require_relative './instance_helper' module SportNginAwsAuditor class RDSInstance extend InstanceHelper extend RDSWrapper extend AWSWrapper class << self attr_accessor :instances, :reserved_instances, :retired_reserved_instances def get_instances(tag_name=nil) return @instances if @instances account_id = get_account_id @instances = do |instance| next unless instance.db_instance_status.to_s == 'available' new(instance, account_id, tag_name, rds) end.compact end def get_reserved_instances return @reserved_instances if @reserved_instances @reserved_instances = do |instance| next unless instance.state.to_s == 'active' new(instance) end.compact end def get_retired_reserved_instances return @retired_reserved_instances if @retired_reserved_instances @retired_reserved_instances = do |instance| next unless instance.state == 'retired' new(instance) end.compact end end attr_accessor :id, :name, :multi_az, :scope, :instance_type, :engine, :count, :tag_value, :tag_reason, :expiration_date def initialize(rds_instance, account_id=nil, tag_name=nil, rds=nil) if rds_instance.class.to_s == "Aws::RDS::Types::ReservedDBInstance" = rds_instance.reserved_db_instances_offering_id self.scope = nil self.multi_az = rds_instance.multi_az ? "Multi-AZ" : "Single-AZ" self.instance_type = rds_instance.db_instance_class self.engine = engine_helper(rds_instance.product_description) self.count = rds_instance.db_instance_count self.expiration_date = rds_instance.start_time + rds_instance.duration if rds_instance.state == 'retired' elsif rds_instance.class.to_s == "Aws::RDS::Types::DBInstance" = rds_instance.db_instance_identifier = rds_instance.db_name self.scope = nil self.multi_az = rds_instance.multi_az ? "Multi-AZ" : "Single-AZ" self.instance_type = rds_instance.db_instance_class self.engine = engine_helper(rds_instance.engine) self.count = 1 if tag_name region = rds_instance.availability_zone.split(//).first(9).join region = "us-east-1" if region == "Multiple" arn = "arn:aws:rds:#{region}:#{account_id}:db:#{}" # go through to see if the tag we're looking for is one of them rds.list_tags_for_resource(resource_name: arn).tag_list.each do |tag| if tag.key == tag_name self.tag_value = tag.value elsif tag.key == 'no-reserved-instance-reason' self.tag_reason = tag.value end end end end end def to_s "#{engine} #{multi_az} #{instance_type}" end def no_reserved_instance_tag_value tag_value end # Generates a name based on the RDS engine or product description def engine_helper(engine) case engine.downcase when 'aurora' 'Aurora' when 'mariadb' 'MariaDB' when 'mysql' 'MySQL' when 'oracle-ee', 'oracle-ee(byol)' 'Oracle EE' when 'oracle-se', 'oracle-se(byol)' 'Oracle SE' when 'oracle-se1', 'oracle-se1(li)' 'Oracle SE One' when 'oracle-se2', 'oracle-se2 (byol)' # extra space required 'Oracle SE Two' when 'postgres', 'postgresql' 'PostgreSQL' when 'sqlserver-ee', 'sqlserver-ee(li)' 'SQL Server EE' when 'sqlserver-ex', 'sqlserver-ex(li)' 'SQL Server EX' when 'sqlserver-se', 'sqlserver-se(byol)' 'SQL Server SE' when 'sqlserver-web', 'sqlserver-web(li)' 'SQL Server Web' else 'Unknown DB Engine' end end private :engine_helper end end