// ========================================================================== // Project: SproutCore - JavaScript Application Framework // Copyright: ©2006-2010 Apple Inc. and contributors. // License: Licensed under MIT license (see license.js) // ========================================================================== /*globals module ok equals same test MyApp */ // test parsing of query string var store, storeKey, rec1, rec2, rec3, rec4, rec5, MyApp, q; module("SC.Query comparison of records", { setup: function() { SC.RunLoop.begin(); // setup dummy app and store MyApp = SC.Object.create({ store: SC.Store.create() }); // setup a dummy model MyApp.Foo = SC.Record.extend({}); // load some data MyApp.store.loadRecords(MyApp.Foo, [ { guid: 1, firstName: "John", lastName: "Doe", year: 1974 }, { guid: 2, firstName: "Jane", lastName: "Doe", year: 1975 }, { guid: 3, firstName: "Emily", lastName: "Parker", year: 1975, active: null }, { guid: 4, firstName: "Johnny", lastName: "Cash", active: false }, { guid: 5, firstName: "Bert", lastName: "Berthold", active: true } ]); SC.RunLoop.end(); rec1 = MyApp.store.find(MyApp.Foo,1); rec2 = MyApp.store.find(MyApp.Foo,2); rec3 = MyApp.store.find(MyApp.Foo,3); rec4 = MyApp.store.find(MyApp.Foo,4); rec5 = MyApp.store.find(MyApp.Foo,5); q = SC.Query.create(); } }); // .......................................................... // TESTS // test("parse() should work with conditions = null", function(){ q.parse(); }); test("building the order", function() { // undefined orderBy q.orderBy = null; q.parse(); equals(q._order.length, 0, 'order should be empty'); // empty orderBy q.orderBy = ""; q.parse(); equals(q._order.length, 0, 'order should be empty'); // single property q.orderBy = "firstName"; q.parse(); equals(q._order[0].propertyName,'firstName', 'propertyName should be firstName'); // more properties q.orderBy = "lastName, firstName"; q.parse(); equals(q._order[0].propertyName,'lastName', 'propertyName should be lastName'); equals(q._order[1].propertyName,'firstName', 'propertyName should be firstName'); // more properties with direction q.orderBy = "lastName, firstName, year DESC"; q.parse(); equals(q._order[0].propertyName,'lastName', 'propertyName should be lastName'); ok(!q._order[0].descending, 'descending should be false'); equals(q._order[1].propertyName,'firstName', 'propertyName should be firstName'); ok(!q._order[1].descending, 'descending should be false'); equals(q._order[2].propertyName,'year', 'propertyName should be year'); ok(q._order[2].descending, 'descending should be true'); }); test("no order should result in comparison by guid", function() { q.orderBy = null; q.parse(); equals(q.compare(rec1,rec2), -1, 'guid 1 should be before guid 2'); }); test("comparing non existent properties", function() { q.orderBy = "year"; q.parse(); equals(q.compare(rec5,rec1), -1, 'null should be before 1974'); }); test("comparing null and boolean properties", function() { q.orderBy = "active"; q.parse(); equals(q.compare(rec3,rec4), -1, 'null should be before false'); equals(q.compare(rec4,rec5), -1, 'false should be before true'); }); test("comparing number properties", function() { q.orderBy = "year"; q.parse(); equals(q.compare(rec1,rec2), -1, '1974 should be before 1975'); q.orderBy = "year DESC"; q.parse(); equals(q.compare(rec1,rec2), 1, '1974 should be after 1975 with DESC'); }); test("comparing string properties", function() { q.orderBy = "firstName"; q.parse(); equals(q.compare(rec1,rec2), 1, 'John should be after Jane'); q.orderBy = "firstName DESC"; q.parse(); equals(q.compare(rec1,rec2), -1, 'John should be before Jane with DESC'); }); test("comparing by equal properties should use guid for order", function() { q.orderBy = "lastName"; q.parse(); equals(q.compare(rec1,rec2), -1, 'guid 1 should be before guid 2'); }); test("specifying a custom orderBy comparison function", function() { var usedCustomFunction = NO; q.orderBy = function(rec1, rec2) { // We'll be explicit about our use of a custom comparison function, in // addition to returning later years first. usedCustomFunction = YES; return SC.compare(rec2.get('year'), rec1.get('year')); }; q.parse(); equals(q.compare(rec1,rec2), 1, 'guid 2 should be before guid 1'); equals(usedCustomFunction, YES, 'we should have used our custom comparison function'); });