Feature: Message Filtering In order to save time and prevent lots of typing As a RosettaQueue user I want to be able to define filters for processing all of my messages Scenario Outline: receiving filter Given RosettaQueue is configured for '' And a destination is set with queue '' and queue address '' And a receiving filter is defined to prepend 'Foo' to all messages And the message 'Hello World' is published to queue '' When the message on '' is consumed Then the consumed message should equal "Foo Hello World" Examples: | Adapter | Queue | QueueAddress | | amqp_synch | foo | queue.foo | # | stomp | foo | queue/foo | Scenario Outline: sending filter Given RosettaQueue is configured for '' And a destination is set with queue '' and queue address '' And a sending filter is defined to prepend 'Foo' to all messages And the message 'Hello World' is published to queue '' When the message on '' is consumed Then the consumed message should equal "Foo Hello World" Examples: | Adapter | Queue | QueueAddress | | amqp_synch | foo | queue.foo | # | stomp | foo | queue/foo |