# uncomment if you want to use the awesome_print gem # require 'ap' # IRT RC file # ITR conf options # set this to true if your prompt get messed up when you use the history # IRT.fix_readline_prompt = false # will open an interactie session if a test has diffs # IRT.irt_on_diffs = true # will print the log tail when an interactive session is opened # IRT.tail_on_irt = false # the lines you want to be printed as the tail # IRT.log.tail_size = 10 # loads irt_helper.rb files automatically # IRT.autoload_helper_files = true # forces tty (standard use with jruby) # IRT.force_tty(true) # forces color regardless the terminal ANSI support (standard use with jruby) # IRT.force_color(true) # the command that should set the clipboard to the last lines from STDIN # default to 'pbcopy' on mac, 'xclip -selection c' on linux/unix and 'clip' on windoze # IRT.copy_to_clipboard_command = 'your command' # the format to build the command to launch nano # IRT.nano_command_format = %(nano +%2$d "%1$s") # the format to build the command to launch vi # IRT.vi_command_format = %(vi "%1$s" +%2$d) # the format to build the command to lauch emacs # IRT.emacs_command_format = %(emacs +%2$d "%1$s") # the formats to build the commnd to launch your preferred IDE # add your command format if you want to use another editor than nano or vi # RubyMine #IRT.edit_command_format = %(mine --line %2$s %1$s) # Plain Eclipse on Mac X (opens the file but misses the line number) #IRT.edit_command_format = %(open -a "/Applications/eclipse/Eclipse.app" %1$s) # Eclipse with installed EclipseCall plugin (platform independent, file and line number ok) # Eclipse should be running # http://www.jaylib.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/EclipsePlugins/EclipseCall # update site: http://www.jaylib.org/eclipsecall #IRT.edit_command_format = %(java -jar eclipsecall.jar %1$s -G%2$s) # NetBeans #IRT.edit_command_format = %(netbeans --open %1$s:%2$s) # the format to build the command to launch the ri tool # if RUBY_VERSION < 1.9.2 uses qri (from fastri) else bri # IRT.ri_command_format = %(qri -f #{Dye.color? ? 'ansi' : 'plain'} "%s") # IRT.ri_command_format = %(bri "%s") # for ruby >= 1.9.3 the vanilla ri is better # IRT.ri_command_format = %(qri -f #{Dye.color? ? 'ansi' : 'bs'} "%s") # any log-ignored-echo command you want to add # IRT.log.ignored_echo_commands << [:commandA, :commandB ...] # any log-ignored command you want to add (includes all the log-ignored-echo commands) # IRT.log.ignored_commands << [:commandC, :commandD ...] # any command that will not set the last value (includes all the log-ignored commands) # IRT.log.non_setting_commands << [:commandE, :commandF ...] # shows the rails log in console # IRT.rails_log = true # colors with :log_color (default blue) the rails log for easy reading # IRT.dye_rails_log = true