#!/usr/bin/env ruby $:.unshift(File.dirname(__FILE__)+"/../lib") require "securerandom" require "vs/options" require 'common/version' Bake::Version.printBakeVersion module Bake PATH = 0 UUID = 1 def self.writeProjects(f,projects) projects.each do |k,v| f.puts "Project(\"{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}\") = \"" + k + "\", \"" + v[PATH] + "/" + k + ".vcxproj\", \"{" + v[UUID] + "}\"" f.puts "EndProject" end end def self.writeCfg(f,projects) projects.each do |k,v| f.puts " {" + v[UUID] + "}.bake|Win32.ActiveCfg = bake|Win32" f.puts " {" + v[UUID] + "}.bake|Win32.Build.0 = bake|Win32" end end @options = VsOptions.new(ARGV) @options.parse_options version = "13.00" toolset = "v120" if @options.version == "2010" version = "11.00" toolset = "v100" elsif @options.version == "2012" version = "12.00" toolset = "v110" end slnFilename = @options.roots[0] + "/" + File.basename(@options.roots[0]) + ".sln" appendProjects = (File.exist?(slnFilename) and @options.rewriteSolution) puts "Scanning for bake projects...." projects = {} @options.roots.each do |r| Dir.glob(r + "/**/Project.meta").each do |m| projects[File.basename(File.dirname(m))] = [File.dirname(m), SecureRandom.uuid.upcase] end end #if not @options.rewriteProjects # projects.delete_if { |k,v| File.exist?(v[PATH]+"/"+k+".vcxproj") or File.exist?(v[PATH]+"/"+k+".vcxproj.filters") } #end @options.rewriteSolution = true unless File.exist?(slnFilename) slnText = "" if not @options.rewriteSolution pattern = /Project.*[\\\/]([^\\\/]*)\.vcxproj/ slnText=File.open(slnFilename).read slnText.gsub!(/\r\n?/, "\n") slnText.each_line do |line| x = line.match(pattern) projects.delete(x[1]) if x end end if projects.length == 0 puts "Nothing to do." exit(0) end if not @options.rewriteSolution puts "Adding new projects to " + slnFilename + "... " File.open(slnFilename, 'w') do |f| addedProjects = false slnText.each_line do |line| if line.include?"Project(" writeProjects(f,projects) addedProjects = true end f.puts line if line.include?"postSolution" writeCfg(f,projects) end end end else puts "Rewriting " + slnFilename + "... " File.open(slnFilename, 'w') do |f| f.puts "Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version " + version writeProjects(f,projects) f.puts "Global" f.puts " GlobalSection(SolutionConfigurationPlatforms) = preSolution" f.puts " bake|Win32 = bake|Win32" f.puts " EndGlobalSection" f.puts " GlobalSection(ProjectConfigurationPlatforms) = postSolution" writeCfg(f,projects) f.puts " EndGlobalSection" f.puts " GlobalSection(SolutionProperties) = preSolution" f.puts " HideSolutionNode = FALSE" f.puts " EndGlobalSection" f.puts "EndGlobal" end end projects.each do |k,v| filename = v[PATH] + "/" + k + ".vcxproj" puts "Writing " + filename + "... " File.open(filename, 'w') do |f| f.puts "" f.puts "" f.puts " " f.puts " " f.puts " bake" f.puts " Win32" f.puts " " f.puts " " f.puts " " f.puts " MakeFileProj" f.puts " {" + v[UUID] + "}" f.puts " " f.puts " " f.puts " " f.puts " Makefile" f.puts " " + toolset + "" f.puts " " f.puts " " f.puts " $(PATH)" f.puts " " f.puts " " f.puts " " f.puts " " f.puts " " f.puts " " Dir.chdir(v[PATH]) do files = Dir.glob("**/*") files.each do |item| if (item[0..5] != ".bake") and not File.directory?(item) f.puts " " end end end f.puts " " f.puts " " f.puts "" end filename = filename + ".filters" puts "Writing " + filename + "... " File.open(filename, 'w') do |f| f.puts "" f.puts "" fileList = [] f.puts " " Dir.chdir(v[PATH]) do files = Dir.glob("**/*") files.each do |item| if (item[0..5] != ".bake") if (File.directory? item) f.puts " " else fileList << item end end end end f.puts " " f.puts " " fileList.each do |i| if File.dirname(i) != "." f.puts " " f.puts " " + File.dirname(i).gsub(/\//,"\\") + "" f.puts " " else f.puts " " end end f.puts " " f.puts "" end end puts "Finished." end