module Workarea module Tasks module Migrate extend self def v3_5 count = 0 Workarea::Release.where(:undo_at.gte => Time.current).each do |release| undo = release.build_undo(publish_at: release.undo_at).tap(&:save!) release.changesets.each do |changeset| changeset.build_undo(release: undo).save! end Workarea::Scheduler.delete(release.undo_job_id) release.update_attributes!(undo_at: nil, undo_job_id: nil) count += 1 end Workarea::Release.all.each { |r| Workarea::IndexAdminSearch.perform(r) } puts "✅ #{count} undo releases have been created." count = 0 Workarea::Tax::Category.all.each_by(100) do |category| category.rates.each_by(500) do |rate| rate.postal_code_percentage = rate.percentage rate.percentage = nil end! count += 1 end puts "✅ #{count} tax categories updated." count = 0 failed_ids = [] backup =, 'workarea_legacy_segments') legacy_segments = Workarea::Segment.collection.find.to_a legacy_segments.each do |doc| backup.insert_one(doc) Workarea::Segment.collection.delete_one(doc.slice('_id')) segment = id: doc['_id'], name: doc['name'], subscribed_user_ids: doc['subscribed_user_ids'], created_at: doc['created_at'], updated_at: doc['updated_at'] ) doc['conditions'].each do |condition| if condition['_type'] =~ /UserTag/ segment.rules << condition['tags']) elsif condition['_type'] =~ /TotalSpent/ rule = if condition['operator'] == 'equals' rule.minimum = rule.maximum = Money.demongoize(condition['amount']) elsif condition['operator'] == 'less_than_or_equals' rule.maximum = Money.demongoize(condition['amount']) elsif condition['operator'] == 'less_than' rule.maximum = (Money.demongoize(condition['amount']) - 0.01.to_m) elsif condition['operator'] == 'greater_than_or_equals' rule.minimum = Money.demongoize(condition['amount']) elsif condition['operator'] == 'greater_than' rule.minimum = (Money.demongoize(condition['amount']) + 0.01.to_m) end segment.rules << rule end end if doc['conditions'].size == segment.rules.size && count += 1 else failed_ids << doc['_id'] end end puts "✅ #{count} segments have been migrated." if count > 0 if failed_ids.any? puts "⛔️ #{failed_ids.count} segments failed to migrate." puts "You can find copies of the original segments in the workarea_legacy_segments collection." puts "The segments that failed are #{failed_ids.to_sentence}." end Workarea::Segment::LifeCycle.create! puts "✅ Life cycle segments have been created." admin_ids = Workarea::User.admins.pluck(:id) admin_ids.each do |id| end puts "✅ #{admin_ids.count} admins have had their metrics synchronized." if admin_ids.count > 0 puts "\nMigration complete!" end end end end