:call-seq: make_headers(user_headers) -> Hash Generate headers for use by a request. Header keys will be stringified using `#stringify_headers` to normalize them as capitalized strings. The final headers consist of: - default headers from #default_headers - user_headers provided here - headers from the payload object (e.g. Content-Type, Content-Lenth) - cookie headers from #make_cookie_header BUG: stringify_headers does not alter the capitalization of headers that are passed as strings, it only normalizes those passed as symbols. This behavior will probably remain for a while for compatibility, but it means that the warnings that attempt to detect accidental header overrides may not always work. https://github.com/rest-man/rest-man/issues/599 [Parameters:] - user_headers (Hash) -- User-provided headers to include [Returns] - (Hash) -- A hash of HTTP headers => values