## Changelog ### 0.18.0 * Better support for portals with mismatching field qualifiers * Better ergonomics for script execution, improved documentation * Defining an attribute on a model that would collide with an existing method now raises an error * Cleared Faraday deprecation messages on authentication methods * Handle FileMaker Cloud case where HTTP 401 Unauthorized with content-type text/html is returned after token expiry * Add retry option to Rescuable mixin * Added fmrest-ruby/VERSION to User-Agent headers ### 0.17.1 * Fixed crash when `fmid_token` is set but `username` isn't ### 0.17.0 * Added support for Claris ID token login * Added ability to use procs in settings * Added `Rescuable` mixin ### 0.16.0 * Added `FmRest.logger=` * Handle serialization of `nil`, `true` and `false` values ### 0.15.2 * Fixed autoloading of `FmRest::Layout` ### 0.15.0 * Much improved querying API (see documentation on querying), adding new `.query` capabilities, as well as two new methods: `.match` and `.or` ### 0.14.0 * Aliased `FmRest::Spyke::Base` as `FmRest::Layout` (now preferred), and provided a shortcut version for setting the layout name (e.g. `class Foo < FmRest::Layout("LayoutName")`) * Made `layout` class setting subclass-inheritable ### 0.13.1 * Fixed downloading of container field data from FMS19+ ### 0.13.0 * Split `fmrest` gem into `fmrest-core` and `fmrest-spyke`. `fmrest` becomes a wrapper for the two new gems. * Fixed bug preventing connection databases with spaces in their names. * Improved portal support with ability to delete portal records, and better refreshing of portal records after saving the parent. * `FmRest::Spyke::Base#__record_id` and `FmRest::Spyke::Base#__mod_id` now always return integers if set. ### 0.12.0 * Rename `FmRest::Spyke::Base#id=` to `FmRest::Spyke::Base#__record_id=` to prevent clobbering of FileMaker layout-defined fields * Removed previously deprecated `FmRest::Spyke::Base(config)` syntax * Better yard documentation ### 0.11.1 * Fixed a couple crashes due to missing constants ### 0.11.0 * Added custom class for connection settings, providing indifferent access (i.e. keys can be strings or symbols), and centralized default values and validations * Added `:autologin`, `:token` and `:token_store` connection settings * Added `FmRest::Base.fmrest_config_overlay=` and related methods * Added `FmRest::V1.request_auth_token` and `FmRest::Spyke::Base.request_auth_token` (as well as `!`-suffixed versions which raise exceptions on failure) ### 0.10.1 * Fixed `URI.escape` obsolete warning messages in Ruby 2.7 by replacing it with `URI.encode_www_form_component` ([PR#40](https://github.com/beezwax/fmrest-ruby/pull/40)) ### 0.10.0 * Added `FmRest::StringDateAwareness` module to correct some issues when using `FmRest::StringDate` * Added basic timezones support * Deprecated `class < FmRest::Spyke::Base(config_hash)` syntax in favor of using `self.fmrest_config=` ### 0.9.0 * Added `FmRest::Spyke::Base.set_globals` ### 0.8.0 * Improved metadata when using `FmRest::Spyke::Model`. Metadata now uses Struct/OpenStruct, so properties are accessible through `.property`, as well as `[:property]` * Added batch-finders `.find_in_batches` and `.find_each` for * `FmRest::Spyke::Base` ### 0.7.1 * Made sure `Model.find_one` and `Model.find_some` work without needing to call `Model.all` in between ### 0.7.0 * Added date coercion feature ### 0.6.0 * Implemented session logout ([#16](https://github.com/beezwax/fmrest-ruby/issues/16)) ### 0.5.2 * Improved support for legacy ActiveModel 4.x ### 0.5.1 * Alias `:username` option as `:account_name` for ginjo-rfm gem cross-compatibility ### 0.5.0 * Much improved script execution support ([#20](https://github.com/beezwax/fmrest-ruby/issues/20)) * Fixed bug when setting `default_limi` and trying to find a record ([35](https://github.com/beezwax/fmrest-ruby/issues/35)) ### 0.4.1 * Prevent raising an exception when a /\_find request yields no results ([#33](https://github.com/beezwax/fmrest-ruby/issues/33) and [#34](https://github.com/beezwax/fmrest-ruby/issues/34)) ### 0.4.0 * Implement ability to set limit and offset for portals * Implement disabling and requesting all portals ### 0.3.3 * Fix encoding of paths for layouts with brackets in them (e.g. `"\[Very Ugly\] Layout"`) * Raise an error if `"id"` is assigned as an attribute on a model, as it's currently a reserved method name by Spyke ### 0.3.2 * Fixed support for ActiveSupport < 5.2 ([#27](https://github.com/beezwax/fmrest-ruby/issues/27)) ### 0.3.0 * Added Moneta token store ### 0.2.5 * Fixed crash in `fetch_container_data` when no proxy options were set ### 0.2.4 * Use `String#=~` instead of `String#match?` for Ruby <2.4 compatibility (Fixes [#26](https://github.com/beezwax/fmrest-ruby/issues/26)) * Deprecated `FmRest.config` in favor of `FmRest.default_connection_settings` * Honor Faraday SSL and proxy settings when fetching container files