// Copyright (c) 2011 Peter Ohler. All rights reserved. // Licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE file in the project root for license details. #ifndef OJ_H #define OJ_H #if defined(cplusplus) extern "C" { #if 0 } /* satisfy cc-mode */ #endif #endif #define RSTRING_NOT_MODIFIED #include #include #include "ruby.h" #include "ruby/encoding.h" #ifdef HAVE_PTHREAD_MUTEX_INIT #include #endif #include "cache8.h" #ifdef RUBINIUS_RUBY #undef T_RATIONAL #undef T_COMPLEX enum st_retval { ST_CONTINUE = 0, ST_STOP = 1, ST_DELETE = 2, ST_CHECK }; #else #include "ruby/st.h" #endif #include "err.h" #include "rxclass.h" #define INF_VAL "3.0e14159265358979323846" #define NINF_VAL "-3.0e14159265358979323846" #define NAN_VAL "3.3e14159265358979323846" #if __STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901L // To avoid using ruby_snprintf with C99. #undef snprintf #include #endif // To avoid using ruby_nonempty_memcpy(). #undef memcpy #include typedef enum { Yes = 'y', No = 'n', NotSet = 0 } YesNo; typedef enum { StrictMode = 's', ObjectMode = 'o', NullMode = 'n', CompatMode = 'c', RailsMode = 'r', CustomMode = 'C', WabMode = 'w', } Mode; typedef enum { UnixTime = 'u', UnixZTime = 'z', XmlTime = 'x', RubyTime = 'r' } TimeFormat; typedef enum { NLEsc = 'n', JSONEsc = 'j', SlashEsc = 's', XSSEsc = 'x', ASCIIEsc = 'a', JXEsc = 'g', // json gem RailsXEsc = 'r', // rails xss mode RailsEsc = 'R', // rails non escape } Encoding; typedef enum { BigDec = 'b', FloatDec = 'f', AutoDec = 'a', FastDec = 'F', RubyDec = 'r', } BigLoad; typedef enum { ArrayNew = 'A', ArrayType = 'a', ObjectNew = 'O', ObjectType = 'o', } DumpType; typedef enum { AutoNan = 'a', NullNan = 'n', HugeNan = 'h', WordNan = 'w', RaiseNan = 'r', } NanDump; typedef enum { STRING_IO = 'c', STREAM_IO = 's', FILE_IO = 'f', } StreamWriterType; typedef enum { CALLER_DUMP = 'd', CALLER_TO_JSON = 't', CALLER_GENERATE = 'g', // Add the fast versions if necessary. Maybe unparse as well if needed. } DumpCaller; typedef struct _dumpOpts { bool use; char indent_str[16]; char before_sep[16]; char after_sep[16]; char hash_nl[16]; char array_nl[16]; uint8_t indent_size; uint8_t before_size; uint8_t after_size; uint8_t hash_size; uint8_t array_size; char nan_dump; // NanDump bool omit_nil; bool omit_null_byte; int max_depth; } *DumpOpts; typedef struct _options { int indent; // indention for dump, default 2 char circular; // YesNo char auto_define; // YesNo char sym_key; // YesNo char escape_mode; // Escape_Mode char mode; // Mode char class_cache; // YesNo char time_format; // TimeFormat char bigdec_as_num; // YesNo char bigdec_load; // BigLoad char compat_bigdec; // boolean (0 or 1) char to_hash; // YesNo char to_json; // YesNo char as_json; // YesNo char raw_json; // YesNo char nilnil; // YesNo char empty_string; // YesNo char allow_gc; // allow GC during parse char quirks_mode; // allow single JSON values instead of documents char allow_invalid; // YesNo - allow invalid unicode char create_ok; // YesNo allow create_id char allow_nan; // YEsyNo for parsing only char trace; // YesNo char safe; // YesNo char sec_prec_set; // boolean (0 or 1) char ignore_under; // YesNo - ignore attrs starting with _ if true in object and custom modes char cache_keys; // YesNo char cache_str; // string short than or equal to this are cache int64_t int_range_min; // dump numbers below as string int64_t int_range_max; // dump numbers above as string const char *create_id; // 0 or string size_t create_id_len; // length of create_id int sec_prec; // second precision when dumping time char float_prec; // float precision, linked to float_fmt char float_fmt[7]; // float format for dumping, if empty use Ruby VALUE hash_class; // class to use in place of Hash on load VALUE array_class; // class to use in place of Array on load struct _dumpOpts dump_opts; struct _rxClass str_rx; VALUE *ignore; // Qnil terminated array of classes or NULL } *Options; struct _out; typedef void (*DumpFunc)(VALUE obj, int depth, struct _out *out, bool as_ok); // rails optimize typedef struct _rOpt { VALUE clas; bool on; DumpFunc dump; } *ROpt; typedef struct _rOptTable { int len; int alen; ROpt table; } *ROptTable; typedef struct _out { char stack_buffer[4096]; char *buf; char *end; char *cur; Cache8 circ_cache; slot_t circ_cnt; int indent; int depth; // used by dump_hash Options opts; uint32_t hash_cnt; bool allocated; bool omit_nil; bool omit_null_byte; int argc; VALUE *argv; DumpCaller caller; // used for the mimic json only ROptTable ropts; } *Out; typedef struct _strWriter { struct _out out; struct _options opts; int depth; char *types; // DumpType char *types_end; int keyWritten; } *StrWriter; typedef struct _streamWriter { struct _strWriter sw; StreamWriterType type; VALUE stream; int fd; int flush_limit; // indicator of when to flush } *StreamWriter; enum { NO_VAL = 0x00, STR_VAL = 0x01, COL_VAL = 0x02, RUBY_VAL = 0x03 }; typedef struct _leaf { struct _leaf *next; union { const char *key; // hash key size_t index; // array index, 0 is not set }; union { char *str; // pointer to location in json string or allocated struct _leaf *elements; // array and hash elements VALUE value; }; uint8_t rtype; uint8_t parent_type; uint8_t value_type; } *Leaf; extern VALUE oj_saj_parse(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self); extern VALUE oj_sc_parse(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self); extern VALUE oj_strict_parse(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self); extern VALUE oj_strict_sparse(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self); extern VALUE oj_compat_parse(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self); extern VALUE oj_compat_load(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self); extern VALUE oj_object_parse(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self); extern VALUE oj_custom_parse(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self); extern VALUE oj_wab_parse(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self); extern VALUE oj_strict_parse_cstr(int argc, VALUE *argv, char *json, size_t len); extern VALUE oj_compat_parse_cstr(int argc, VALUE *argv, char *json, size_t len); extern VALUE oj_object_parse_cstr(int argc, VALUE *argv, char *json, size_t len); extern VALUE oj_custom_parse_cstr(int argc, VALUE *argv, char *json, size_t len); extern bool oj_hash_has_key(VALUE hash, VALUE key); extern void oj_parse_options(VALUE ropts, Options copts); extern void oj_dump_obj_to_json(VALUE obj, Options copts, Out out); extern void oj_dump_obj_to_json_using_params(VALUE obj, Options copts, Out out, int argc, VALUE *argv); extern void oj_write_obj_to_file(VALUE obj, const char *path, Options copts); extern void oj_write_obj_to_stream(VALUE obj, VALUE stream, Options copts); extern void oj_dump_leaf_to_json(Leaf leaf, Options copts, Out out); extern void oj_write_leaf_to_file(Leaf leaf, const char *path, Options copts); extern char *oj_longlong_to_string(long long num, bool negative, char *buf); extern void oj_str_writer_push_key(StrWriter sw, const char *key); extern void oj_str_writer_push_object(StrWriter sw, const char *key); extern void oj_str_writer_push_array(StrWriter sw, const char *key); extern void oj_str_writer_push_value(StrWriter sw, VALUE val, const char *key); extern void oj_str_writer_push_json(StrWriter sw, const char *json, const char *key); extern void oj_str_writer_pop(StrWriter sw); extern void oj_str_writer_pop_all(StrWriter sw); extern void oj_init_doc(void); extern void oj_string_writer_init(void); extern void oj_stream_writer_init(void); extern void oj_str_writer_init(StrWriter sw, int buf_size); extern VALUE oj_define_mimic_json(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self); extern VALUE oj_mimic_generate(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self); extern VALUE oj_mimic_pretty_generate(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self); extern void oj_parse_mimic_dump_options(VALUE ropts, Options copts); extern VALUE oj_mimic_parse(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self); extern VALUE oj_get_json_err_class(const char *err_classname); extern void oj_parse_opt_match_string(RxClass rc, VALUE ropts); extern VALUE oj_rails_encode(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self); extern VALUE Oj; extern struct _options oj_default_options; extern rb_encoding *oj_utf8_encoding; extern int oj_utf8_encoding_index; extern VALUE oj_bag_class; extern VALUE oj_bigdecimal_class; extern VALUE oj_cstack_class; extern VALUE oj_date_class; extern VALUE oj_datetime_class; extern VALUE oj_doc_class; extern VALUE oj_enumerable_class; extern VALUE oj_json_generator_error_class; extern VALUE oj_json_parser_error_class; extern VALUE oj_stream_writer_class; extern VALUE oj_string_writer_class; extern VALUE oj_stringio_class; extern VALUE oj_struct_class; extern VALUE oj_allow_nan_sym; extern VALUE oj_array_class_sym; extern VALUE oj_array_nl_sym; extern VALUE oj_ascii_only_sym; extern VALUE oj_create_additions_sym; extern VALUE oj_decimal_class_sym; extern VALUE oj_hash_class_sym; extern VALUE oj_in_sym; extern VALUE oj_indent_sym; extern VALUE oj_nanosecond_sym; extern VALUE oj_max_nesting_sym; extern VALUE oj_object_class_sym; extern VALUE oj_object_nl_sym; extern VALUE oj_quirks_mode_sym; extern VALUE oj_skip_null_byte_sym; extern VALUE oj_space_before_sym; extern VALUE oj_space_sym; extern VALUE oj_symbolize_names_sym; extern VALUE oj_trace_sym; extern VALUE oj_slash_string; extern ID oj_add_value_id; extern ID oj_array_append_id; extern ID oj_array_end_id; extern ID oj_array_start_id; extern ID oj_as_json_id; extern ID oj_at_id; extern ID oj_begin_id; extern ID oj_bigdecimal_id; extern ID oj_end_id; extern ID oj_error_id; extern ID oj_exclude_end_id; extern ID oj_file_id; extern ID oj_fileno_id; extern ID oj_ftype_id; extern ID oj_hash_end_id; extern ID oj_hash_key_id; extern ID oj_hash_set_id; extern ID oj_hash_start_id; extern ID oj_iconv_id; extern ID oj_json_create_id; extern ID oj_length_id; extern ID oj_new_id; extern ID oj_parse_id; extern ID oj_pos_id; extern ID oj_read_id; extern ID oj_readpartial_id; extern ID oj_replace_id; extern ID oj_stat_id; extern ID oj_string_id; extern ID oj_raw_json_id; extern ID oj_to_h_id; extern ID oj_to_hash_id; extern ID oj_to_json_id; extern ID oj_to_s_id; extern ID oj_to_sym_id; extern ID oj_to_time_id; extern ID oj_tv_nsec_id; extern ID oj_tv_sec_id; extern ID oj_tv_usec_id; extern ID oj_utc_id; extern ID oj_utc_offset_id; extern ID oj_utcq_id; extern ID oj_write_id; extern bool oj_use_hash_alt; extern bool oj_use_array_alt; extern bool string_writer_optimized; static inline VALUE oj_safe_string_convert(VALUE obj) { VALUE rstr = rb_funcall(obj, oj_to_s_id, 0); StringValue(rstr); return rstr; } #define APPEND_CHARS(buffer, chars, size) \ { \ memcpy(buffer, chars, size); \ buffer += size; \ } #ifdef HAVE_PTHREAD_MUTEX_INIT extern pthread_mutex_t oj_cache_mutex; #else extern VALUE oj_cache_mutex; #endif #if defined(cplusplus) #if 0 { /* satisfy cc-mode */ #endif } /* extern "C" { */ #endif #endif /* OJ_H */