require 'forwardable' require 'honeybadger/cli/main' require 'honeybadger/cli/test' require 'pathname' module Honeybadger module CLI class Install extend Forwardable def initialize(options, api_key) @options = options @api_key = api_key @shell = end def run say("Installing Honeybadger #{VERSION}") begin require File.join(Dir.pwd, 'config', 'application.rb') raise LoadError unless defined?(::Rails.application) root = Rails.root config_root = root.join('config') rescue LoadError root = config_root = end config_path = config_root.join('honeybadger.yml') if config_path.exist? say("You're already on Honeybadger, so you're all set.", :yellow) else say("Writing configuration to: #{config_path}", :yellow) path = config_path if path.exist? say("The configuration file #{config_path} already exists.", :red) exit(1) elsif !path.dirname.writable? say("The configuration path #{config_path.dirname} is not writable.", :red) exit(1) end default_env = defined?(::Rails.application) ? "Rails.env" : "ENV['RUBY_ENV'] || ENV['RACK_ENV']" default_root = defined?(::Rails.application) ? "Rails.root.to_s" : "Dir.pwd", 'w+') do |file| file.write(<<-CONFIG) --- # For more options, see api_key: '#{api_key}' # The environment your app is running in. env: "<%= #{default_env} %>" # The absolute path to your project folder. root: "<%= #{default_root} %>" # Honeybadger won't report errors in these environments. development_environments: - test - development - cucumber # By default, Honeybadger won't report errors in the development_environments. # You can override this by explicitly setting report_data to true or false. # report_data: true # The current Git revision of your project. Defaults to the last commit hash. # revision: null # Enable verbose debug logging (useful for troubleshooting). debug: false # Enable Honeybadger Insights insights: enabled: #{options["insights"]} CONFIG if (connection = options.slice("host", "ui_host")).any? file.puts("\n# Override hosts\nconnection:") connection.each {|k,v| file.puts(" #{k}: '#{v}'") } end end end if (capfile = root.join('Capfile')).exist? if say("Detected Honeybadger in Capfile; skipping Capistrano installation.", :yellow) else say("Appending Capistrano tasks to: #{capfile}", :yellow), 'a') do |f| f.puts("\nrequire 'capistrano/honeybadger'") end end end{install: true}.freeze).run end private attr_reader :options, :api_key def_delegator :@shell, :say end end end