Feature: The #mirror_rake_tasks DSL method with an undefined argument

  In order to include Rake tasks with descriptions in my Capistrano recipes,
  As a developer using Cape,
  I want to use the Cape DSL.

  Scenario: do not mirror any Rake tasks
    Given a full-featured Rakefile
    And a file named "Capfile" with:
      require 'cape'

      Cape do
        mirror_rake_tasks 'this_does_not_exist'
    When I run `cap -T`
    Then the output should not contain "cap with_period"

  Scenario: do not mirror Rake task 'with_period'
    Given a full-featured Rakefile
    And a file named "Capfile" with:
      require 'cape'

      Cape do
        mirror_rake_tasks :this_does_not_exist
    When I run `cap -e with_period`
    Then the output should contain exactly:
      The task `with_period' does not exist.
