## v0.5.0 2014-12-31 ### Added * Mapper DSL supports `embedded` interface for nested tuples (solnic) * Support for nested `group` mapping (solnic) * Support for nested `wrap` mapping (solnic) * Support for primitive type coercions (:to_string, :to_integer etc.) (solnic) * Support for top-level `:prefix` option in mapping DSL (solnic) * Support for top-level `:symbolize_keys` option in mapping DSL (solnic) * Support for `:prefix` option in wrap/group mapping DSL (solnic) * Interface for registering data mapping processors (solnic) * Remaining relations are automatically setup from the schema (solnic) * Each relation has now access to other relations (previously they only had access to raw datasets) (solnic) * `ROM.setup` supports passing in *just an uri* which will setup a default repository (solnic) * `ROM.setup` supports passing in conventional database connection hash (solnic) * Adapters support extra options in addition to the base connection URI (solnic) ### Changed * Mapping backend replaced by integration with transproc (solnic) * Readers no longer expose adapter query DSL (solnic) * Registry objects raise `ROM::Registry::ElementNotFoundError` when missing element is referenced (rather than raw KeyError) (solnic) * Performance improvements in Reader (solnic) * `ROM::RA` was merged into in-memory adapter as this fits there perfectly (solnic) * It is no longer needed to explicitly execute a delete command in try block (solnic) ### Fixed * Wrap/group skips empty tuples now (solnic) * Readers raise a meaningful error when relation is missing (solnic) ## Internal * Massive code clean-up and rubocop integration (chastell) * Refactored `Reader` and mapper-specific logic into `MapperRegistry` (solnic) [Compare v0.4.2...v0.5.0](https://github.com/rom-rb/rom/compare/v0.4.2...v0.5.0) ## v0.4.2 2014-12-19 ### Added * Mappers support tuple transformation using wrap and group operations (solnic) * PORO model builder supports namespaced constants via `name: 'MyApp:Entities::User` (solnic) ### Changed * `ROM::RA` interface is no longer mixed into relations by default (solnic) * ~2.5 x speed up in aggregate mapping (solnic) * PORO model builder only defines attribute readers now (no writers!) (solnic) * Registry objects in Env will now raise `KeyError` when unknown name is referenced (solnic) [Compare v0.4.1...v0.4.2](https://github.com/rom-rb/rom/compare/v0.4.1...v0.4.2) ## v0.4.1 2014-12-15 ### Added * Adapter can now implement `Adapter#dataset(name, header)` to return a dataset (solnic) * For multi-step setup the DSL is available in `ROM` too (solnic) * Global environment can be stored via `ROM.finalize` and accessible via `ROM.env` (solnic) * Mapper won't infer attributes from the header if `:inherit_header` option is set to false (solnic) ### Changed * Schema can be defined in multiple steps (solnic) * Setting model in mapper DSL is no longer required and defaults to `Hash` (solnic) * Adapter datasets no longer have to return headers when they are provided by schema (solnic) [Compare v0.4.0...v0.4.1](https://github.com/rom-rb/rom/compare/v0.4.0...v0.4.1) ## v0.4.0 2014-12-06 ### Added * Command API (solnic) * Setup DSL is now available within the `ROM.setup` block (solnic) * Support for setting up a logger for an adapter (solnic) * New `Adapter#dataset?(name)` which every adapter must implement (solnic) ### Fixed * method-missing in `Repository` and `Env` kindly calls `super` (solnic) ### Changed * Abstract `Adapter` defines `:connection` reader so it doesn't have to be defined in adapter descendants (solnic) [Compare v0.3.1...v0.4.0](https://github.com/rom-rb/rom/compare/v0.3.1...v0.4.0) ## v0.3.1 2014-11-25 ### Added * attributes for `group` mapping operation can be specified without options (solnic) * attributes for `wrap` mapping operation can be specified without options (solnic) * `Env` uses Equalizer (solnic) * boot dsl methods return self (solnic) ### Fixed * when schema is missing booting will gracefuly skip building relations and mappers (solnic) * in-memory join handles one-to-many and many-to-one correctly (solnic) [Compare v0.3.0...v0.3.1](https://github.com/rom-rb/rom/compare/v0.3.0...v0.3.1) ## v0.3.0 2014-11-24 This version is a rewrite that introduces a new, simplified architecture based on a new adapter interface. [Compare v0.2.0...v0.3.0](https://github.com/rom-rb/rom/compare/v0.2.0...v0.3.0) ## v0.2.0 2014-04-06 ### Added * [feature] added :rename option to schema attribute DSL (solnic) * [feature] added support for join, group, wrap, project and rename operations (solnic) * [feature] added support for setting domain object loading strategy (solnic) * [feature] Environment.setup can be used with a block to define schema and mapping (solnic) * [feature] added public interface for building mappers (see Mapper.build) (solnic) * [feature] added support for mapping embedded objects using wrap/group (solnic) * [feature] environment exposes mapper registry via Environment#mappers (solnic) ### Changed * [BREAKING] rom-relation, rom-mapper and rom-session were merged into rom project (solnic) * [BREAKING] changed mapping DSL (users do...end => relation(:users) do...end) (solnic) * [BREAKING] added :from option to mapping DSL which replaced :to (solnic) * [internal] mappers are now backed by [morpher](https://github.com/mbj/morpher) (solnic) * [internal] renaming and optimizing relations happens on the schema level now (solnic) * [internal] environment will raise if unknown relation is referenced via `Environment#[]` (solnic) [Compare v0.1.2...v0.2.0](https://github.com/rom-rb/rom/compare/v0.1.2...v0.2.0) ## v0.1.2 2013-09-02 * [updated] [rom-relation](https://github.com/rom-rb/rom-relation/blob/v0.1.2/Changelog.md#v012-2013-09-02) [Compare v0.1.1...v0.1.2](https://github.com/rom-rb/rom/compare/v0.1.1...v0.1.2) ## v0.1.1 2013-08-30 * [updated] [rom-relation](https://github.com/rom-rb/rom-relation/blob/v0.1.1/Changelog.md#v011-2013-08-30) * [updated] [rom-session](https://github.com/rom-rb/rom-session/blob/v0.1.1/Changelog.md#v011-2013-08-30) [Compare v0.1.0...v0.1.1](https://github.com/rom-rb/rom/compare/v0.1.0...v0.1.1) ## v0.1.0 2013-08-23 First public release