var __decorate = (this && this.__decorate) || function (decorators, target, key, desc) { var c = arguments.length, r = c < 3 ? target : desc === null ? desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, key) : desc, d; if (typeof Reflect === "object" && typeof Reflect.decorate === "function") r = Reflect.decorate(decorators, target, key, desc); else for (var i = decorators.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) if (d = decorators[i]) r = (c < 3 ? d(r) : c > 3 ? d(target, key, r) : d(target, key)) || r; return c > 3 && r && Object.defineProperty(target, key, r), r; }; var __classPrivateFieldSet = (this && this.__classPrivateFieldSet) || function (receiver, state, value, kind, f) { if (kind === "m") throw new TypeError("Private method is not writable"); if (kind === "a" && !f) throw new TypeError("Private accessor was defined without a setter"); if (typeof state === "function" ? receiver !== state || !f : !state.has(receiver)) throw new TypeError("Cannot write private member to an object whose class did not declare it"); return (kind === "a" ?, value) : f ? f.value = value : state.set(receiver, value)), value; }; var __classPrivateFieldGet = (this && this.__classPrivateFieldGet) || function (receiver, state, kind, f) { if (kind === "a" && !f) throw new TypeError("Private accessor was defined without a getter"); if (typeof state === "function" ? receiver !== state || !f : !state.has(receiver)) throw new TypeError("Cannot read private member from an object whose class did not declare it"); return kind === "m" ? f : kind === "a" ? : f ? f.value : state.get(receiver); }; var _ActionBarElement_instances, _ActionBarElement_initialBarWidth, _ActionBarElement_previousBarWidth, _ActionBarElement_focusZoneAbortController, _ActionBarElement_itemGap, _ActionBarElement_availableSpace, _ActionBarElement_menuSpace, _ActionBarElement_shrink, _ActionBarElement_grow, _ActionBarElement_showItem, _ActionBarElement_hideItem, _ActionBarElement_menuItems_get; import { controller, targets, target } from '@github/catalyst'; import { focusZone, FocusKeys } from '@primer/behaviors'; const instersectionObserver = new IntersectionObserver(entries => { for (const entry of entries) { const action =; if (entry.isIntersecting && action instanceof ActionBarElement) { action.update(); } } }); const resizeObserver = new ResizeObserver(entries => { for (const entry of entries) { const action =; if (action instanceof ActionBarElement) { action.update(entry.contentRect); } } }); let ActionBarElement = class ActionBarElement extends HTMLElement { constructor() { super(...arguments); _ActionBarElement_instances.add(this); _ActionBarElement_initialBarWidth.set(this, void 0); _ActionBarElement_previousBarWidth.set(this, void 0); _ActionBarElement_focusZoneAbortController.set(this, null); } connectedCallback() { var _a, _b, _c, _d; __classPrivateFieldSet(this, _ActionBarElement_previousBarWidth, (_a = this.offsetWidth) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : Infinity, "f"); __classPrivateFieldSet(this, _ActionBarElement_initialBarWidth, (_b = this.itemContainer.offsetWidth) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : Infinity, "f"); // Calculate the width of all the items before hiding anything for (const item of this.items) { const width = item.getBoundingClientRect().width; const marginLeft = parseInt((_c = window.getComputedStyle(item)) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.marginLeft, 10); const marginRight = parseInt((_d = window.getComputedStyle(item)) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : _d.marginRight, 10); item.setAttribute('data-offset-width', `${width + marginLeft + marginRight}`); } resizeObserver.observe(this); instersectionObserver.observe(this); setTimeout(() => { = 'visible'; this.update(); }, 20); // Wait for the items to be rendered, making this really short to avoid a flash of unstyled content } disconnectedCallback() { resizeObserver.unobserve(this); instersectionObserver.unobserve(this); } menuItemClick(event) { var _a; const currentTarget = event.currentTarget; const id = currentTarget === null || currentTarget === void 0 ? void 0 : currentTarget.getAttribute('data-for'); if (id) { (_a = document.getElementById(id)) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 :; } } update(rect = this.getBoundingClientRect()) { // Only recalculate if the bar width changed if (rect.width <= __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _ActionBarElement_previousBarWidth, "f") || __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _ActionBarElement_previousBarWidth, "f") === 0) { __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _ActionBarElement_instances, "m", _ActionBarElement_shrink).call(this); } else if (rect.width > __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _ActionBarElement_previousBarWidth, "f")) { __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _ActionBarElement_instances, "m", _ActionBarElement_grow).call(this); } __classPrivateFieldSet(this, _ActionBarElement_previousBarWidth, rect.width, "f"); if (rect.width <= __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _ActionBarElement_initialBarWidth, "f")) { = 'space-between'; } else { = 'flex-end'; } if (__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _ActionBarElement_focusZoneAbortController, "f")) { __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _ActionBarElement_focusZoneAbortController, "f").abort(); } __classPrivateFieldSet(this, _ActionBarElement_focusZoneAbortController, focusZone(this.itemContainer, { bindKeys: FocusKeys.ArrowHorizontal | FocusKeys.HomeAndEnd, focusOutBehavior: 'wrap', focusableElementFilter: element => { return !element.closest('.ActionBar-item[hidden]'); } }), "f"); } }; _ActionBarElement_initialBarWidth = new WeakMap(), _ActionBarElement_previousBarWidth = new WeakMap(), _ActionBarElement_focusZoneAbortController = new WeakMap(), _ActionBarElement_instances = new WeakSet(), _ActionBarElement_itemGap = function _ActionBarElement_itemGap() { var _a; return parseInt((_a = window.getComputedStyle(this.itemContainer)) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.columnGap, 10) || 0; }, _ActionBarElement_availableSpace = function _ActionBarElement_availableSpace() { // Get the offset of the item container from the container edge return this.offsetWidth - this.itemContainer.offsetWidth; }, _ActionBarElement_menuSpace = function _ActionBarElement_menuSpace() { if (this.moreMenu.hidden) { return 0; } return this.moreMenu.offsetWidth + __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _ActionBarElement_instances, "m", _ActionBarElement_itemGap).call(this); }, _ActionBarElement_shrink = function _ActionBarElement_shrink() { if (this.items[0].hidden) { return; } let index = this.items.length - 1; for (const item of this.items.reverse()) { if (!item.hidden && __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _ActionBarElement_instances, "m", _ActionBarElement_availableSpace).call(this) < __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _ActionBarElement_instances, "m", _ActionBarElement_menuSpace).call(this)) { __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _ActionBarElement_instances, "m", _ActionBarElement_hideItem).call(this, index); } else if (__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _ActionBarElement_instances, "m", _ActionBarElement_availableSpace).call(this) >= __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _ActionBarElement_instances, "m", _ActionBarElement_menuSpace).call(this)) { return; } index--; } }, _ActionBarElement_grow = function _ActionBarElement_grow() { // If last item is visible, there is no need to grow if (!this.items[this.items.length - 1].hidden) { return; } let index = 0; for (const item of this.items) { if (item.hidden) { const offsetWidth = Number(item.getAttribute('data-offset-width')); if (__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _ActionBarElement_instances, "m", _ActionBarElement_availableSpace).call(this) >= __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _ActionBarElement_instances, "m", _ActionBarElement_menuSpace).call(this) + offsetWidth || index === this.items.length - 1) { __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _ActionBarElement_instances, "m", _ActionBarElement_showItem).call(this, index); } else { return; } } index++; } if (!this.items[this.items.length - 1].hidden) { this.moreMenu.hidden = true; } }, _ActionBarElement_showItem = function _ActionBarElement_showItem(index) { this.items[index].hidden = false; __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _ActionBarElement_instances, "a", _ActionBarElement_menuItems_get)[index].hidden = true; }, _ActionBarElement_hideItem = function _ActionBarElement_hideItem(index) { this.items[index].hidden = true; __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _ActionBarElement_instances, "a", _ActionBarElement_menuItems_get)[index].hidden = false; if (this.moreMenu.hidden) { this.moreMenu.hidden = false; } }, _ActionBarElement_menuItems_get = function _ActionBarElement_menuItems_get() { return this.moreMenu.querySelectorAll('[role="menu"] > li'); }; __decorate([ targets ], ActionBarElement.prototype, "items", void 0); __decorate([ target ], ActionBarElement.prototype, "itemContainer", void 0); __decorate([ target ], ActionBarElement.prototype, "moreMenu", void 0); ActionBarElement = __decorate([ controller ], ActionBarElement); window.ActionBarElement = ActionBarElement;