# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- # # Author:: Braden Wright () # # Copyright (C) 2015, Braden Wright # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://wwoow.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. require 'kitchen' require 'fileutils' module Kitchen module Driver # LxdCli driver for Kitchen. # # @author Braden Wright class LxdCli < Kitchen::Driver::Base kitchen_driver_api_version 2 default_config :public_key_path do pub_key = \ [ File.expand_path('~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub'), File.expand_path('~/.ssh/id_dsa.pub'), File.expand_path('~/.ssh/identity.pub'), File.expand_path('~/.ssh/id_ecdsa.pub') ].find { |path| File.exist?(path) } raise 'Public key could not be found in the public_key_path provided. Please update the kitchen-lxd_cli config public_key_path in kitchen yaml or create a ssh key pair (e.g. `ssh-keygen -t rsa`)' unless pub_key pub_key end default_config :never_destroy, false default_config :lxd_proxy_path, "#{ENV['HOME']}/.lxd_proxy" default_config :lxd_proxy_update, false default_config :username, 'root' default_config :lxd_unique_name, true @@instance_name def create(state) @@instance_name = get_or_create_unique_instance_name install_proxy if config[:lxd_proxy_install] && config[:lxd_proxy_install] == true unless exists? image_name = create_image_if_missing profile_args = setup_profile_args if config[:profile] config_args = setup_config_args info("Initializing container #{@@instance_name}") run_lxc_command("init #{image_name} #{@@instance_name} #{profile_args} #{config_args}") end config_and_start_container unless running? configure_dns lxc_ip = wait_for_ip_address state[:hostname] = lxc_ip state[:username] = config[:username] setup_ssh_access wait_for_ssh_login(lxc_ip) if config[:enable_wait_for_ssh_login] == "true" IO.popen("lxc exec #{@@instance_name} bash", "r+") do |p| p.puts("if [ ! -d '#{config[:verifier_path]}' ]; then mkdir -p #{config[:verifier_path]}; fi") p.puts("if [ ! -L '/tmp/verifier' ]; then ln -s #{config[:verifier_path]} /tmp/verifier; fi") end if config[:verifier_path] && config[:verifier_path].length > 0 end def destroy(state) @@instance_name = get_or_create_unique_instance_name if exists? if running? info("Stopping container #{@@instance_name}") run_lxc_command("stop #{@@instance_name} --force") end publish_image if config[:publish_image_before_destroy] unless config[:never_destroy] && config[:never_destroy] == true info("Deleting container #{@@instance_name}") run_lxc_command("delete #{@@instance_name} --force") File.delete(".kitchen/#{instance.name}.lxd_unique_name") if File.exist?(".kitchen/#{instance.name}.lxd_unique_name") end end state.delete(:hostname) destroy_proxy if config[:lxd_proxy_destroy] && config[:lxd_proxy_destroy] == true end private def get_or_create_unique_instance_name if config[:lxd_unique_name] == false instance_name = instance.name else File.write(".kitchen/#{instance.name}.lxd", "#{instance.name}-#{Time.now.to_i}") unless File.exist?(".kitchen/#{instance.name}.lxd") instance_name = File.read(".kitchen/#{instance.name}.lxd") end instance_name end def exists? `lxc info #{@@instance_name} > /dev/null 2>&1` if $?.to_i == 0 debug("Container #{@@instance_name} exists") return true else debug("Container #{@@instance_name} doesn't exist") return false end end def running? status = `lxc info #{@@instance_name}`.match(/Status: ([a-zA-Z]+)[\n]/).captures[0].upcase if status == "RUNNING" debug("Container #{@@instance_name} is running") return true else debug("Container #{@@instance_name} isn't running") return false end end def create_image_if_missing image_name = get_image_name unless image_exists?(image_name) info("Creating image #{image_name} now.") image = get_image_info image_os = config[:image_os] image_os ||= image[:os] image_release = config[:image_release] image_release ||= image[:release_num] debug("Ran command: lxc image copy #{image_os}:#{image_release} local: --alias #{image_name}") IO.popen("lxc image copy #{image_os}:#{image_release} local: --alias #{image_name}", "w") { |pipe| puts pipe.gets rescue nil } end return image_name end def get_image_info platform, release = instance.platform.name.split('-') if platform.downcase == "ubuntu" case release.downcase when "14.04", "1404", "trusty", "", nil image = { :os => platform, :release_name => "trusty", :release_num => '14.04' } when "14.10", "1410", "utopic" image = { :os => platform, :release_name => "utopic", :release_num => '14.10' } when "15.04", "1504", "vivid" image = { :os => platform, :release_name => "vivid", :release_num => '15.04' } when "15.10", "1510", "wily" image = { :os => platform, :release_name => "wily", :release_num => '15.10' } when "16.04", "1604", "xenial" image = { :os => platform, :release_name => "xenial", :release_num => '16.04' } else image = { :os => platform, :release_name => release, :release_num => release } end else image = { :os => platform, :release_name => release, :release_num => release } end return image end def publish_image publish_image_name = get_publish_image_name if image_exists?(publish_image_name) if config[:publish_image_overwrite] == true info("Deleting existing image #{publish_image_name}, so image of same name can be published") run_lxc_command("image delete #{publish_image_name}") else raise "Image #{publish_image_name} already exists! If you wish to overwrite it set publish_image_overwrite: true in kitchen yaml" end end info("Publishing image #{publish_image_name}") run_lxc_command("publish #{@@instance_name} --alias #{publish_image_name}") end def get_image_name image_name = get_publish_image_name unless config[:use_publish_image] == true && image_exists?(image_name) image_name = config[:image_name] image_name ||= instance.platform.name end debug("Image Name is #{image_name}") return image_name end def get_publish_image_name publish_image_name = config[:publish_image_name] publish_image_name ||= "kitchen-#{instance.name}" debug("Publish Image Name is #{publish_image_name}") return publish_image_name end def image_exists?(image_name) `lxc image show #{image_name} > /dev/null 2>&1` if $?.to_i == 0 debug("Image #{image_name} exists") return true else debug("Image #{image_name} does not exist") return false end end 0 def config_and_start_container platform, release = instance.platform.name.split('-') config[:ip_gateway] ||= "auto" arg_disable_dhcp = "" if config[:ipv4] IO.popen("bash", "r+") do |p| p.puts("echo -e \"lxc.network.0.ipv4 = #{config[:ipv4]}\nlxc.network.0.ipv4.gateway = #{config[:ip_gateway]}\n\" | lxc config set #{@@instance_name} raw.lxc -") p.puts("exit") end if platform.downcase == "ubuntu" arg_disable_dhcp = "&& lxc exec #{@@instance_name} -- sed -i 's/dhcp/manual/g' /etc/network/interfaces.d/eth0.cfg" elsif platform.downcase == "centos" arg_disable_dhcp = "&& lxc exec #{@@instance_name} -- sed -i 's/dhcp/none/g' /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0" end end info("Starting container #{@@instance_name}") run_lxc_command("start #{@@instance_name} #{arg_disable_dhcp}") setup_mount_bindings if config[:mount].class == Hash end def setup_config_args config_args = "" if config[:config].class == String config_args += " -c #{config[:config]}" elsif config[:config].nil? config_args += "" else config[:config].each do |key, value| config_args += " -c #{key}=#{value}" end end if config[:mount].class == Hash debug("security.privileged=true is added to Config Args, b/c its needed for mount binding") config_args += " -c security.privileged=true" end debug("Config Args: #{config_args}") return config_args end def setup_profile_args profile_args = "" if config[:profile].class == String profile_args += " -p #{config[:profile]}" else config[:profile].each do |profile| profile_args += " -p #{profile}" end end debug("Profile Args: #{profile_args}") return profile_args end def setup_mount_bindings config[:mount].each do |mount_name, mount_binding| if mount_name && mount_binding[:local_path] && mount_binding[:container_path] # eval is used here in case there's a need to pass instance.name as variable host_path = eval('"'+ mount_binding[:local_path] +'"') if ! File.directory?(mount_binding[:local_path]) && mount_binding[:create_source] debug("Source path for the #{mount_name} doesn't exist, creating #{host_path}") FileUtils.mkdir_p(host_path) end run_lxc_command("config device add #{@@instance_name} #{mount_name} disk source=#{host_path} path=#{mount_binding[:container_path]}") end end if config[:mount].class == Hash end def configure_dns IO.popen("lxc exec #{@@instance_name} bash", "r+") do |p| dns_servers = "" config[:dns_servers].each do |dns_server| dns_servers += "nameserver #{dns_server}\n" end if config[:dns_servers] case config[:ip_gateway] when "auto", "" dns_servers = "nameserver\nnameserver" dns_servers = "nameserver\nnameserver" else dns_servers = "nameserver #{config[:ip_gateway]}\nnameserver\nnameserver" end if config[:ipv4] && dns_servers.length == 0 if dns_servers.length > 0 if system "lxc exec #{@@instance_name} -- test -e /etc/redhat-release" wait_for_path("/etc/resolv.conf") debug("Setting up the following dns servers via /etc/resolv.conf:") debug(dns_servers.gsub("\n", ' ')) p.puts(" echo \"#{dns_servers.chomp}\" > /etc/resolv.conf") else wait_for_path("/etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/base") debug("Setting up the following dns servers via /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/base:") debug(dns_servers.gsub("\n", ' ')) p.puts(" echo \"#{dns_servers.chomp}\" > /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/base") wait_for_path("/run/resolvconf/interface") p.puts("resolvconf -u") end end debug("Setting up /etc/hosts") if config[:domain_name] # p.puts("echo -e \" dns-search #{config[:domain_name]}\" >> /etc/network/interfaces.d/eth0.cfg") args_host = "#{instance.name}.#{config[:domain_name]} #{instance.name}" end args_host ||= "#{instance.name}" wait_for_path("/etc/hosts") p.puts("if grep -iq '' /etc/hosts; then") p.puts("sed -i 's/^*$/\t#{args_host}/' /etc/hosts") p.puts("else echo '#***** Setup by Kitchen-LxdCli driver *****#' >> /etc/hosts") p.puts("echo -e '\t#{args_host}' >> /etc/hosts; fi") p.puts("exit") end end def setup_ssh_access info("Setting up public key #{config[:public_key_path]} on #{@@instance_name}") unless config[:username] == "root" create_ssh_user info("Checking /home/#{config[:username]}/.ssh on #{@@instance_name}") wait_for_path("/home/#{config[:username]}/.ssh") else info("Check /#{config[:username]}/.ssh on #{@@instance_name}") wait_for_path("/#{config[:username]}/.ssh") end begin debug("Uploading public key...") unless config[:username] == "root" home_path = '/home/' else home_path = '/' end authorized_keys_path = "#{home_path}#{config[:username]}/.ssh/authorized_keys" `lxc file push #{config[:public_key_path]} #{@@instance_name}#{authorized_keys_path} 2> /dev/null && lxc exec #{@@instance_name} -- chown #{config[:username]}:#{config[:username]} #{authorized_keys_path}` break if $?.to_i == 0 sleep 0.3 end while true debug("Finished Copying public key from #{config[:public_key_path]} to #{@@instance_name}") end def create_ssh_user info("Create user #{config[:username]} on #{@@instance_name}") `lxc exec #{@@instance_name} -- useradd -m -G sudo #{config[:username]} -s /bin/bash` `lxc exec #{@@instance_name} -- mkdir /home/#{config[:username]}/.ssh` `lxc exec #{@@instance_name} -- chown #{config[:username]}:#{config[:username]} /home/#{config[:username]}/.ssh` `lxc exec #{@@instance_name} -- sh -c "echo '#{config[:username]} ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL' >> /etc/sudoers"` end def install_proxy IO.popen("bash", "w") do |p| if config[:lxd_proxy_verify] == true kitchen_command = "kitchen verify" else kitchen_command = "kitchen converge" end #TODO: more thorough check to see if proxy is running. Check via lxc commands if config[:lxd_proxy_update] == true && File.exists?(config[:lxd_proxy_path]) debug("Updating proxy, if it fails you may either not want to update or recreate proxy-ubuntu-1404") p.puts("cd #{config[:lxd_proxy_path]}") p.puts("git pull") p.puts("bundle update") p.puts("berks update") p.puts("bundle exec #{kitchen_command}") elsif !File.exists?(config[:lxd_proxy_path]) github_url = config[:lxd_proxy_github_url] || "https://github.com/bradenwright/cookbook-lxd_polipo" p.puts("git clone #{github_url} #{config[:lxd_proxy_path]}") p.puts("cd #{config[:lxd_proxy_path]}") p.puts("bundle install") p.puts("bundle exec #{kitchen_command}") end #TODO: if Rakefile found run rake install instead # This would allow others to build out different options # for more complicated proxy installs end rescue nil end def destroy_proxy IO.popen("bash", "w") do |p| if File.exists?(config[:lxd_proxy_path]) p.puts("cd #{config[:lxd_proxy_path]}") p.puts("bundle exec kitchen destroy") p.puts("cd ..") p.puts("rm -rf #{config[:lxd_proxy_path]}") end end end def wait_for_ip_address info("Waiting for network to become ready") begin lxc_info = `lxc info #{@@instance_name}`.match(/eth0:\tinet\t(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})/) debug("Still waiting for IP Address...") lxc_ip = lxc_info.captures[0].to_s if lxc_info && lxc_info.captures break if lxc_ip && lxc_ip.length > 7 sleep 0.3 end while true debug("Found Ip Address #{lxc_ip}") return lxc_ip end def wait_for_path(path) begin debug("Waiting for #{path} to become available...") run_lxc_command("exec #{@@instance_name} -- ls #{path} > /dev/null 2>&1") break if $?.to_i == 0 sleep 0.3 end while true debug("Found #{path}") end def wait_for_ssh_login(ip) begin debug("Trying to login into #{ip} via SSH...") `ssh #{config[:username]}@#{ip} -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no 'true' > /dev/null 2>&1` break if $?.to_i == 0 sleep 0.3 end while true debug("SSH is up, able to login at #{config[:username]}@#{ip}") end def run_lxc_command(cmd) run_local_command("lxc #{cmd}") if cmd end def run_local_command(cmd) debug("run_local_command ran: #{cmd}") `#{cmd}` if cmd debug("Command finished: #{$?.to_s}") end def debug_note_about_configuring_ip debug("NOTE: Restarting seemed to be the only way I could get things to work. Tried lxc profiles, config options. Tried restart networking service but it didn't work, also tried passing command like ifconfig 10.0.3.x/24 eth0 up. Which set the ip but after container ran for a while, it would reset to dhcp address that had been assigned. Restarting container seems to be working, and is really fast. Open to better alternatives.") end =begin def configure_ip_via_lxc_restart debug("Configuring new ip address on eth0") IO.popen("lxc exec #{@@instance_name} bash", "r+") do |p| p.puts('echo -e "#############################################" > /etc/network/interfaces.d/eth0.cfg') p.puts('echo -e "# DO NOT EDIT CONTROLLED BY KITCHEN-LXC_CLI #" >> /etc/network/interfaces.d/eth0.cfg') p.puts('echo -e "#############################################" >> /etc/network/interfaces.d/eth0.cfg') p.puts('echo -e "auto eth0" >> /etc/network/interfaces.d/eth0.cfg') if config[:ipv4] config[:ip_gateway] ||= "" config[:dns_servers] ||= [ "", "" ] p.puts('echo -e " iface eth0 inet static" >> /etc/network/interfaces.d/eth0.cfg') p.puts("echo -e \" address #{config[:ipv4]}\" >> /etc/network/interfaces.d/eth0.cfg") else p.puts('echo -e " iface eth0 inet dhcp" >> /etc/network/interfaces.d/eth0.cfg') end p.puts("echo -e \" gateway #{config[:ip_gateway]}\" >> /etc/network/interfaces.d/eth0.cfg") if config[:ip_gateway] config[:dns_servers].each do |dns_server| p.puts("echo -e \" dns-nameserver #{dns_server}\" >> /etc/network/interfaces.d/eth0.cfg") end if config[:dns_servers] if config[:domain_name] p.puts("echo -e \" dns-search #{config[:domain_name]}\" >> /etc/network/interfaces.d/eth0.cfg") end p.puts("exit") end debug("Finished configuring new ip address, restarting #{@@instance_name} for settings to take effect") debug_note_about_configuring_ip wait_for_ip_address sleep 3 # Was hanging more often than not whenever I lowered the sleep debug("Restarting #{@@instance_name}") run_lxc_command("restart #{@@instance_name}") debug("Finished restarting #{@@instance_name} ip address should be configured") end =end end end end