module Ultrasphinx =begin rdoc Command-interface Search object. == Basic usage To set up a search, instantiate an Ultrasphinx::Search object with a hash of parameters. Only the 'query' key is mandatory. @search = 'query' => @query, 'sort_mode' => 'descending', 'sort_by' => 'created_at' ) Now, to run the query, call its run method. Your results will be available as ActiveRecord instances via the results method. Example: @search.results = Options == Query format The query string supports boolean operation, parentheses, phrases, and field-specific search. Query words are stemmed and joined by an implicit AND by default. * Valid boolean operators are AND, OR, and NOT. * Field-specific searches should be formatted as fieldname:contents. (This will only work for text fields. For numeric and date fields, see the 'filters parameter, below.) * Phrases must be enclosed in double quotes. A Sphinx::SphinxInternalError will be raised on invalid queries. In general, queries can only be nested to one level. @query = 'dog OR cat OR "white tigers" NOT (lions OR bears) AND title:animals' == Hash parameters The hash lets you customize internal aspects of the search. 'per_page':: An integer. How many results per page. 'page':: An integer. Which page of the results to return. 'class_name':: An array or string. The class name of the model you want to search, an array of model names to search, or nil for all available models. 'sort_mode':: 'relevance' or 'ascending' or 'descending'. How to order the result set. Note that 'time' and 'extended' modes are available, but not tested. 'sort_by':: A field name. What field to order by for 'ascending' or 'descending' mode. Has no effect for 'relevance'. 'weight':: A hash. Text-field names and associated query weighting. The default weight for every field is 1.0. Example: 'weight' => {'title' => 2.0} 'filter':: A hash. Names of numeric or date fields and associated values. You can use a single value, an array of values, or a range. (See the bottom of the ActiveRecord::Base page for an example.) 'facets':: An array of fields for grouping/faceting. You can access the returned facet values and their result counts with the facets method. Note that you can set up your own query defaults in environment.rb: Ultrasphinx::Search.query_defaults = { 'per_page' => 10, 'sort_mode' => 'relevance', 'weight' => {'title' => 2.0} } = Advanced features == Cache_fu integration The get_cache method will be used to instantiate records for models that respond to it. Otherwise, find is used. == Will_paginate integration The Search instance responds to the same methods as a WillPaginate::Collection object, so once you have called run or excerpt you can use it directly in your views: will_paginate(@search) == Excerpt mode You can have Sphinx excerpt and highlight the matched sections in the associated fields. Instead of calling run, call excerpt. @search.excerpt The returned models will be frozen and have their field contents temporarily changed to the excerpted and highlighted results. You need to set the content_methods key on Ultrasphinx::Search.excerpting_options to whatever groups of methods you need the excerpter to try to excerpt. The first responding method in each group for each record will be excerpted. This way Ruby-only methods are supported (for example, a metadata method which combines various model fields, or an aliased field so that the original record contents are still available). There are some other keys you can set, such as excerpt size, HTML tags to highlight with, and number of words on either side of each excerpt chunk. Example (in environment.rb): Ultrasphinx::Search.excerpting_options = { 'before_match' => '', 'after_match' => '', 'chunk_separator' => "...", 'limit' => 256, 'around' => 3, 'content_methods' => [['title'], ['body', 'description', 'content'], ['metadata']] } Note that your database is never changed by anything Ultrasphinx does. =end class Search include Internals include Parser cattr_accessor :query_defaults self.query_defaults ||= { 'query' => nil, 'page' => 1, 'class_name' => nil, 'per_page' => 20, 'sort_by' => 'created_at', 'sort_mode' => 'relevance', 'weight' => nil, 'filter' => nil, 'facets' => nil } cattr_accessor :excerpting_options self.excerpting_options ||= { 'before_match' => "", 'after_match' => "", 'chunk_separator' => "...", 'limit' => 256, 'around' => 3, # results should respond to one in each group of these, in precedence order, for the excerpting to fire 'content_methods' => [['title', 'name'], ['body', 'description', 'content'], ['metadata']] } cattr_accessor :client_options self.client_options ||= { 'with_subtotals' => false, 'max_retries' => 4, 'retry_sleep_time' => 3, 'max_facets' => 100, 'finder_methods' => ['get_cache', 'find'] } # mode to integer mappings SPHINX_CLIENT_PARAMS = { 'sort_mode' => { 'relevance' => Sphinx::Client::SPH_SORT_RELEVANCE, 'descending' => Sphinx::Client::SPH_SORT_ATTR_DESC, 'ascending' => Sphinx::Client::SPH_SORT_ATTR_ASC, 'time' => Sphinx::Client::SPH_SORT_TIME_SEGMENTS, 'extended' => Sphinx::Client::SPH_SORT_EXTENDED, 'desc' => Sphinx::Client::SPH_SORT_ATTR_DESC, # legacy compatibility 'asc' => Sphinx::Client::SPH_SORT_ATTR_ASC } } LEGACY_QUERY_KEYS = ['raw_filters'] #:nodoc: INTERNAL_KEYS = ['parsed_query'] #:nodoc: def self.get_models_to_class_ids #:nodoc: # reading the conf file makes sure that we are in sync with the actual sphinx index, # not whatever you happened to change your models to most recently unless File.exist? CONF_PATH Ultrasphinx.say "configuration file not found for #{ENV['RAILS_ENV'].inspect} environment" Ultrasphinx.say "please run 'rake ultrasphinx:configure'" else begin lines = open(CONF_PATH).readlines sources = {|s| s =~ /^source \w/ }.map {|s| s[/source ([\w\d_-]*)/, 1].classify } ids = {|s| s =~ /^sql_query / }.map {|s| s[/(\d*) AS class_id/, 1].to_i } raise unless sources.size == ids.size Hash[*] rescue Ultrasphinx.say "#{CONF_PATH} file is corrupted" Ultrasphinx.say "please run 'rake ultrasphinx:configure'" end end end MODELS_TO_IDS = get_models_to_class_ids || {} MAX_MATCHES = DAEMON_SETTINGS["max_matches"].to_i FACET_CACHE = {} #:nodoc: # Returns the options hash. def options @options end # Returns the query string used. def query # redundant with method_missing @options['query'] end def parsed_query #:nodoc: # redundant with method_missing @options['parsed_query'] end # Returns an array of result objects. def results run?(true) @results end def facets raise UsageError, "No facet field was configured" unless @options['facets'] run?(true) @facets end # Returns the raw response from the Sphinx client. def response @response end # Returns a hash of total result counts, scoped to each available model. This requires extra queries against the search daemon right now. Set Ultrasphinx::Search.client_options['with_subtotals'] = true to enable the extra queries. Most of the overhead is in instantiating the AR result sets, so the performance hit is not usually significant. def subtotals raise UsageError, "Subtotals are not enabled" unless self.class.client_options['with_subtotals'] @subtotals end # Returns the total result count. def total_entries [response['total_found'] || 0, MAX_MATCHES].min end # Returns the response time of the query, in milliseconds. def time response['time'] end # Returns whether the query has been run. def run?(should_raise = false) if response.blank? and should_raise raise UsageError, "Search has not yet been run" unless run? else !response.blank? end end # Returns the current page number of the result set. (Page indexes begin at 1.) def current_page @options['page'] end # Returns the number of records per page. def per_page @options['per_page'] end # Clear the associated facet caches. They will be rebuilt on your next run or excerpt. def clear_facet_caches Array(@options['facets']).each do |facet| FACET_CACHE.delete(facet) end end # Returns the last available page number in the result set. def page_count (total_entries / per_page) + (total_entries % per_page == 0 ? 0 : 1) end # Returns the previous page number. def previous_page current_page > 1 ? (current_page - 1) : nil end # Returns the next page number. def next_page current_page < page_count ? (current_page + 1) : nil end # Returns the global index position of the first result on this page. def offset (current_page - 1) * per_page end # Builds a new command-interface Search object. def initialize opts = {} opts = opts._deep_stringify_keys @options = self.class.query_defaults.merge(opts._deep_dup._coerce_basic_types) @options['filter'] ||= @options['raw_filters'] || {} # XXX legacy name @options['query'] = @options['query'].to_s @options['class_name'] = Array(@options['class_name']) @options['parsed_query'] = if query.blank? "@empty_searchable #{EMPTY_SEARCHABLE}" else parse(query) end @results, @subtotals, @facets, @response = [], {}, {}, {} extra_keys = @options.keys - (SPHINX_CLIENT_PARAMS.merge(self.class.query_defaults).keys + LEGACY_QUERY_KEYS + INTERNAL_KEYS) logger.warn "Discarded invalid keys: #{extra_keys * ', '}" if extra_keys.any? end # Run the search, filling results with an array of ActiveRecord objects. Set the parameter to false if you only want the ids returned. def run(reify = true) @request = build_request_with_options(@options) @paginate = nil # clear cache tries = 0 "** ultrasphinx: searching for #{@options.inspect}" begin @response = @request.Query(parsed_query) "** ultrasphinx: search returned, error #{@request.GetLastError.inspect}, warning #{@request.GetLastWarning.inspect}, returned #{total_entries}/#{response['total_found']} in #{time} seconds." @subtotals = get_subtotals(@request, parsed_query) if self.class.client_options['with_subtotals'] Array(@options['facets']).each do |facet| @facets[facet] = get_facets(@request, parsed_query, facet) end @results = response['matches'] # if you don't reify, you'll have to do the modulus reversal yourself to get record ids @results = reify_results(@results) if reify rescue Sphinx::SphinxResponseError, Sphinx::SphinxTemporaryError, Errno::EPIPE => e if (tries += 1) <= self.class.client_options['max_retries'] logger.warn "** ultrasphinx: restarting query (#{tries} attempts already) (#{e})" sleep(self.class.client_options['retry_sleep_time']) if tries == self.class.client_options['max_retries'] retry else logger.warn "** ultrasphinx: query failed" raise e end end self end # Overwrite the configured content accessors with excerpted and highlighted versions of themselves. # Runs run if it hasn't already been done. def excerpt run unless run? return if results.empty? # see what fields each result might respond to for our excerpting results_with_content_methods = do |result| [result] << self.class.excerpting_options['content_methods'].map do |methods| methods.detect { |x| result.respond_to? x } end end # fetch the actual field contents texts = do |result, methods| do |method| method and strip_bogus_characters(result.send(method)) or "" end end.flatten # ship to sphinx to highlight and excerpt responses = @request.BuildExcerpts( texts, UNIFIED_INDEX_NAME, strip_query_commands(parsed_query), self.class.excerpting_options.except('content_methods') ).in_groups_of(self.class.excerpting_options['content_methods'].size) results_with_content_methods.each_with_index do |result_and_methods, i| # override the individual model accessors with the excerpted data result, methods = result_and_methods methods.each_with_index do |method, j| result._metaclass.send('define_method', method) { responses[i][j] } if method end end @results = do |result_and_content_method| result_and_content_method.first.freeze end self end # Delegates enumerable methods to @results, if possible. This allows us to behave directly like a WillPaginate::Collection. Failing that, we delegate to the options hash if a key is set. This lets us use the self directly in view helpers. def method_missing(*args, &block) if @results.respond_to? args.first @results.send(*args, &block) elsif options.has_key? args.first.to_s @options[args.first.to_s] else super end end def logger #:nodoc: RAILS_DEFAULT_LOGGER end end end