agents end def run raise unless @adapter.available? unless @adapter.loadtest? system(@adapter.command) return end @agents = translate_requested_agents(@testdef.agents) test_path = _generate_test_path prepare_test(test_path) threshold = (@testdef.rampup) ? @testdef.rampup.ceiling : @adapter.vusers runnum = "00" while(@adapter.vusers <= threshold) do # Make sure the load factor is set to 1. If there was a warmup, # then this value will be less than 1. testrun = maker_of_testruns(1) # We empty test_runpaths so we can keep track of the runpaths for each # level of virtual users. This is useful during a rampup test so we can # collect the stats for the repetitions at each virtual user level. @test_runpaths = [] # Execute each test run in turn. All of the steps are the same for each # run. This is important because the purpose of the test runs is to # create a statistical certainty of performance. @testdef.repetitions.times do # This value is used to create the run directory and show which run we're on runnum.succ! # Generate the filesystem path to store the run data. runpath = File.join(test_path, "run#{runnum}") # Keep track of every run path. We use this in postpare to # do some stuff after all the tests have run @all_runpaths << runpath # test_runpaths will be identical to all_runpaths except when there is a # rampup. In that case, test_runpaths will contain the runpaths for all # repetitions of each level of virtual users. @test_runpaths << runpath"Run #{runnum}", runpath) # Only sleep if requested and there is more than 1 test run if @testdef.sleep && @testdef.sleep.to_f > 0 && @testdef.repetitions > 1 run_sleeper(@testdef.sleep) end'') unless @quiet # We want the newline end # Rampup tests produce multiple summary files which include the batch # number. Regular runs have just one file we set here as the default. summary_name = "SUMMARY" # It's possible for the interval to not divide evenly into the ceiling # If we have room between the current number of virtual users and the # ceiling, we'll add the difference for the final test run. if (@testdef.rampup) final_total = @adapter.vusers + @testdef.rampup.interval if final_total > threshold && (threshold - @adapter.vusers) > 0 @adapter.vusers += (threshold - @adapter.vusers) else @adapter.vusers += @testdef.rampup.interval end padded_users = @adapter.vusers.to_s.rjust(4, '0') summary_name = "SUMMARY-#{padded_users}" end # Read the run summaries for this batch and produce totals, averages, # and standard deviations. test_stats = process_test_stats(@test_runpaths) print_summary(test_stats) if (@testdef.repetitions > 1) save_summary(File.join(test_path, "#{summary_name}.#{@format}"), test_stats) # Non-rampup tests only need to run through the loop once. break if (!@testdef.rampup && @adapter.vusers == threshold) end if @testdef.rampup # Notice the difference between these test stats and the ones above? # These stats are based on the entire rampup test, across all levels # of virtual users. test_stats = process_test_stats(@all_runpaths) save_summary(File.join(test_path, "SUMMARY-RAMPUP.#{@format}"), test_stats) print_summary(test_stats) if (@testdef.repetitions > 1) end end def latest_test_symlink_path return unless @working_directory File.join(@working_directory, 'latest') end private # prepare_test # # Execute the group of testruns associated to this test. This includes # zero or one warmup and one or more testruns. # # INPUT: # +test_path+ filesystem path to store all test data # def prepare_test(test_path)"Writing test data to: #{test_path}\n\n") unless @quiet # Make sure the test storage directory is created along with the # latest symlink FileUtil.create_dir(test_path) File.unlink(latest_test_symlink_path) if File.exists?(latest_test_symlink_path) File.symlink(File.expand_path(test_path), latest_test_symlink_path) # Write the test ID to the storage directory FileUtil.write_file(test_path + "/ID.txt", @guid, true) # And the test run message FileUtil.write_file(test_path + "/MESSAGE.txt", @testdef.message, true) if @testdef.message @adapter.user_agent = @agents unless @agents.empty? # The warmup is identical to a testrun except for two things: # - we don't make note of the runpath # - there is a one second sleep after the run. # Everything else is identical. if @testdef.warmup testrun = maker_of_testruns(@testdef.warmup) # Generate the filesystem path to store the run data. # NOTE: We don't keep the warmup path in @test_runpaths because we # include it in the final calculation for the test. runpath = File.join(test_path, "warmup") # Run the warmpup round"Warmup", runpath) run_sleeper(@testdef.sleep || 1)'', '') unless @quiet # We just need the newline end print_title unless @quiet end # maker_of_testruns # # Generator of test runs. Everything that happens during a test # run is defined here. We use a Proc so we can toss the functionality # around like something that's dirty and loves a good tossing. # It's important that all output be on a single line without a # line terminator. Otherwise great descruction could occur. def maker_of_testruns(factor) testrun = do |name,runpath| # Make sure the test run storage directory is created FileUtil.create_dir(runpath) @adapter.load_factor = factor @adapter.working_directory = runpath @adapter.before Stella::LOGGER.info_printf("%8s: %10d@%-6s ", name, @adapter.requests, @adapter.vuser_rate) unless @quiet # Here we record the command arguments. This needs to be last because we modify # some of the arguments above. FileUtil.write_file(runpath + "/COMMAND.txt", @adapter.command, true) # Execute the command, send STDOUT and STDERR to separate files. command = "#{@adapter.command} 1> '#{@adapter.stdout_path}' 2> '#{@adapter.stderr_path}'"" COMMAND: #{command}") if @verbose >= 2 # Call the load tool # for Windows, see: # system(command) stats = @adapter.stats save_summary(@adapter.summary_path(@format), stats) unless @quiet Stella::LOGGER.info_print(sprintf("%3.0f%% %9.2f/s %8.3fs ", stats.availability, stats.transaction_rate, stats.response_time)) Stella::LOGGER.info_print(sprintf("%8.3fMB/s %8.3fMB %8.3fs ", stats.throughput, stats.data_transferred, stats.elapsed_time)) # NOTE: We don't print a line terminator here end end end # print_summary # # Called during the test after every batch of test runs. For a rampup test # it's also called at the end of all the runs. # # INPUT: # stats:: Any object that extends Stella::Test::Base object def print_summary(stats)' ' << "-"*67) unless @quiet Stella::LOGGER.info_printf("%8s: %10d@%-6d% 3.0f%% %9.2f/s ", "Total", stats.transactions_total, stats.vusers_avg, stats.availability, stats.transaction_rate_avg) Stella::LOGGER.info_printf("%8.3fs %8.3fMB/s %8.3fMB %8.3fs", stats.response_time_avg, stats.throughput_avg, stats.data_transferred_total, stats.elapsed_time_total)'') # New line Stella::LOGGER.info_printf("%8s: %22s %9.2f/s %8.3fs %8.3fMB/s %10s %8.3fs", "Std Dev", '', stats.transaction_rate_sdev, stats.response_time_sdev, stats.throughput_sdev, '', stats.elapsed_time_sdev)'') # New line'') unless @quiet # Extra new line end # print_title # # Prints the column headers for the test run output. Field widths match those # in print_summary and test_maker def print_title' ' << "-"*67) unless @quiet Stella::LOGGER.info_printf("%8s %10s@%-5s %5s %11s", "", 'REQ', 'VU/s', 'AVAIL', 'REQ/s') Stella::LOGGER.info_printf("%10s %12s %10s %9s", 'RTIME', 'DATA/s', 'DATA', 'TIME')'') # New line'') unless @quiet # Extra new line end # save_summary # # Write a summary object to disk # # INPUT: # filepath:: the complete path for the file (string) # stats:: Any object that extends Stella::Test::Base object def save_summary(filepath, stats) FileUtil.write_file(filepath, stats.dump(@format, :with_titles), true) end # Load SUMMARY file for each run and create a summary with # totals, averages, and standard deviations. def process_test_stats(paths) test_stats = all_stats_obj = [] paths.each do |path| file_contents = FileUtil.read_file_to_array("#{path}/SUMMARY.#{@format}") stats = Stella::Test::Run::Summary.undump(@format, file_contents) stats_obj = Stella::Test::Run::Summary.from_hash(stats) test_stats.add_run(stats_obj) end test_stats end # This is the path where all test data will be stored # The default is testruns/2008-12-31/test-001 def _generate_test_path now = time = daystr = "#{now.year}-#{now.mon.to_s.rjust(2,'0')}-#{now.mday.to_s.rjust(2,'0')}" testpath = File.join(@working_directory, 'testruns', daystr, 'test-') testnum = 1.to_s.rjust(3,'0') testnum.succ! while( "#{testpath}#{testnum}") "#{testpath}#{testnum}" end end end