#!/usr/bin/env gem1.9 build # encoding: utf-8 Dir[File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "vendor", "*")].each do |path| if File.directory?(path) && Dir["#{path}/*"].empty? warn "Dependency #{File.basename(path)} in vendor seems to be empty. Run git submodule init && git submodule update to checkout it." elsif File.directory?(path) && File.directory?(File.join(path, "lib")) $:.unshift File.join(path, "lib") end end # NOTE: we can't use require_relative because when we run gem build, it use eval for executing this file require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "lib", "media-path") Gem::Specification.new do |s| s.name = "media-path" s.version = MediaPath::VERSION s.authors = ["Jakub Šťastný aka Botanicus"] s.homepage = "http://github.com/botanicus/media-path" s.summary = "MediaPath abstraction that provides easier interaction with paths and corresponding URLs." # TODO s.description = "" # TODO s.cert_chain = nil s.email = ["knava.bestvinensis", "gmail.com"].join("@") s.has_rdoc = true # files s.files = Dir.glob("**/*") - Dir.glob("pkg/*") s.require_paths = ["lib"] # Ruby version s.required_ruby_version = ::Gem::Requirement.new(">= 1.9.1") # runtime dependencies s.add_dependency "rubyexts" # RubyForge s.rubyforge_project = "media-path" end