<% record_column = column -%> <% readonly = (@record.readonly? or not @record.authorized_for?(:crud_type => :update)) -%> <% crud_type = @record.new_record? ? :create : (readonly ? :read : :update) -%> <% show_actions = false -%> <% config = active_scaffold_config_for(@record.class) -%> <% config.subform.columns.each :for => @record.class, :crud_type => crud_type, :flatten => true do |column| %> <% next unless in_subform?(column, parent_record) show_actions = true column = column.clone column.form_ui ||= :select if column.association -%> <% unless readonly and not @record.new_record? -%> <%= render :partial => form_partial_for_column(column), :locals => { :column => column, :scope => scope } -%> <% else -%>

<%= get_column_value(@record, column) -%>

<% end -%> <% end -%> <% if show_actions -%> <%= link_to_function as_(:remove), '$(this).up(".association-record").remove()', { :class => "destroy" } if record_column.plural_association? and (@record.authorized_for?(:crud_type => :delete) or not [:destroy, :delete_all].include?(record_column.association.options[:dependent])) %> <% unless @record.new_record? %> <% options = active_scaffold_input_options(config.columns[@record.class.primary_key], scope) -%> <% end -%> <% end -%>