# encoding: utf-8 require File.expand_path('../../../spec_helper.rb', __FILE__) describe Backup::Syncer::RSync::Push do let(:syncer) do Backup::Syncer::RSync::Push.new do |rsync| rsync.username = 'my_username' rsync.password = 'my_password' rsync.ip = '123.45.678.90' rsync.port = 22 rsync.compress = true rsync.path = "~/my_backups" rsync.directories do |directory| directory.add "/some/directory" directory.add "~/home/directory" end rsync.mirror = true rsync.additional_options = ['--opt-a', '--opt-b'] end end it 'should be a subclass of Syncer::RSync::Base' do Backup::Syncer::RSync::Push. superclass.should == Backup::Syncer::RSync::Base end describe '#initialize' do after { Backup::Syncer::RSync::Push.clear_defaults! } it 'should load pre-configured defaults through Syncer::Base' do Backup::Syncer::RSync::Push.any_instance.expects(:load_defaults!) syncer end context 'when no pre-configured defaults have been set' do it 'should use the values given' do syncer.path.should == '~/my_backups' syncer.mirror.should == true syncer.directories.should == ["/some/directory", "~/home/directory"] syncer.additional_options.should == ['--opt-a', '--opt-b'] syncer.username.should == 'my_username' syncer.password.should == 'my_password' syncer.ip.should == '123.45.678.90' syncer.port.should == 22 syncer.compress.should == true end it 'should use default values if none are given' do syncer = Backup::Syncer::RSync::Push.new # from Syncer::Base syncer.path.should == 'backups' syncer.mirror.should == false syncer.directories.should == [] # from Syncer::RSync::Base syncer.additional_options.should == [] syncer.username.should == nil syncer.password.should == nil syncer.ip.should == nil syncer.port.should == 22 syncer.compress.should == false end end # context 'when no pre-configured defaults have been set' context 'when pre-configured defaults have been set' do before do Backup::Syncer::RSync::Push.defaults do |rsync| rsync.path = 'some_path' rsync.mirror = 'some_mirror' rsync.additional_options = 'some_additional_options' rsync.username = 'some_username' rsync.password = 'some_password' rsync.ip = 'some_ip' rsync.port = 'some_port' rsync.compress = 'some_compress' end end it 'should use pre-configured defaults' do syncer = Backup::Syncer::RSync::Push.new syncer.path.should == 'some_path' syncer.mirror.should == 'some_mirror' syncer.directories.should == [] syncer.additional_options.should == 'some_additional_options' syncer.username.should == 'some_username' syncer.password.should == 'some_password' syncer.ip.should == 'some_ip' syncer.port.should == 'some_port' syncer.compress.should == 'some_compress' end it 'should override pre-configured defaults' do syncer = Backup::Syncer::RSync::Push.new do |rsync| rsync.path = 'new_path' rsync.mirror = 'new_mirror' rsync.additional_options = 'new_additional_options' rsync.username = 'new_username' rsync.password = 'new_password' rsync.ip = 'new_ip' rsync.port = 'new_port' rsync.compress = 'new_compress' end syncer.path.should == 'new_path' syncer.mirror.should == 'new_mirror' syncer.directories.should == [] syncer.additional_options.should == 'new_additional_options' syncer.username.should == 'new_username' syncer.password.should == 'new_password' syncer.ip.should == 'new_ip' syncer.port.should == 'new_port' syncer.compress.should == 'new_compress' end end # context 'when pre-configured defaults have been set' end # describe '#initialize' describe '#perform!' do let(:s) { sequence '' } before do syncer.expects(:utility).with(:rsync).returns('rsync') syncer.expects(:options).returns('options_output') end it 'should sync two directories' do syncer.expects(:write_password_file!).in_sequence(s) Backup::Logger.expects(:message).in_sequence(s).with( "Syncer::RSync::Push started syncing the following directories:\n" + " /some/directory\n" + " ~/home/directory" ) syncer.expects(:run).in_sequence(s).with( "rsync options_output '/some/directory' " + "'#{ File.expand_path('~/home/directory') }' " + "'my_username@123.45.678.90:my_backups'" ) syncer.expects(:remove_password_file!).in_sequence(s) syncer.perform! end it 'should ensure passoword file removal' do syncer.expects(:write_password_file!).in_sequence(s) Backup::Logger.expects(:message).in_sequence(s) syncer.expects(:run).in_sequence(s).raises('error message') syncer.expects(:remove_password_file!).in_sequence(s) expect do syncer.perform! end.to raise_error(RuntimeError, 'error message') end end # describe '#perform!' describe '#dest_path' do it 'should remove any preceeding "~/" from @path' do syncer.send(:dest_path).should == 'my_backups' end it 'should set @dest_path' do syncer.send(:dest_path) syncer.instance_variable_get(:@dest_path).should == 'my_backups' end it 'should return @dest_path if already set' do syncer.instance_variable_set(:@dest_path, 'foo') syncer.send(:dest_path).should == 'foo' end end describe '#options' do let(:pwdfile) { mock } context 'when @compress is true' do it 'should return the options string with compression enabled' do syncer.send(:options).should == "--archive --delete --compress -e 'ssh -p 22' --opt-a --opt-b" end end context 'when @compress is false' do before { syncer.compress = false } it 'should return the options string without compression enabled' do syncer.send(:options).should == "--archive --delete -e 'ssh -p 22' --opt-a --opt-b" end end context 'when a @password_file is set' do before do syncer.instance_variable_set(:@password_file, pwdfile) pwdfile.expects(:path).returns('/path/to/pwdfile') end it 'should return the options string with the password_option' do syncer.send(:options).should == "--archive --delete --compress -e 'ssh -p 22' " + "--password-file='/path/to/pwdfile' --opt-a --opt-b" end end context 'when no @additional_options are set' do before { syncer.additional_options = [] } it 'should return the options string without additional options' do syncer.send(:options).should == "--archive --delete --compress -e 'ssh -p 22'" end end end # describe '#options' describe '#compress_option' do context 'when @compress is true' do it 'should return the compression flag' do syncer.send(:compress_option).should == '--compress' end end context 'when @compress is false' do before { syncer.compress = false } it 'should return nil' do syncer.send(:compress_option).should be_nil end end end describe '#port_option' do before { syncer.port = 40 } it 'should return the option string with the defined port' do syncer.send(:port_option).should == "-e 'ssh -p 40'" end end describe '#password_option' do let(:pwdfile) { mock } context 'when @password_file is set' do before do syncer.instance_variable_set(:@password_file, pwdfile) pwdfile.expects(:path).returns('/path/to/pwdfile') end it 'should return the option string' do syncer.send(:password_option).should == "--password-file='/path/to/pwdfile'" end end context 'when @password_file is not set' do it 'should return nil' do syncer.send(:password_option).should be_nil end end end describe '#write_password_file!' do let(:pwdfile) { mock } let(:s) { sequence '' } context 'when a @password is set' do it 'should create, write and close a temporary password file' do Tempfile.expects(:new).in_sequence(s). with('backup-rsync-password'). returns(pwdfile) pwdfile.expects(:write).in_sequence(s).with('my_password') pwdfile.expects(:close).in_sequence(s) syncer.send(:write_password_file!) end it 'should set @password_file to a file containing the password' do syncer.send(:write_password_file!) file = syncer.instance_variable_get(:@password_file) File.exist?(file.path).should be_true File.read(file.path).should == 'my_password' # cleanup file.delete file.path.should be_nil end end context 'when a @password is not set' do before { syncer.password = nil } it 'should return nil' do Tempfile.expects(:new).never pwdfile.expects(:write).never pwdfile.expects(:close).never syncer.send(:write_password_file!).should be_nil end end end describe '#remove_password_file!' do let(:pwdfile) { mock } context 'when @password_file is set' do before do syncer.instance_variable_set(:@password_file, pwdfile) end it 'should delete the file and reset @password_file' do pwdfile.expects(:delete) syncer.send(:remove_password_file!) syncer.instance_variable_get(:@password_file).should be_nil end end context 'when @password_file is not set' do it 'should return nil' do pwdfile.expects(:delete).never syncer.send(:remove_password_file!).should be_nil syncer.instance_variable_get(:@password_file).should be_nil end end end end