check process blog1 with pidfile /u/apps/blog/shared/pids/ start program = "ruby thin start -d -e production -S /u/apps/blog/shared/pids/thin.1.sock -P tmp/pids/ -c /u/apps/blog/current" stop program = "ruby thin stop -P /u/apps/blog/shared/pids/" if totalmem > 90.0 MB for 5 cycles then restart if failed unixsocket /u/apps/blog/shared/pids/thin.1.sock then restart if cpu usage > 95% for 3 cycles then restart if 5 restarts within 5 cycles then timeout group blog check process blog2 with pidfile /u/apps/blog/shared/pids/ start program = "ruby thin start -d -e production -S /u/apps/blog/shared/pids/thin.2.sock -P tmp/pids/ -c /u/apps/blog/current" stop program = "ruby thin stop -P /u/apps/blog/shared/pids/" if totalmem > 90.0 MB for 5 cycles then restart if failed unixsocket /u/apps/blog/shared/pids/thin.2.sock then restart if cpu usage > 95% for 3 cycles then restart if 5 restarts within 5 cycles then timeout group blog