= github {}[http://travis-ci.org/peter-murach/github]
A Ruby wrapper for the GitHub REST API v3.
Supports all the API methods(nearly 200). It's build in a modular way, that is, you can either instantiate the whole api wrapper Github.new or use parts of it e.i. Github::Repos.new if working solely with repositories is your main concern.
== Installation
Grab the gem by issuing
gem install github_api
or in your Gemfile
gem "github_api", "~> 0.2.1"
== Usage
Create a new client instance
@github = Github.new
At this stage you can also supply various configuration parameters, such as :user, :repo, :org, :oauth_token, :login, :password or :basic_auth which are used thoughtout the API
@github = Github.new :user => 'peter-murach', :repo => 'github-api'
You can authenticate either using OAuth authentication convenience methods(see section OAuth) or through basic authentication by passing your login and password credentials
@github = Github.new :login => 'peter-murach', :password => '...'
or use convenience method:
@github = Github.new :basic_auth => 'login:password'
You can interact with GitHub interface, for example repositories, by issueing following calls
The code base is modular and allows for you to work specifically with a given part of GitHub API e.g. repositories
@repos = Github::Repos.new
@repos.branches 'peter-murach', 'github'
@repos = Github::Repos.new :user => 'peter-murach', :repo => 'github'
The response is of type [Hashie::Mash] and allows to traverse all the json response attributes like method calls e.i.
@repos = Github::Repos.new :user => 'peter-murach', :repo => 'github'
@repos.branches do |branch|
puts branch.name
== API
Main API methods are grouped into the following classes that can be instantiated on their own
Github - full API access
Some parts of GitHub API v3 require you to be autheticated, for instance the following are examples of APIs only for the authenticated user
All method calls form ruby like sentences and allow for intuitive api navigation, for instance
@github = Github.new :oauth_token => '...'
@github.users.following 'wycats' # => returns users that 'wycats' is following
@github.users.following 'wycats' # => returns true if following, otherwise false
For specification on all available methods go to http://developer.github.com/v3/ or
read the rdoc, all methods are documented there with examples of usage.
== Inputs
Some API methods apart from required parameters such as username, repository name
or organisation name, allow you to switch the way the data is returned to you, for instance
@github = Github.new
@github.git_data.tree 'peter-murach', 'github', 'c18647b75d72f19c1e0cc8af031e5d833b7f12ea' # => gets a tree
@github.git_data.tree 'peter-murach', 'github', 'c18647b75d72f19c1e0cc8af031e5d833b7f12ea', :recursive => true # => gets a whole tree recursively
by passing a block you can iterate over the file tree
@github.git_data.tree 'peter-murach', 'github', 'c18647b75d72f19c1e0cc8af031e5d833b7f12ea', :recursive => true do |file|
puts file.path
== OAuth
In order to authenticate the user through OAuth2 on GitHub you need to
* visit https://github.com/account/applications/ and register your app
* authorize your credentials https://github.com/login/oauth/authorize
You can use convenience methods to help you achieve this that come with this gem:
@github = Github.new :client_id => '...', :client_secret => '...'
@github.authorize_url :redirect_uri => 'http://localhost', :scope => 'repo'
# => "https://github.com/login/oauth/authorize?scope=repo&response_type=code&client_id='...'&redirect_uri=http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost"
After you get your authorization code, call to receive your access_token
token = github.get_token( authorization_code )
Once you have your access token, configure your github instance following instructions under Configuration.
== MIME Types
Issues, PullRequests and few other API leverage custom mime types which are :json, :blob, :raw, :text, :html, :full. By default :raw is used.
In order to pass a mime type with your request do
@github = Github.new
@github.pull_requests.pull_requests 'peter-murach', 'github', :mime_type => :full
Your header will contain 'Accept: "application/vnd.github-pull.full+json"' which in turn returns raw, text and html representations in response body.
== Configuration
Certain methods require authentication. To get your GitHub OAuth v2 credentials,
register an app at https://github.com/account/applications/
Github.configure do |config|
config.oauth_token = YOUR_OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN
config.basic_auth = 'login:password'
Github.new(:oauth_token => YOUR_OAUTH_TOKEN)
Github.new(:basic_auth => 'login:password)
All parameters can be overwirtten as per method call. By passing parameters hash...
== Caching
Each get request by default is not going to be cached. In order to set the cache do... If no cache type is provided a default memoization is done.
Github.cache do...
== Examples
Some api methods require input parameters, these are added simply as a hash properties, for instance
@issues = Github::Issues.new :user => 'peter-murach', :repo => 'github-api'
@issues.milestones :state => 'open', :sort => 'due_date', :direction => 'asc'
Other methods may require inputs as an array of strings
@users = Github::Users.new :oauth_token => '...'
@users.add_email 'email1', 'email2', ..., 'emailn' # => Adds emails to the authenticated user
If a method returns a collection, you can iterator over it by supplying a block parameter,
@issues = Github::Issues.new :user => 'peter-murach', :repo => 'github-api'
@issues.events do |event|
puts event.actor.login
Query requests instead of http responses return boolean values
@github = Github.new
@github.orgs.public_member? 'github', 'technoweenie' # => true
== Rails Example
A Rails controller that allows a user to authorize their GitHub account and then perform request.
class GithubController < ApplicationController
def authorize
github = Github.new :client_id => '...', :client_secret => '...'
address = github.authorize_url :redirect_uri => 'http://...', :scope => 'repo'
redirect_to address
def callback
authorization_code = params[:code]
token = github.get_token authorization_code
access_token = token.token
* Add request caching - local filestore?, http caching?.
* Add response processing methods
* Add response set helper methods e.i. pagination.
* Add DSL falvoured api access
== Contributing to github
* Check out the latest master to make sure the feature hasn't been implemented or the bug hasn't been fixed yet
* Check out the issue tracker to make sure someone already hasn't requested it and/or contributed it
* Fork the project
* Start a feature/bugfix branch
* Commit and push until you are happy with your contribution
* Make sure to add tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a future version unintentionally.
* Please try not to mess with the Rakefile, version, or history. If you want to have your own version, or is otherwise necessary, that is fine, but please isolate to its own commit so I can cherry-pick around it.
== Copyright
Copyright (c) 2011 Piotr Murach. See LICENSE.txt for
further details.