ApplicationConfig ================= Basically there are 2 levels of configuration: 1) application wide which is configured in config/application.yml 2) environment specific which is configured in config/environments/application-#{RAILS_ENV}.yml The environment specific configs override the applicaiton wide config Example ======= script/install plugin git:// Then if for example in your config/application.yml you had: mail_host: And in your config/environments/application-production.yml you had: mail_host: you could in your code do: ApplicationConfig::Base['mail_host'].to_s or ApplicationConfig::Base.mail_host.to_s At the moment you really need the to_s on the end. Also, if you want to do a nil check you need to put the applicaiton config on the LHS: if ApplicationConfig::Base.mail_host == nil Because of the way it's working. For testing, first: require 'application_config_test_ext' in your test_helper And then before any test you want to alter the config for: ApplicationConfig::Base.add( <